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Madden NFL 15 League on Xbox One


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Dear mods: I did this the last two years and the mods said it was okay. My thread in the gaming sub hasn't received much exposure, but if this is no longer okay, feel free to discard.


It's that time of the year again folks! We're recruiting sim style madden players to join us in our online connected franchise league XM15 (originally Xtreme Madden in honor of Extreme Skins). We've been at this for several years and we are a competitive bunch looking to fill our league up with quality members.


Check out the XM15 Guideline for everything you need to know about how we roll.


Don't let the guide intimidate you, we are a relaxed group of friends who just want to play for fun, this isn't for fame or fortune. However, we are looking for committed gamers who are would like to play multiple seasons. Team selection will commence soon!


If you'd like to join us, add your name and gamertag to our Roll Call doc



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Dead - I completely am - as long as most games are nights/weekends.  I will not have the XBOx ONE in hand until Madden comes out. 

Please let me know if that is acceptable....


People schedule their games whenever they can play. League will take off when updated rosters come out

Fantasy draft or def rosters?


real rosters

Most of the guys in the league play at night. We will be using the regular roster after the first roster update.



Ugh i wanna chance for rg3 lol

haha we all do


There's always a chance you could get the Skins and have him. I think teams picked by more than one user will be randomly decided. Not positive though...DeadEx would have to clarify.



There's always a chance you could get the Skins and have him. I think teams picked by more than one user will be randomly decided. Not positive though...DeadEx would have to clarify.

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