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What Worries Me

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The Ball Coach on Patrick Ramsey (QB, #11) and Tim Hasselbeck (QB, #8), and whether Hasselbeck could be the starter next year:

“Patrick is our quarterback. We feel confident that we’ve got a reliable player now in Tim Hasselbeck. I don’t know if we had that feeling earlier in the season. We feel like now we’ve got two players who are very, very capable of leading our team. But, Patrick is our quarterback and we want him to get that foot well. When he comes back, in all likelihood, he’ll be our starter when that occurs. There’s always a chance [that Hasselbeck could supplant Ramsey as the starting quarterback next year by performing well]. Anything can happen. Right now, we don’t anticipate that. We anticipate, Patrick, when he comes back, being our starter.”

We all know that the Ball Coach has a tendency to change QBs. Knowing that he now has a serviceable back up in Hasselbeck, I hope that at the first sign of trouble next season Spurrier doesn't start playing musical quarterbacks. It simply doesn't work. Ask the Browns, they'll tell you. I'm encouraged very much by the fact that he says Patrick is their guy for next season, but does anybody believe that his tune might change next season?

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Nope. I believe the comments in brackets is a paraphrase, not S.S. He cleared that up on his show today. Ramsey is the man.

Q: Will there be open competition during the off-season at the QB position

A: No, I didn’t say that, Patrick is our starter. You would hope to have healthy competition at every position, but baring the unforeseen, Patrick is our guy.

Patrick is the starter. No worries here. Except for the foot.


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Originally posted by MikeB

What worries me is that Ramsey will be in his 3rd year as a pro next season and still won't have a full season of starts under his belt. That makes me a bit nervous.

We will still be looking at growing pains next season.:rolleyes:

Yeah, but Ramsey is much further along in development then I thought he would be at this time. His 14 Td to 9 INT ratio tells me that he can read defenses fairly well, which is something some QB's never learn.

Do you remember how many lousy years Terry Bradshaw had before he blossomed as a QB?

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No way, Spurrier has wet dreams over the strength of Patrick's arm. Also, let's hope that Spurrier realizes that after Patrick essentially sacrificed himself for the sake of Spurrier's ego this year, the least he can do for the kid is guarantee him the starting job for 2004.

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The competence Hasselbeck has shown cannot be overlooked. Should Hasselbeck proceed and run Spurrier's offense more efficiently..... and score more points.... and the offensive product more closely resemble what Spurrier envisioned when taking the Redskin job... he'd think long and hard about pulling him.

Additionally, regardless of whether Ramsey was on the roster or not... if Danny Wueffrel had come in and run this offense like he did at Florida, with the same winning results and high scores, Ramsey would have never seen the field...regardless of how sweet his arm is.

Finally, I expect Ramsey to remain the "starter" per se, but TC and preseason will prove who can run this offense and succeed. I expect that to be Ramsey due to his physical gifts, tangibles Hasselbeck will never have, and win the job outright whether it's an official competition or not. I'm just not about to discount Hasselbeck and Spurrier melding minds and Tim running S2's offense like Ole' Ball coach has dreamed.

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As PCS said, on his show Spurrier said 'barring the unforseen' Ramsey is the starter. I suspect if TH passes for 350 yards a game and wins out, he's have a shot to start next year. But that would fall under the 'unforseen' category. If TH keeps going on as he has so far: keeping us close and even winning a game here and there with workmanlike performances, then Ramsey is the starter when he comes back.

Anyway, that's what I took it to mean.

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What some of you are not pointing out is, when Hasselback was allowed to throw the ball 40 times, he was tired because he wasn't use to throwing the ball that many times, and he looked like crap against the Saints. For that reason, we lost the game. We run the ball, which must have been eating at Spurrier's soul, 40 times and we won.

Spurrier will remember those two games next season, mark my words. Ramsey's the man. Hasselback is the back up.

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