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Why did we stop wearing white on white unis??


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Peanut shells...fine.

But the guy shells (pun intended) out millions of dollars a year to field a winner. It hasn't worked but you gotta give the guy some credit. He may not do it right, but his wallet is in the right place. To be paying two coaches at one time (when he fired Marty and brought in Spurrier) shows commitment since he thought it would mean we'd improve.

If Snyder just wanted to make money he could spend far less on the team and just ride the Redskins name...it's one of the most popular franchises in the US and doesn't need much help to get people to come to games, etc.

BTW, I realize you're joking around...now...just wanted to make sure people didn't really think Snyder was a penny-pincher. Sorry if I'm flying off the handle here....at least I included a pun!

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Speed, I love it that Snyder's got a penchant for spending money on players. That was one of JKC's endearing qualities as the best owner in the NFL.

But I do have a growing vague resentment, a feeling that I'm getting fleeced every time I go to a game at Fed Ex - $80 for tickets, $25 to park - and them moving alternative parking options across the Beltway and blocking sidewalks leading to free parking, $6 beer and other outrageous food prices - and practically strip searched at the gate to confiscate "contraband" food in the name of security, rare NFL scoring updates on the stadium scoreboard, no peanuts inside 'cause they're messy. . .

It's easier to overlook these game day things when the team does well, but they become magnified in times like these. So I try to laugh through the misery!

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How about bringing back the mustard yellow? Every team seemingly has a third jersey now...wouldn't it be sweet for the 'Skins to roll in a little burnt yellow jerseys for a game or two? You know that Danny would BANK on those, 'casue everyone would buy one!! worked for the dolphins!!

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Originally posted by xanathos19

How about bringing back the mustard yellow? Every team seemingly has a third jersey now...wouldn't it be sweet for the 'Skins to roll in a little burnt yellow jerseys for a game or two? You know that Danny would BANK on those, 'casue everyone would buy one!! worked for the dolphins!!

I have a faint recollection of those. What era are they from?

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Originally posted by speedwagon20

Dan T., those are all good points. But how do the prices at FedEx match up with other NFL stadiums (I'm asking because I don't know)?

Don't know definitively, but I've heard the ticket prices rank as high as any in the league.

Also, I remember reading when they jacked the parking up to $25 per game, that you could buy a game ticket for the Detroit Lions for less than the cost of parking at FedEx!

Philly rescinded a ban on bringing in food to Lincoln Field after a large outcry from fans denied the tradition of bringing in cheese steaks to Iggles games.

Anyone else have info on costs of the NFL game day in other cities?

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Originally posted by Dan T.

I have a faint recollection of those. What era are they from?

Not sure if they ever wore yellow jerseys...they did break out the pants during the throwback year in '97 (?), and when they wore the throwback unis the past two years...

Make the jerseys the same yellow as their throwback pants...what do you think?

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Teams with newer stadiums definitely seem to charge more. I went to the Browns/Broncos game last Sunday and beer was $5.50 for a plastic bottle and $6.00 for a draught. The food was equally high-priced. The one saving grace at the new Mile High stadium is that you can take in your own food, including peanuts and sunflower seeds.

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