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Snyder Please Please Fire This Coaching Staff


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Yeah i just hope he gets fired next Monday. Please just dont drag it on.

Agreed. I don't think Dan will let it go on for long because I'm sure he will want to get a jump start on coaching search.

My of what happens after that is this:

1.)"Promote" Bruce to President of football ops.

2.) Promote Morocco Brown to GM

3.) Fuel up Redskins One

4.) wheels up for state college :-)

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7 MILLION dollars. That's what.  And the "circus" was almost entirely Press driven. Things are not always the compete chaos that the Press would have you believe! They get paid by the click, and stupid people lap it up and take it as gospel. NO ONE knows what's going on inside the buildings in Ashburn, except for the people that work there.


Sorry, but his record is indefensible and that's all we need to know.  He's gotta go.

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7 MILLION dollars. That's what. And the "circus" was almost entirely Press driven. Things are not always the compete chaos that the Press would have you believe! They get paid by the click, and stupid people lap it up and take it as gospel. NO ONE knows what's going on inside the buildings in Ashburn, except for the people that work there.

Half empty stadiums (even with opposing fans showing up ) and general fan apathy may negate that 7 mil.

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After the Kansas City game, Dan already made up his mind. I'm confident Shanahan won't be back.



It's a new era, a new game. How many teams leading the league in rushing have won a Super Bowl in the past 15 years? I'll tell you. NADA


Glad you pointed this out. Shanny can't keep up with the pace of the game for this reason.


The whole running ball down defenses throats is getting a bit old fashioned. Only causes offensive drives at a snail pace. Probably why we are terrible with 2 minute drills/ no huddle style. IDK

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