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Per Redskins Blog: London Fletcher shortlisted for the Bart Starr award


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I have looked but couldn't see this posted anywhere so if it's a duplicate then please merge accordingly mods. Thanks.


He may not have been picked for Pro-Bowl but looks like #59 may be recognised this seasonfor his charity work, if not his brilliance on the field. He is one of 3 finalists (Witten and Asomugha are the others) for the Bart Starr award this year.

I personally love this award as I think it's vital that athletes give something back to the community and I would say LF would be a more than worthy winner. The only other Redskin to have won it is the great Darrell Green.

I think it is something that #59 would really appreciate and I think a fitting tribute to one of the NFL's genuine nice guys.

Good luck London.

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Fletch is a great person. I had the honor of meeting him back in 2010, he was so personable and friendly. He even signed my Redskins hat with "Dallas SUCKS!"

On a unrelated note: Fletch made the AP All-Pro team. IMO that's much more prestigious than the popularity contest known as the Pro-Bowl.

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He's an amazing guy.

2 years ago my wife and I live in AZ and he was the only one who came over to sign autographs. It meant a whole lot to us. Especially that we don't see our team often.

Funny side story. He signed my wife's ticket, she dropped it. He picked it up. He signed a baby jacket for my son. My wife dropped her ticket again. He picked it up and smiled. Someone handed my wife a hat to sign (a random person), he signed it. She dropped her ticket again. He chuckled and told her to hang on to it!! LOL!! ahahaha He was very nice and personable.

Jerk Chris Cooley was there too and he wouldn't even look at us or waive or anything. Cmon, it was a preseason game that he didn't even play in. At that time, he was one of my favorites, don't really care much about him anymore.

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One of the reasons why I named my first puppy after this man (well, mainly because he is a BEAST on the field, but this helps). 2yrs later, he is a strong, smart, and amazing young dog. I'd like to think in some way, its because he is named after a symbol of strength, hard work, and toughness.

LONG LIVE FLETCH (both of them)!!!!!

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One of my memories of London Fletcher was actually when he played for St. Louis I believe. Lavar Arrington was on our kickoff return team and he was flying down the field and tried to hit Fletcher, who stood his ground and dug in. Lavar looked like he ran into a brick wall and my jaw dropped... as did Lavar Arrington, in a daze on his back... he was very very slow to get back up.

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