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Does anyone else think that Dockery SUCKS????????


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I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him knock the ball out of Ramsey's hand down there by the goal line, and it just seems like he does one stupid thing after another....false start, personal foul for a leg wip, holding, or just generally getting beat on most every play. A friend of mine called me up, wondering if Dockery was getting paid to throw game, and meant it very serioulsy!!

He is atrocious.........what exactly does a player on the Redskins have to do to get benched these days, or at least be held accountable?

I am in serious depression right now over this team......it seems as if we've hit rock bottom again!

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Originally posted by orlskinsfan

he is a rookie playing on an offensive line that cant block....i dont know so much if its dockery the offensive line coach turning these guys into a bunch of marshmellows

I agree, I'm not sure how much is him and how much is the players around him and the coaching.

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I agree with most of you that he's facing some tough situations. Fiore would be a better option in the short-term but I think Dockery will be good eventually. It's just WAY too early for him to be a starting guard right now.

The thing is, he's definitely being villified here due to the untimeliness (is that a word???) of his mishaps. When you cause a turnover on third and goal and false start at crucial times, you're going to made a goat no matter how much upside you have.

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Originally posted by orlskinsfan

I also think helton is the key to this debacle....will spurrier make the change? i doubt it, but hopefully next year we will see a new offensive line coach....i think russ grimm is available

What makes you think Grimm is available? He is having some problems with the OL at Pittsburgh, but the reports I've read, here and here, seem to say that several of the Pittsburgh OL players are injured, and that Grimm is doing a good job with the OL players they have.

No doubt he'd be better than Helton, though. If we could get him it would be great.

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I mentioned this on another thread yesterday, but why is Dockery being asked to pull across the formation on a running play down by the goaline? To me, that's a poor blocking scheme to have a 350lb. lumbering rookie guard pulling across the formation while leaving a gaping hole for a LB or Safety to shoot.

I think Dockery is going to be a fine starter for the Redskins, but I think he's as confused as the rest of the line as to their assignments on any given play.

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he does not suck. the back2back plays by Darwin Walker in the Eagles game were great plays by Walker (his jump on those two plays was simply awesome) and not screwups by Dockery. Dockery is a rookie and it is doubly difficult for a rook when he is asked to pass block so much.

bottom line, give him time but if you want to win he should be on the bench for now

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Yes he has made mistakes. However he is a rookie that has a offensive line coach which is making our good lineman look bad. What do you expect. It seems a lot of people are putting all of the blame on him and the running backs. That is a coaching problem. The offensive line, tight ends and the running backs all need to be on the same page when it comes to the blocking.

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Cutting Wilbert Brown left Dockery as Helton's last remaining fluff boy. You think ol' Kimmy is going to bench him and risk Derrick "getting a headache" at an inopportune time? I don't think so.

Besides, has anyone ever seen Helton? I swear to God he's Jerry Jones sabotaging the team from within.

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The forced fumble was a freak thing. They pull him down there because he is a mountain and brings a load. Everyone will be so much more pleased next year. QB with a full year of game experience, Dockery with a full year, Jacobs, Coles and most others a full year in the system. The second half will be a turning point for the Redskins.

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I don't think he suck.....but I think he's way to green yet, especially since we run a pretty tough protection system (if you could say were protecting someone) since we use audibles to change things at the line. My problem is that he is obviously making mistakes and we can't afford those mistakes at this point. Now I have no problems trying to give a rookie reps.....but this clown is hurting us......and we need to see if Freidman is an improvement in game situations. If not o well....but to not even give the guy a shot is just stupid. Spurrier needs to tell Helton which personnel he wants on the field and leave it up to Helton to decide.

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Blocking isn't his problem. He seems to do a decent job blocking.

His problem is mental mistakes - penalties, not getting out of his stance, FORCED FUMBLES NEAR THE FREAKIN' GOAL LINE.

I don't know if he'll be good or not, but you can't say he's bad, either. He's inexperienced. It may be good to sit him down and let things sink in. Spurrier said last night that they were going to play Friedman, but Helton thought that the Bills DT, Williams I believe, was too big and would overpower Friedman. Dockery was apparently a better matchup. Take that for what it's worth.

In any case, Dockery is hurting the team right now. But, this is how you develop players. People are always clamoring about how the team needs to develop their own players, but they don't want the pain associated with that philosophy.

You can't have it both ways. Ramsey screws up often himself. Everyone loves him, myself included. But, it's the same deal - short-term pain, long-term gain (hopefully). Be patient, people.

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SonnyJ, I would agree with you if the rest of our line was playing solid, and we were only having protection problems from him.....but considering how we are protecting as a whole, we need to find somone else to play at that position right now. I would like to see him develop....but this team needs wins right now, and hes not helping the cause.

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