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Food for thought provoking conversation/opinion


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This is from a pastor (whom I personally tend to agree with more times than disagree), figured I'd post it here since the enormous amount of "Christians" are thinking they're doing something other than padding someone's pockets LOL

Let me begin by saying I absolutely LOVE Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. (Gonna go ahead and tell you that Oatmeal Cookie Chunk is THE BEST flavor I’ve EVER had!!)

A few years ago I went to Wal Mart (the closest thing to hell I can imagine…that and the DMV), found my favorite flavor and decided to tweet that I was purchasing some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream…and doing so “unleashed the hounds” in a sense. Honestly, I’ve never experienced anything like it, “Christians” began @ replying me on twitter condemning me and scolding me for buying this product because apparently Ben & Jerry’s supported gay rights/same sex marriage.

Honestly, it bothered me. Because, first of all…I wasn’t trying to make a political statement I was simply trying to get some chunky monkey and some oatmeal cookie crunch. I like ice cream…I believe it will be served in heaven (with ZERO calories)! And second, it has broken my heart the way that many who claim to follow Christ have treated those who are homosexuals. We’ve yelled at them, ignored them and in some cases damned them to hell without EVER sitting down and actually having a conversation with someone who is gay.

“But Perry,” you say, “the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin.” Let me put my cards on the table and say that I agree; however, for too long the church has seemed to be obsessed with the sins that we do not struggle with; after all, if I am pointing out the sins of others I don’t have to deal with my own.

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Sorry for anyone (perhaps the OP) who may have missed the party, but we already rode this horse to death and beyond in two recent incarnations, and both are closed now, and we're on break for awhile re: the CFA angle (which this Ben & Jerry deal was in response to and discussed in those previous threads). :)

When there's some serious and meaningful different new angle or article on this matter, we'll revisit the matter. There are also current discussion in other threads re: Christianity and homosexuality if one is seeking such (and there usually are). :)

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