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Oh no not Crennal in NY.


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Romeo is said to be the leading canidate of the Giants. Pastabelly said Coughlin was interviewed because he is available to right now. I honestly think Romeo is the man to lead the Skins and if NY gets him we'll have some tough defenses to face in the NFC East. SS will certainly have his hands full then. In this division it is hard to throw the ball already but it'll get worse. I say relieve SS,hire Romeo and hell I could live with Edwards and Hue staying on but Romeo must certainly make the defensive game day calls until Edwards gains his trust. The defense will certainly be put in postion to succeed. The Pats run a different look every week they'll even run 5 DL 2Lb's or 2DL 5Lb's and confuse the heck out of offenses a very well prepared defense and Bellichek has said Romeo is a great mind and runs the D with little input and runs all the playcalling duties. And he is a local guy from Lynchburg,Va. Romeo is without a doubt the next Marvin Lewis,John Fox type. Synder do the right thing and cut your losses.

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I think he would probably take a head coaching job over D-coordinator even if the Skins offer him more money. The money would come as a coach once he proved himself. I'd be very happy with Coughlin or this guy. This guy will put the D back where it belongs for the Giants. I would worry though about a guys like this knowing what to do with the offensive talent the Giants have. It should be itneresting. I would guess that if the Giants don't make Coughlin the coach a week or two after the regular season, it would tell me that they are waiting for the Pats to be out of the playoffs or the Super Bowl over if they make it that far.

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Originally posted by MAATopDogg

I figure the Pats may go deep in the playoffs so we can outbid the G-men and still have the opportunity to make him the highest paid D-coordinator.

Yeah, and then we'll have a carbon copy of the Marvin Lewis situation and that sure turned out great for our defense. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]


I think he would probably take a head coaching job over D-coordinator even if the Skins offer him more money. The money would come as a coach once he proved himself. I'd be very happy with Coughlin or this guy. This guy will put the D back where it belongs for the Giants. I would worry though about a guys like this knowing what to do with the offensive talent the Giants have. It should be itneresting. I would guess that if the Giants don't make Coughlin the coach a week or two after the regular season, it would tell me that they are waiting for the Pats to be out of the playoffs or the Super Bowl over if they make it that far.

tom, why is Tom Coughlin even a choice for you guys????? I don't get it. What has he done? If I were a Giants fan I would be pissed that his name keeps surfacing.

I don't understand at all what happened to your team. I predicted you guys SB contenders. After last years' season, a good draft and now this? I have no clue. I should ahhhh, ehem , re-iterate I am a Skins fan. Yeah.... that's right :paranoid: Just curious as to why people would want Caughlin in NYC?

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One word, discipline. The Giants lack discipline which I feel was a big part of the problem. Fassel, while respected by his players, gave them too much of a free reign. Coughlin is totally the opposite. It is felt that Coughlin is the kind of guy who can tighten the reigns and get the kind of production out of the players. It is also believed that Coughlin can eliminate a lot of the stupid mistakes the Giants made this year such as turnovers and penalties with more of a disciplined approach.

Add the fact that the Giants FO love Coughlin. And remember, Coughlin has been with the Giants before as an assistant. I'm not at all upset about Coughlin being a candidate. I think he would be a great fit. My only concern would be the veterans on the team like Strahan. Could he accept a coach like this and a total change on the practice field? That is the only thing that worries me. Otherwise, I'd be thrilled to have Coughlin.

And look at the record of the Jaguars while he was there. He did pretty well considering he started out with an expansion team.

As far as what happened to the Giants, here is a list:

1. Too many turnovers, especially in the red zone.

2. Too many key penalties.

3. They believed their own hype which led to some of them not working as hard as they should have. I heard this from one of the players and couldn't believe it. Coughlin wouldn't let this one be an issue.

4. And as much as I hate using this as an excuse, after the Giants got to 4-4, the injuries started piling on week after week.

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Originally posted by MAATopDogg

I'm kinda hoping he doesn't a Head coaching job at all so he can be our D coorinator.

So then he will be here one season, no I want someone that will stay. Give Edwards a shot, maybe bring in a veteran defensive coach as the assistant.

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Originally posted by jbooma

So then he will be here one season, no I want someone that will stay. Give Edwards a shot, maybe bring in a veteran defensive coach as the assistant.

I feel you jbooma, but I think this decision has been made Edwards is history. I don't have a problem with him returning but his schemes have been exposed(Lavar on 980) and this team is not fundumentally sound(tackling + late reacting). Players are always out of position & they look confused when the other team uses motion or shifts resulting in a big play. This is their 2nd year in Marvin Lewis's system(same system with a few tweeks) and the excuse that we did not have Big Daddy or Gardener is a copout. Kurt Scotty managed a 10th ranked D 2002 without probowl LB's and stud DT's. What really makes me upset is on obvious passing downs Edwards still rushes 4 lineman that he know can't get to the QB. I've never see him use 8-man fronts. If he was smart he would have tweeked this defense to a 3-4 which would be more advantagous to us. Let's move on bring in some experience!!

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Originally posted by SonnyJ

I find it very hard to believe that Bellichek has little or no input on the defensive side of the ball.


when the HC is offesnive minded then all the credit goes to the DC when he has a successful defense and Vice Versa.

Bellichik is responsible for that defense...

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Originally posted by Richard Nixon

You have to remember that in 2002 Crennel played the 4-3 in NE and couldn’t stop the run at all & you heard rumblings from the media that his job might be on the line.

This year hes switched to the 3-4, a system the Giants & Skins don’t want to play so I find it strange he’d be considered

I don't think it's that we don't want to go 3-4...just that we can't.

So far Spurrier is undefeated against the 3-4, so if he (Crennel) goes to New York, we may actually win some division games :D

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