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Three Of Four NFL Playoff Games Could Be Blacked Out

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The last Redskins game I went to was in the Zorn era against the Bucaneers. It will likely be the last football game I ever attended. Football fans are the worst. It is a trashy drunk environment.


That was my last in-person game as well!  I literally was given 4 400-level tickets and a parking pass because the team was awful and the forecast was for rain, so almost no one really wanted to be there.  Heck, I didn't even really want to go, but couldn't give the tickets away after I got them, so decided to use them myself.  I don't remember many drunks; I don't remember much of a crowd at all, really.  My section was pretty deserted, and the crowd was too cold, wet, and discouraged for anyone to act up.  I sat through another Redskins loss and drove him thinking I'd feel like an idiot if I actually paid to see that game.  What misery. 

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That was my last in-person game as well!  I literally was given 4 400-level tickets and a parking pass because the team was awful and the forecast was for rain, so almost no one really wanted to be there. 

The rainy game in '09 that the Skins lost was against the Chiefs.  They beat Tampa a few weeks prior.

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I don't understand what was different this season. People have mentioned weather and Christmas expenses, but isn't that a common characteristic of early-January playoff games? 


I just think the NFL is evolving into a TV sport and even die-hard, avid fans are realizing that it's more fun this way. I grew up watching on TV and even noticed that I missed some of the TV advantages as I started attending more games in my 20s. Replays, news on injuries, etc. are often not a part of the game experience.

There were a number of things different for this year. First, is a new NFL policy that for the STHs who are offered playoff tickets in advance, if the team doesn't make the playoffs they don't get their money back instead it is credited towards next season's tickets effective being an interest-free loan. And then for the Packers, there's the issue where there was a very good chance there wouldn't be a playoff game and it wasn't until the end of the season that it was decided, so there was only a week of sales where the game was guaranteed, so of course it'll sell out closer to the deadline than a game locked up three weeks earlier or whatever. Add in the single-digit temperatures with -20F windchill forecasted for the game, even Wisconsonites may need some time to decide if they want to spend that kind of money to sit out in the bone-chilling cold. In the end, though, despite all these factors, and the forth-largest capacity stadium, the game still sold out.

edit: latest forcast is for kickoff to be about -2F and wind chills as low as -30F.

edit2: Turns out it actually is third-most capacity. AT&T is listed at 105,000, but that includes standing-room, but only 80,000 seats. I should also add, on a related note, that another thing different about this year is that they expanded the stadium to have 7,000 extra seats. Since at the time of this thread they were down to about 3,000 seats for sale, that already put them at 4,000 more sold than in previous years.

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This is kind of a double edged sword.

The NFL for years has treated us fans like walking ATM machines, more than happy to spit out money for whatever they are shilling.


With times being the way they are, people are cutting back. I'm glad to see that this hurts the NFL in a big way, because their constant meddling, tinkering, rule-changing and all the other nonsense they've come up with in the past few years in their ever expanding money grab (games basically every night of the week, ridiculous prices for jerseys, and games, 1,000,000 ford commercials during games. etc)


Glad to see it hurts the NFL and their smug "we can make even MORE money by doing this, that and the other" attitude.

on the flipside, it eventually will hurt our teams, some worse than others.


Now with that being said, I enjoy going to games, I would go to more if I had more disposable income.

I enjoy spending all day doing nothing but grilling, drinking beer and watching my favorite team.


I don't understand the fans who view it as such a chore to watch and cheer their team..  so you missed out on a few hours of sitting around the house or doing the lawn.. big deal. Football Sundays only come around 16 times during the year people! (for us that is, since we're never in the playoffs with any regularity)

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