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Bauman is the reason for our problems

Thinking Skins

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I just watched the Bills game and I see exactly what Bledsoe's gameplan was - throw to whoever Bauman is covering. I mean, repeatedly we were getting abused on his side of the ball. I understand that getting some pressure up front would help out a lot, but our team can be successful again. Its a matter of getting our guys back. We need Fred Smoot to play against the Cowboys. Otherwise, I can't see how we'll stop the Cowboys WRs. Bauman may be a nice nickel corner, but he's no more than that.

I am not sure exactly when Smoot went out in the Tampa Game, but I'd like to see whether or not he was getting abused like that against Tampa.

I am praying that he just had some jitters for his first ever start and he'll be ok from here on out, but boy did he suck. Maybe we can put Terrell back in there at CB to see how he does? Or maybe Jimh deserves more time in there. But Bauman is gonna keep getting abused until he starts making plays and stopping their guys.

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I agree. Other than as a nickel back, I have no confidence in Bauman. He's tiny, doesn't tackle well and doesn't have the God-given ability to make up for his size like some smaller corners, Darrell.

This D has missed Smoot more than anyone these last five quarters. In order for us to have a prayer against Dallas, we need Smoot to play.

Also, what's the deal with Andre Lott. The guy went to Tennessee, yet he never sees the field. Does he suck that bad, or are we just having a hard time finding places for him to get on the field?

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Bauman has been a weakness since he got here.

He is to small and does not have the speed to make up for it.

Last year he got beat quite a bit and the same thing this year.

Jimah gets beat then he is in as well.

i never thought I would say this but putting Terrel in as the Nickel back is not a bad idea. I have never been a big fan of his but Bauman and Jimoh are not getting it done.

Terral can at least play the run fairly well.

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I've only seen the Bills and Tampa games once and I was at the Tampa game so I didn't get the luxury of replay but I think Bauman is better than most think.

In the TB game, I think they only completed one or two passes on him.

In the Buffalo game, he had a rough start but seemed to settle down after the first quarter. Let's remember something that nobody on this thread has mentioned so far: The Bills threw at Champ as much as they threw at Bauman, if not more.

So I think we need to get a little more pressure on the QB. A second year corner is going to get beat when playing a starting WR. Especially when we have Lional Dalton attempting to provide a pass rush.

And to say that Bauman has been a problem ever since he has been here is crazy. He beat out D Green last year for the #3 job and this year they tried to bring in Molden and Bauman had a solid camp and beat him out too.

Bauman is an easy target, but he is far from the reason for our problems.

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I can't believe what I'm hearing. Obviously I didn't watch the same game as you guys did. Sure.... Bauman gave up some short stuff to open the Bills game, but he settled down and played pretty well after that. It was Champ who was letting Josh Reed abuse him all game.

I'm less worried about Bauman as the #2 corner as Terrell matched up on Antonio Bryant. Essentially, their success will be dictated by the number of seconds Carter has to throw the football.

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Originally posted by SkinsFanMania

We were leading 13-7 or 13-10 when Smoot went out. After that Tampa unloaded on us.

How can you directly link that to Bauman? Did they start throwing at him? That's an honest question because I didn't think they did. Remember, our offense didn't do much in the second half either.

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Totally agree about Bauman. He was beat pretty thoroughly against Buffalo, even when they game him help. He’s just too short – I can’t figure out what the had planned for Lott and Bauman when they drafted them since neither is over 5’11” – especially as high as we took them. :rolleyes:

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Oh for cying out-----I wish people would make up their mind around here. Now it's Bauman's fault, ( at least for the Buffalo game), here I was thinking it was Snyder's fault. No wait. S.S.'s fault. Or was that George Edwards? No....maybe Vinnie's.....nope...gotta be Kim Helton.....or was that Hue Jackson. Sigh. :silly:;)


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If we are talking about problems with secondary coverage then yes I think Bauman is a liability. Yes Champ had a bad day to against the Bills. The lack of pressure by the Dl does hurt the corners but some of those throws on champ were nicely placed by Bledsoe. I am not saying that Bauman is the whole problem but when he is in there he is getting burned. he was like that last year. The bills ran the ball very well and did not need to keep throwing which may be why he looked like he was having a better game.

Bottom line, if we have to live with Bauman opposite Champ we are in deep popo.

Also we need to figure out how is the best option in the nickel package.

Generally when we get beat for a deep pass it is because one of the safetys or nickle backs has the coverage.

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