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CNN: 6-year-old student handcuffed, arrested by police in Georgia


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6 year olds freak out every now and then. I've seen them do it at stores, malls, schools, doctors offices, etc etc etc. You know what I haven't seen? People handcuffing them as a result. One can be critical of this over reaction without taking the absurd position that a child should be encouraged to throw a tantrum. Now, to be clear, I don't think the cops should be in trouble or anything of the sort. This just strikes me as absurdly heavy handed, not criminal.

... and the ice cream on the way home line was funny :ols:

I've never seen a 6 year old freak out and damage property.

This is piss poor parenting. At 6 years old, I knew that throwing temper tantrums at teachers was unacceptable behavior.\

Somebody please tell me what the school was supposed to do? What the cops were supposed to do? Just let her continue? And when she hurt someone else or herself, then what?

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Yep, these are the people that are in charge of educating our children. Yet somehow they don't know how to deal with a 6 year old throwing a fit without calling the police? Color me surprised. Hooray Department of Education.


A 6 year old having a tantrum does not require handcuffs and a trip to the pokey. I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it.

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A 6 year old having a tantrum does not require handcuffs and a trip to the pokey. I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it.

As for the cuffs, she was chewing on doorknobs....what were they suppose to do? OTOH, i do agree, the kid didn't deserve a trip to jail, or even a ride in the police car, a padded room though???

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She was chewing on doorknobs....what were they suppose to do? i do agree, the kid didn't deserve a trip to jail, or even a ride in the police car, a padded room though???
They should keep a bouncy castle on premises at all times for emergencies like this.


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6 year olds freak out every now and then. I've seen them do it at stores, malls, schools, doctors offices, etc etc etc. You know what I haven't seen? People handcuffing them as a result. One can be critical of this over reaction without taking the absurd position that a child should be encouraged to throw a tantrum. Now, to be clear, I don't think the cops should be in trouble or anything of the sort. This just strikes me as absurdly heavy handed, not criminal.

... and the ice cream on the way home line was funny :ols:

That's exactly the point though. We never see it and we would never think of seeing a 6 year old handcuffed. This child must have been so unruly that they had to make that decision. I'm trying to give the benefit of doubt to the teachers, aids and principal in their judgement in calling the police after I assume they tried calling the parents...And as someone has mentioned they were probably reluctant to physically restrain the child due to how fun it is for people to sue this day and age.

We don't really know all the facts, and there could be something wrong with this child that causes these outbursts. Maybe not, but I just don't want to draw a conclusion that the teachers are idiots.

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