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Brady's Comments About Game's Outcome


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Everyone's real disappointed," said Brady, who completed 25 of 38 passes for 289 yards. "It's more disappointment than we've had in a while because we really feel like we should have won."


The Patriots were behind 20-3, never lead in the game from the first drives, committed 4 turnovers including 2 ghastly interceptions and Brady thinks they should have won? :laugh:

Brady and Co. are just lucky the Redskins are still feeling their way and learning how to win in the NFL.

A veteran team would have buried NE and built on that 20-3 lead to a 35-3 result :D

I wonder what their excuse will be when they lose again next week?

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Originally posted by NorEastNCFan

I see no mention of the 3 ints. he threw. You think that may have been part of the reason they lost?:rolleyes:

Well, they wouldn't have been interceptions if the receivers had been in the right places at the right times. Remember, as Leon says, there's no I in TEAM. There's no WE, either.

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Originally posted by Symbol

Guys, they did come back and it could have very easily have been New England with a record of 3-1 and us in sole possesion of 3rd place with a record of 2-2.

You don't get the point. Yes, that could have happened. But, read bulldog's post again. Given those circumstances, it seems incredible to say that you SHOULD have won the game.

They had the good fortune of having an opportunity to win, but, if you make that many mistakes, by no means SHOULD you win.

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if you make that many mistakes, by no means SHOULD you win.

Weren't there a lot of posts on the board last week to the effect that we SHOULD have won the Giants game? I think we can empathazie with the Patriots this week.

Sometimes you lose some games you should have won, and sometimes you win some games you should have lost.

I'll take that W from yesterday and run like a thief. There've been plenty of times I felt the Skins should have won but turned the ball over enough to manufacture a defeat.

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Yeah, TC, but NE didn't have any points pulled off the board due to a non-sensical holding penalty.

They didn't extend a Redskin TD drive on a 3rd and 29 due to utter stupidity.

They didn't get knocked out of FG range for taunting.

These are all unforced errors that didn't require a lick of play from the Giants (even the holding penalty). And had an upwards swing of 14 points against the Redskins. Not to mention the OT where the difference between winning and losing could have been the simple toss of a coin (but, we don't know if the Skins would have scored had they received the ball).

So, yeah, there is a degree of difference.

But, I'm with ya on taking them whichever way I can get them.

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Brady is a great QB ... but in about 5 minutes LaVar would make him his b!tch.

I half expected him to run off the field with the ball after those INTs. Not the expressions you want to see in a leader.

Ramsey, on the other hand, doesn't have an ounce of backdown in him. You could come at him with baseball bats, and he'd shake it off, stand up and start firing deep again.

I like our guy. :)

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I'm not sure where you would expect receivers to have been to prevent those interceptions. Did you see those interceptions. In order for the receivers to have been where they needed to be they'd have had to transported themselves magically because the Redskin defenders were the only people who had a real shot at any of those passes.

Of course, since you did add the Leon thing, I think my meant to be funny so I'll leave it at that :).

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Originally posted by Art

Of course, since you did add the Leon thing, I think my meant to be funny so I'll leave it at that :).

Yes, Art, that was an attempt at humor ;) .

Being a coach, I find that commercial hilarious. Some of the things I've heard after games are much in line with that. Then we watch the film and reality rears its ugly head. :)

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TennesseeCarl, I NEVER intimated that the Redskins should have won the Giants game.

In fact I noted that the Skins were outplayed through 3 quarters and were lucky to be there at the end to have a chance to win in my postgame thread here.

what counts is who wins the game.

obviously the Patriots had high expectations for this season as did the Jets.

their tumble from the top rank of teams has their players and fans looking for scapegoats and excuses.

Yes, Pennington is out for the Jets, but does that mean the team can't win ANY games?

Remember last year that the Eagles secured homefield and played 8 or 9 weeks without McNabb, starting AJ Feeley.

So, I don't want to hear any more of that crap.

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