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PSA: Sleep Apnea / "Excessive Daytime Sleepiness"


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Quick summary: Excessive tiredness is an indication your body has a problem. Don't ignore it! I have been "dying" in my sleep for years.... needlessly.

Long version:
Want to share my recent (past 6 months) experience with the board here -- maybe someone reading has similar symptom.

I'm a nearing 40 male who up until 5 (?) years ago thought I was healthy enough. Diet was good, moderate exercise, etc. At some point since the past 5 years my diet stayed the same, but my weight ballooned. I have been trying to work it off, but exercise turned into a chore, I was sore multiple days after anything (running, weights). I thought I wasn't getting enough sleep, was constantly exhausted (sleepy around 11) and would come home and have to fight my body to stay up and help my wife with our teenager/preteen and do chores. The past year I noticed I was sleeping in 3 hour chunks... if I went to sleep at 10, I would wake up at 1. I woke uo with hangover headaches, and my mouth was dry. I pushe myself to work and there were times when I was too tired to drive.

Lake any male, I left my symptoms linger and explained them away longer than I should.

During my physical last year, got a referral to a sleep doctor. It took me a while, but I finally got an appointment with him and took more time but insurance finally approved me for an overnight sleep study. I went to the sleep study office, was hooked up to electrodes head to legs. Sleep technician was very good -- he basicslly told me that I have sleep apnea and never reach REM sleep... met with Dr the following week.

During my sleep, I stop breathing about once a minute. My oxygen drops from 90% to 80% --- this is borderline severe sleep apnea (it killed Reggie White).

I went on CPAP 2 weeks ago and it is night and day. I worked out for 4+ day in a row without issue, actually don't fight my body at work to stay awake and found I don't need as much sleep as I was getting. I use nasal pillows and it doesn't bother me... (heavy sleeper anyway). I am looking forward to being able to lose the weight I put in whenever I startes fighting this (its definately 40 lbs, but could be 50+ --- who knows).... I feel like I remember what it was like to have youthful energy!

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Congrats @Fergasun on starting on a path to a healthier you! (I swear that sounds like an ad slogan).  Not sleep apnea, but I lost about 50 pounds in the last six months to get back in shape and live better after a physical.  Never realized how much it dragged down on my life until I finally got healthier.    

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**** sucks man, I'm glad you're feeling better and getting more rest. I have sleep issues as well, but mine is due to a hack squat injury that compressed the left side of my face, collar-bone, and hip. It cuts off my oxygen when my neck lies in certain positions and I wake up choking and exhausted pretty much everyday.  It's been horrible and I've been trying to fix it myself for years, because the doctors haven't been that much help.

Thankfully, I shifted something in my face after all these years just yesterday and it's had a noticeable impact on my restfulness after just one night of sleep.

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