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What the HELL...


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Where is the thread I started asking if anyone is going to the NFL draft this year to let it be known to the NFL uppers that the salary cap issues aren't justified. Geezus, I see so many dumb threads that are started so often and stay, but yet you delete my thread minutes after it's posted? Way to go Mods...

Do you just delete anything you don't like or do you give discussions a chance?

Maybe I'll just stick to Redskins.com and ESPN for my news and screw the discussion.

~ from a decade member.

edit: oh, I'm sure you didn't want me to bring back a thread about "Attending the NFL Draft", from years ago, so that's why it was a new thread...

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And cuz you're such a long time member with only one other violation you only get 3 days off instead of more, for violating rules 18 & 8 and being so unaware of how to handle things you should know how to handle by now. BTW, "threats"don't help either. But I am still going to check on this matter to send you more info if appropriate since I'm not the one who did anything to your thread, but I am the one involved in this post. :)

My error---i did merge your thread with the existing thread on the general topic because it had recent posts of people who were going---but because you'd been here so long, I didn't just give you an NNT and close yours. I also left a notice up for a couple of hours, and figured even if missed that (I didn't figure you'd start a thread and just take off for hours but it happens) I assumed you'd find it easy enough by clicking on your own post as TK states below.

So if you're able to locate this thread you return, you can read all this here and go off again if you want, or simply learn what you were properly expected to already know. :)

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I'm guessing he meant this thread that got merged which was easy enough to find by clicking on the "Find All Posts" on his own user page where it was 3 posts back.

If you've been here for a decade & don't know how to even find your own post/thread, then there's a good chance that maybe teh interwebz are not for you.:)

Nazi mods deleting threads they dont like and subsequently alienating decade members

They're on to us

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