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TechCrunch.com: Nice work if you can get it: Apotheker Leaves HP With $10 Million Severance


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Here's an example of executive pay excess that should cause a shareholder to grab their pitchfork and torch and storm the castle.

CEO fired after less than a year in which there were many awful strategic decisions, and a 45% drop in stock value, and this is his reward.

Nice work if you can get it. No way we can afford to have folks like him pay an extra 4% on the top of their income as it would destroy job creation. :ols:

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I find it fascinating how logic goes out the window when we talk about executives. If, in any other context, we encountered a job that paid you millions in the event of absolute failure we'd all recognize it as a bad idea. They claim they crazy pay structures attract the right people but I will appeal to the logic of you reading this, do you really believe pay structures that reward failure attract the right people? Nonsense.

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There is a huge culture of corporate incest that makes these things possible. These guys sit on each other's boards, I vote for your package here and you vote for mine there. The whole "best and only people for the job" BS would gag a rat, this is another of the great lies that pushes us closer to the edge every day.

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