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Does anyone else think that Dockery SUCKS????????


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Dockery doesn't suck.

He's young and has Kim Helton as his coach. Last time I checked, he's not the only one having trouble.

The fumble wasn't really his fault, it was a fluke thing.

But he needs to sit, he is killing us (especially vs. Philly). Put in Friedman if Fiore can't go and keep working with him.

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I like Dockery, but am frustrated. And I blame the fumble on Ramsay, you are supposed to hold onto the ball, that's what fumble drills are for-holding onto the ball when someone tries to punch it out of your hands. The leg whipping and the holding, at least he's trying to protect Ramsay, hopefully with experience he will learn how to do it without getting caught!

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you guys need to chill Dockery is gonna be really good and soon there were a few plays where he put his man on rollerskates!bottom line he will be a good player with decent coaching.JS79 get a clue did you even watch the game? the fumble even if his hand did knock the ball loose was not Dockery,s fault ramsey was slow getting out from center and moore stepped on his foot. yes he is slow off the ball at timesbut at 6-6-347 what do you expect? blame should fall on the scheme which is not sound in the NFL and coaches for not realising that and continuing to place players in spots where they could not succeed let alone excel

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Ummm...I saw the play....I saw the play live, I saw it on Comcast SportsNet, I saw it on Redskins Magazine....it was BOTH Dockery's fault and Ramseys....Dockery's hand looked like "Extendo-Arm".....as if he purposely tried to knock the ball out...Ramsey still needs to hold the ball with a little more firm grip.

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Dockery wasn't trying to knock the ball out of Ramsey's hand. I don't think you were saying that he was, but it was a fluke. He was, as he said, just going to where he needed to be.

A fluke play doesn't make him a bad player. I do think he needs to sit for a while, I just don't think he sucks.

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Originally posted by Troy Fakeman

I think he is a great addition to the SKINS...and he definately was not TRYING to knock the ball out...I dunno, it just seems like God was against the SKINS that day....kind of like that fumble LaVar caused....HOW THE HELL DID THAT END UP IN THE WR's HANDS???

Yup, one of those days where someone was having some fun with us. It was torture.

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I think he sucks! And will never have the ability to be even average. Forget the fumble, the false starts, the mental mistakes.

I saw him fall flat on his face twice against the Bills. On the first play the DT had him stood up. The DT took one step inside and Dockery just fell forward flat on his face. The DT stuffed the running play. On a pass play Dockery had no one to pick up, a DT tied up with Moore steped on Dockery's toe and, again, Dockery fell forward flat on his face. His feet are too slow his balance extremely poor. He can only Improve, how far remains the question. From what I have seen I don't believe it will ever be enough to make a true contribution or warrent his draft status.

As a rookie Jansen stepped in immediatley and it was obvious he had what it took to succed at this level. It looks equally obvious to me that Dockery does not have what it takes.

I hope I am wrong and just being to hard on the guy. But, seriously, I dont see were the optomisim is comeing from. Why are so many quick to jump to his defense? He is a rookie and his Helton is his coach, yeah. I just dont see enough to say Dockery will be good one day.


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There have been a lot of OL who have matured after their first year to be the primary offensive lineman. I remember an Eagles Offensive Lineman... I think his name was Antoine something, but I'm not positive, maybe someone else remembers... and everyone talked about how he would be good later, but in his first year... he kept on getting called for all sorts of critical penalties... first down false-starts, holdings, you name it, including in games against us. In the following years however, he was a stopper. You put him against *anyone*, one-on-one, and you knew there was a decent chance you were ok. Jury's out on Dockery, but he reminds me of that guy (I tried unsuccessfully to websearch for the guy's name before posting).

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Originally posted by Ryman of the North

you guys need to chill Dockery is gonna be really good and soon there were a few plays where he put his man on rollerskates!bottom line he will be a good player with decent coaching.JS79 get a clue did you even watch the game? the fumble even if his hand did knock the ball loose was not Dockery,s fault ramsey was slow getting out from center and moore stepped on his foot. yes he is slow off the ball at timesbut at 6-6-347 what do you expect? blame should fall on the scheme which is not sound in the NFL and coaches for not realising that and continuing to place players in spots where they could not succeed let alone excel

yeah i watched the game

i saw him make stupid penalties and hurt the offence

i've watched him trying to block corey simon with his pinky in the eagles game

okay yeah he's a rookie.. SO? just because yer a rookie, you forget how to block?

this board has too much of an infautuation with rookies, get over it, he MAY be good later on but he STINKS now.. if you want ramsey to die out there, put in dockery, its not about potential, its about PRODUCTION and to me, he has shown me neither

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js79, he wouldn't be there except for injuries i think.

if they are putting him in there because he thinks he is the best they have in terms of production (and not health), then yes, i think that's foolish. that doesn't change the fact that he's a rookie and some lineman seem to need to take a year to mature and get used to things.

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