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The Real Meaning of the game

Ignatius J.

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Two maybe three people had bad games and brought the whole team down.


2 of those guys are in thier second years and one is on his first year with the team and injured.

Everyone else played well enough to win the game, and I don't see a lot of recognition. The o-line gave up three sacks. Not a bad number against this d-line, especcially when you consider that two of those were basically all on ramsey.

1 penalty. +1 turnover differential.

We are holding onto the ball and not making dumb mistakes. Except for rock who ends this teams non-QB no fumble streak on the goal line in a game we lose by 3. I don't know what to take from that. It hurts, since I was hoping rock would continue to grow. It hurts doubly since canidate is struggling and betts is hurt, so we don't really have a legitimate replacement for him. So he stays in.

Our defense played a good game today. Not a great game, but an okay game. Three turnovers is good football. 20 points is a bit much, but how can you blame them after being on the field 20 minutes inthe first half?

Ramsey had that one drive near the end that resulted in touchdown, so it is obvious that he will come around eventually. Everyone else on the team (with the possible exception of the runningbacks) is playing well enough to beat some of the best teams in the game. We are seeing some consistancy from just about every other position as well.

Hopefully, we limit turnover this offseason and watch ramsey explode.


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Ummmm, no i didnt.

Champ had one bad play. He was one on one with a guy averaging how many yards a game? and he gave up what 50 yards? That is excellent play.

Rucker had 1 tackle the whole game and you're complaining about samuels get real.

16 of 35 passes completed..... that's the problem.


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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer

Ummmm, no i didnt.

Champ had one bad play. He was one on one with a guy averaging how many yards a game? and he gave up what 50 yards? That is excellent play.

Rucker had 1 tackle the whole game and you're complaining about samuels get real.

16 of 35 passes completed..... that's the problem.


What about the easy INT he should've caught? What about playing too far off his receivers? Champ is NOT playing up to his potential. He's terrible!

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Originally posted by DieselPwr44

Rock had 1 fumble,get off his back. How can he have a bad game when he dnever got any carries until the second half?

one fumble that lost us the game.

there is only one way to desribe how the redskins played. they played just as bad as they needed to in order to lose. a fumble there, a sack here, a wide open muhammad there and the game is gone. thats a sickening feeling. :puke:

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1. Middle of the third quarter Ramsey had a QB rating of 25. He ended up with a rating of 65 which is a huge turnaround in that short amount of time. That turnaround was a combination of Ramsey, Rock, coaching, and the OL all doing a better job.

2. What's all the beef with Samuels? Did you guys see the same game I did? Peppers was pushing Jansen into Ramseys face all day, not to mention the butt-whipping Kris Jenkins gave the 3 interior OLs including Thomas. Rucker leads the league in sacks and only had a single tackle today. Everyone else in the league chips Rucker all the time and Samuels did a good job solo.

3. The D had a decent game - lots of TOs (with runbacks !), held Davis under 100 yards, and kept the team in the game after repeated 3 and outs. Weak pass rush and the inability to find the ball on long passes were killers, tho.

4. Champ had chances to make game changing plays and failed. He wasn't the reason we lost but for us to win he needs to start making those game changing plays.

5. Rock is the man. Trung should be history.

6. We have yet to play all 4 quarters. We need 24 quarters to make the playoffs (or as Mora says... PLAYOFFS ?????)

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Originally posted by KC'Dave

You have to keep in mind that with the recent change in the coaching strategy this is a "new look" Redskin team. We have finally progressed to the point that we can start (I hope) to focus in on just the players and performance. That's a pretty big step from where we were just two short weeks ago. That's a HUGE step.

I think this is the best thing to take out of this game. After these past two weeks, nobody should think that the Fun 'n Gun won't work in the NFL or that our defensive scheme is fundamentally flawed.

It seems like the players are finally listening to the coaches, and our problems are mostly in execution. That gives me hope for every week and especially for next year.

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