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The Last Man in FedEx Field (and other good gameday stories)


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Thought I would start a thread with a little different flavor for people to share funny/interesting stories about their personal experiences attending Redskins games. Home/away games, tailgating, traveling, etc. The older the story the better! I'll start out with two of my favorites.

When I was much younger, my friend's family had around 10 company tickets together at RFK. It was always an interesting mix of "wine and cheese" construction company execs from Bethesda and blue collar workers from West Virginia. The most colorful character from West Virginia was [Redacted] one of the most diehard Skins fans I have ever met. When riding in his truck to game he would often go off road to avoid the traffic backups on Independence Ave. and C Street and save precious tailgate time. He would then proceed to put beers in the pockets of my friend and I (we were around 6 years old) knowing that the ushers wouldn't be looking for kids bringing in beers. Once inside he would take the beers and always seemed to especially enjoy himself. :ols:

My other story is from the Eagles beatdown at FedEx on MNF in 2010. I had a friend from New York in town (Giants fan, had no dog in the fight) who obtained a last minute ticket to the game. As you may recall it was chilly and raining for that game, but my friend showed up to the game wearing only a blazer. Due to a busy trip he gotten maybe 4 hours of sleep out of the previous 72. He enjoyed a few Bud Lights at the tailgate and went into his seat in the 100 level. He was cold and wet before the first quarter ended and sought shelter in an unoccupied 200 level seat that was covered by the club level overhang. His exhaustion finally caught up to him and he was sound asleep by halftime.

The people he was supposed to ride home with left sometime during the 3rd quater. They called him repeatedly and waited an extra hour to no avail. They eventually left without him. The next thing my friend knows, he is being woken up by a member of the Stadium cleaning crew close to 3am. He was the last fan at FedEx Field. According to him it is an extremely eerie feeling to be there in dead silence in the middle of the night. One of the security guys who locks up the stadium found him on the concourse and was kind enough to give him a ride via golf cart to the intersection of Brightseat and Landover Road. My friend was eventually able to hail a cab back to Bethesda and arrived back at the house around 5am.


Let's hear some other good stories, especially from you old timers!

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Good thread.

I took my daughter, niece and nephew to a game at FedEx. We were all dressed in Redskins gear. Since I was taking the kids, I bought the tailgate club tickets to get them food and autographs prior to the game.

A Redskins official came up and said we had been identified as the Redskins Fan of the Game family. We got passes to go on the field pre-game, had a video taken and played on the Jumbotron, and I got a one of a kind Redskins Fan of the game jacket.

My niece had high school friends in the stands, they were all yelling out to her asking how she was able to get on the field.

Needless to say, my niece, nephew, and daughter thought I was their hero.

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:applause: for the last man at FedEx story.

Some of the fondest memories of my youth were going to games at RFK with my old man and grandfather. My dad and I didn't get along or had much in common, but when it came to the Redskins, we were always on the same page.

I have so many memories of going to the old RFK, I've even kept the old ticket stubs. In 1993 my father and I went to the worst football game one could ever imagine, a 3-0 loss to the woeful Jets. It was cold, overcast..just a dreadful experience. But like the homers we are we stayed until the very end. My father had always raised me to be a respectful fan (don't boo the home team, get loud on defense, shut up on offense, be respectful to players, opposing fans etc.) but on that day, I saw a side of my father no one had ever witnessed.

My father grew up in Virginia to southern parents. Church on Sunday, manners, (yes sir, no ma'am) were strictly enforced. I had never heard my dad swear...ever; but on that day, this old fart evolved from a southern gentleman, to an east Philadelphia *******. The man unleashed a barrage of f-ombs, insults, and non-PC insults towards the Jets and Redskins. As I mentioned earlier, the game was an abomionation. There was nothing to do but eat and drink; no cell phones, no jumbotron with highlights from The Red Zone, nothing! Just hot dogs and beer.

After the game, the Jets QB Boomer Esiason was conducting an interview. My buzzed father who has never been known to lead, had some how inspired a group of drunk, overweight, middle aged, balding Redskins fanboys to the field level. (These guys looked like a bunch of nerds, like the guys that still live at home with mom). All of them began hurling insults and trash talk to Boomer. The trash talk had no effect and some the insults were just putrid. At one point, it looked like Boomer was getting a laugh over the failed trash talk from my dad and his pack of geeks.

To this day, my old man does not talk about that game, hell I don't even know if he remembers it to be honest.

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Giants game at RFK in 1987. It was a rainy day and the concourse was extra crowded at half time. Always a smokey place, the usual stadium smells were heightened by the damp air. Hidden by a mass of humanity, a random guy standing a few feet in front of us lit up his pipe. My dad laughed and made some comment about 'grass'.

As the fellow quickly disappeared into the sea of bodies, I then asked my father if he was going to 'call the police?'. lol! This was at the height of Just Say No and DARE. I was truly frightened at the thought of drugs being nearby.

Flash forward about 5 years later to my freshman year of HS. The second time I smelled that stuff, I immediately flashed back to where I had been the first time.

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i smoked a bowl in the stands with my brother at the giants game in the middle of winter a few years ago. that was pretty awesome, kind of made the loss sting a little less.

LMAO you're so lucky you didnt get busted!

1991, Redskins vs Houston Oilers , Skins are 8-0 going into the game at RFK, I think Houston had only 1 loss at the time or something led by Warren Moon, so it was going to be a doozie

Anyway, some guy named steve sitting in our section, kept checking the out of town scores, and every time he would get more and more excited... about the 3rd quarter he jumps up and yells...

"I just won 20k dollars!! Beers for everyone in the section!!!" and proceeded to buy everyone (that would take them) about 4 beers each! After each play from there on out, everyone would just start chanting "Steve Steve! Steve!! Steve!!! Steve!!!! Steve!!!!!" :ols: good times! Skins won in OT He probably bought about 4 cases of beer, and they were about 4-5$ each for each can lol

Even the next game, people would start chanting his name even though he wasnt there haha

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1991, Redskins vs Houston Oilers , Skins are 8-0 going into the game at RFK, I think Houston had only 1 loss at the time or something led by Warren Moon, so it was going to be a doozie

I was there, and I vividly remember Ian Howfield missing that last minute FG which would have won the game for Houston and broken up our undefeated season. Howfield was cut the next day.

The out of town score anouncements were an event within the event in those days. Before cell phones, everybody would listen as Hockberg read them off. The scores were displayed on the lightbright board, and they were much easier to see than the out of town scores today bc you knew exactly when to look and listen.

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Giants game at RFK in 1987. It was a rainy day and the concourse was extra crowded at half time. Always a smokey place, the usual stadium smells were heightened by the damp air. Hidden by a mass of humanity, a random guy standing a few feet in front of us lit up his pipe. My dad laughed and made some comment about 'grass'.

As the fellow quickly disappeared into the sea of bodies, I then asked my father if he was going to 'call the police?'. lol! This was at the height of Just Say No and DARE. I was truly frightened at the thought of drugs being nearby.

Flash forward about 5 years later to my freshman year of HS. The second time I smelled that stuff, I immediately flashed back to where I had been the first time.

i smoked a bowl in the stands with my brother at the giants game in the middle of winter a few years ago. that was pretty awesome, kind of made the loss sting a little less.

You guys are too much. I occasionally catch a whiff of the wacky tobacky drifting through the parking lots but have never seen anyone spark up in the stadium. Although I guess someone who just sits there stoned and watches the game is preferable to a blackout drunk trying to fight everyone.

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Dec 1980. Skins vs. Giants. I was like 12 - Skins were already eliminated from the playoffs - no Riggo and Jack Pardee was the coach. We cheered for Joe Theismann and Wilber Jackson (!).

We were in the upper deck and it was kind of a boring game... and during a lull in the game we watched this big guy coming up the steps carrying food for his kids. The upper deck was so damned steep... He was loaded down with drinks, dogs, corn and napkins and the whole works - (today it would have been like $75-$100 in food).... he made his way down the aisle in front of where his kids were (everyone in the entire section was watching him) and he tried to step over the empty seat and his foot just couldnt make it over... he hopped once or twice to keep his balance and a little popcorn flew out and then he froze and fell backwards, rolling over two rows of people.

There was this explosion of popcorn and soda all over two rows of people.

The guy was ok but he lost all the food except for like one hotdog. His kids were crying and this whole soda hit this greasy looking guy right on the head and he was soaked in coke... he started yelling at the poor guy.

Sucked for the guy and his kids but it was funny as hell to watch.

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I hate Philly fans til this day. With friends, some jerks started tossing the Bud bottles in the air....ended up hitting a 12-13 year old kid (sitting right in front of me) in the back of the head. I stood up (very bold move) and told them they needed to get that **** together. Realizing afterwards what I had just done, I actually got 2 of them to apologized and they chilled out. Doubt I will ever risk my well being like that again (lol), but for the kids....I have to look out.


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we watched this big guy coming up the steps carrying food for his kids. The upper deck was so damned steep... He was loaded down with drinks, dogs, corn and napkins and the whole works - (today it would have been like $75-$100 in food).... he made his way down the aisle in front of where his kids were (everyone in the entire section was watching him) and he tried to step over the empty seat and his foot just couldnt make it over... he hopped once or twice to keep his balance and a little popcorn flew out and then he froze and fell backwards, rolling over two rows of people.

There was this explosion of popcorn and soda all over two rows of people.

The guy was ok but he lost all the food except for like one hotdog. His kids were crying and this whole soda hit this greasy looking guy right on the head and he was soaked in coke... he started yelling at the poor guy.

Sucked for the guy and his kids but it was funny as hell to watch.

I envision John Candy in Summer Rental, when he had to carry all of his families beach equipment across the crowded beach w/ hot sand, leaking cooler, etc.

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I remember a game back in '06, I started tailgating before the lots opened. Probably had 10-12 beers before the game. and get to my seat. Everything is fine, I'm in the lower level, minding my own business, cheering for the Skins. When all the sudden an usher comes over to me and asks me to sit down, because fans behind me can't see. I turn around and see this 70 year old man behind me, with a cane. I look at him and slur "That cane must suck if it doesn't even help you stand and cheer for our team when they're on offense!" He kind of slumps down because he knows my logic is sound and he's just being a *****. Well about a quarter later the usher comes back and I've really had it with his ****. I managed to sneak a shotgun in, and before he can say anything, I put the barrel in his face and say "LET ME STAND OR I'LL PULL THIS TRIGGER" (Don't worry... It wasn't even loaded... Or so I thought, until after the game I looked and it was! LOL) so the usher basically says "Alright man, stand if you want." The rest of the game went well.

Until I was coming down the ramps after the game. I saw this cowboys fan, I looked to my buddy and said "Watch this" and I ran up behind him and sucker punched him. LOL He had no idea what hit him... He dropped like a ton of rocks. I proceeded to do that to every opposing fan I saw that day.

That was probably the best gameday experience I had...

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You guys are too much. I occasionally catch a whiff of the wacky tobacky drifting through the parking lots but have never seen anyone spark up in the stadium. Although I guess someone who just sits there stoned and watches the game is preferable to a blackout drunk trying to fight everyone.

I sat in the club level vs the Vikings this year, and some guy got hauled away who looked to be doing nothing wrong...come to find out he was smoking a joint LOL but they let him come back *shrug*

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I remember a draft day in the lot a few years ago. TK and I were standing there smoking a nice Churchill, minding our own business, and then suddenly this guy who weighs in at about a buck ten named "IO" or something like that walked up and started makin' up stories and talkin' ****, and TK grabbed him and threw him up against the side of my truck.

Yeah. The dent is still there.

And then somebody called him skinny and he said "Yeah, but I'm wirey!"

Everybody kind of nodded.

Okay back to topic.

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I remember a draft day in the lot a few years ago. TK and I were standing there smoking a nice Churchill, minding our own business, and then suddenly this guy who weighs in at about a buck ten named "IO" or something like that walked up and started makin' up stories and talkin' ****, and TK grabbed him and threw him up against the side of my truck.

Yeah. The dent is still there.

And then somebody called him skinny and he said "Yeah, but I'm wirey!"

Everybody kind of nodded.

Okay back to topic.


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In 1993 my father and I went to the worst football game one could ever imagine, a 3-0 loss to the woeful Jets. It was cold, overcast..just a dreadful experience.

OMG dude....not only did my dad take me to that game but it was also the very first game I'd ever been to. :ols: That game was a crisis. Its a wonder I still liked football after that debacle.

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December 2005 when the skins blew out the Giants right around Christmas time. I was home from college in Rhode Island and was part of the grounds crew staff that pulled up the net during extra points. None of my new england friends believed i worked for the redskins and thought i was just a delusional fanboy with a tendency to embellish the truth.

Cutback from commercial break and the camera man is scanning the field when i accidently stood up and blocked the entire screen with my face for a good 10 seconds. My phone was buzzing non stop for the rest of the day with people telling me theyd seen my ugly mug on national tv and telling me to "tell that jackass to sit down so we can watch the game" lol. Good times.

Big thanks to fellow ES member Grimm for helping me finally track down a copy of the game almost three years later when i first joined the board. Definitley a moment ill remember for the rest of my life and share with my kids one day. :thumbsup:

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