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Preston Brown


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You provided so much info on him, so I'm sold, lol


Seriously, it's fun to talk draft prospects and all but there's a draft thread for this already. If you're going to start a new thread on a specific player you should provide a lot of info and build a very strong case for him. As it is right now, this thread looks like it should just be a post in the draft thread. 


Could you imagine how hard it would be to navigate through the main page if everyone started a thread on a draft prospect? 


I've been tuned into the draft and I still had to google search the guy. Would have been nice to have at least a link to a bio or a highlight vid., or something. Not trying to be a jerk, trying to help you out to make a better thread and a stronger case for the prospect your suggesting.




Take less than a minute to get this info up and much more interesting and engaging

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Rhodus, this is not a couple posters trolling.  They're honestly trying to stop you from getting NNTed.


They're right, it should have gone into the draft thread.  I understand you're looking for a conversation and often people don't go into the draft thread to converse, but there are coaches and guys who are professionals (not NFL pros, but pros nonetheless) who will tell you what they think about the guy you throw up there.  


darrelgreenie, DC9, Dukes&Skins, GHH, these are all guys that will give you an honest opinion and discussion on what your prospects strengths and weaknesses are, but I'd go post in the draft thread if you want to get a really good discussion about it.  It may not be an instant conversation, but at least it would get you more than "shouldn't be a thread" comments.


Elkabong's advice was spot on, he's just trying to help you stick around here longer.   :)

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Glad to see my post generating so much discussion. Especially on a Saturday night. Pretty sure that's what this site was made for. Go skins


Pretty sure this site is meant for organized discussion within the rules, the rules concerning starting threads is discussed many times here in many threads. Instead of clogging the front page up with very flimsy threads it would be nice if members first looked at the front page to see what their thought could be posted in. 


Seriously don't be surprised when one of two things occur, thread gets closed and you possibly losing thread privileges. I only say this in hopes that maybe you run with this thought, contact a Mod now, apologize and ask that it be merged into the thread it belongs in, the Draft thread.


FWIW, I am not a MOD, a wannabe MOD, I just am trying to help you out believe that or not. Choice is yours/  

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