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CNN Opinion: Movie star convicted of 'insulting Islam' signals trouble for Egypt


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Click Link for Article: http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/01/opinion/egypt-convicted-actor-adel-imam-khalil/index.html?hpt=op_t1

Every country has an unofficial doctrine -- a mantra if you will. In America, it's the "independent spirit." In Germany, it's the "no-nonsense work ethic." In Egypt, well, in Egypt it was always "laughter through adversity."

Until now.

Adel Imam, one of Egypt's most beloved comedic actors, was sentenced to jail for insulting Islam. Not for something he said but for roles he played in films. Yes, you read that right.

That's like sentencing Edward Norton to life in prison for his role in "American History X."

What makes this court ruling even more preposterous is that these films are not recent films.......

.......Who would have guessed that the limited freedom of speech afforded to Egyptians under the old regime would develop into no freedom of speech at all? That a country, which was the "beacon of hope" less than one year ago, is now a catalyst for a "return to the dark ages."............

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Its a sad new Egypt for years to come. Sad for the people that deserve better. Sad for the Fundamentalist Government that will be the 200 oppressing the millions.

Its a sad day for the threat to Israel that is certain to happen and diplomats will spend 3000 useless hours getting everyone back to neutral.

I've always wished for people to be able to speak their minds as time is short and a Generation at best will suffer the 1300's.

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