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Humble Bundle - Great Games For Cheap!


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If you haven't heard of it, the Humble Bundle allows you to set the price you'd like to pay for a package of games, usually indie releases.  It's not a scam, you literally declare how much you're willing to pay and then you get a license to download the games.


As much of the proceeds as you would like will go towards charity.


This time around the Humble Bundle includes these titles:

Dead Space

Dead Space 3

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Medal of Honor

Crysis 2: Maximum Edition

Mirror's Edge

Battlefield 3

The Sims 3 + Starter Pack


The only caveat is that you have to donate at least $5 to get BF3 and the Sims.  Other than that, you could pay as little as a dollar and get every other game on the list.

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I prefer the indie bundles where they have DRM-free and Windows/Mac/Linux support as requirements. This one, on the other hand, *shudder* is on Origin.

With the exception of the proprietary stuff like BF3, the games are also available on Steam for people who prefer that platform.


Anyway, this is the direction game distribution is headed.  I don't like Origin any more than the next guy, but it's in its infancy, much like Steam was five to ten years ago.  (I'll be the first to say EA should've been able to learn from Steam's mistakes instead of making them all over again, but whatever.)  Origin will mature with time I think.

I say all that to say, you can have whatever opinion about Origin you want, but when you can get 7+ games for $5 I don't think it matters.

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Picked up mine for DS3 and Crysis 2. can't beat that for $5.  If you go the cheapo route you can get 6 for a buck.


Dead Space

Dead Space 3

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Medal of Honor

Crysis 2: Maximum Edition

Mirror's Edge



I spent $5, just so I wouldn't feel bad and not donate.

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I love humble bundles but not too big a fan of this one and already have the games in this bundle I would want from it. Origin sucks too. At least Games for Windows Live is shutting down, hopefully origin is next.

To whoever asked Orgin is crappy DRM that doesn't compensate you with anything except having to be connected to it to have your games work. Meanwhile on steam I've sold $15 worth of trading cards. Not too shabby for getting money back just playing the games I bought.

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and to answer the question about bundles, I believe a bundle lasts for two weeks, as for a new bundle, I don't know if there's a set time-table for a new one. Usually they have a Humble Indie Bundle as opposed to a bundle sponsored by some publisher, so they'll have a bunch of games from different independent developers that are all 100% DRM free and support Windows, Mac AND Linux. They come with Steam Keys, if you desire to have them tied to your Steam account, and some games come with Ubuntu Software Center keys for Ubuntu (a Linux varient) users that they can choose to use.

The only bundle I ever actually purchased (Humble Bundle 5) came with some top notch games such as Amnesia, Limbo, Braid, Super Meat Boy, and Bastion. As a Linux user, I'm particularly fond of the Indie Bundles as they're required to support Linux, so some games have had Linux ports created just so they can get in on the bundle.

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