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Qadafi may have fled to Venezuela (unconfirmed but credible British sources)


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You know what, maybe I was wrong about this. And if Obama accomplishes something meaningful here and avoids that slippery slope and keeps us from being really sucked into it, then this is definitely one of his greater accomplishments (though I doubt it will be recognized as such).

My beef is the same as with the war in Iraq. Bush said it was about WMD, when it was really about ousting Saadam. Obama says its about protecting civilians, when its really about ousting Gadaffi. I just wish one day someone would tell it to us straight. I can handle the truth.

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My beef is the same as with the war in Iraq. Bush said it was about WMD, when it was really about ousting Saadam. Obama says its about protecting civilians, when its really about ousting Gadaffi. I just wish one day someone would tell it to us straight. I can handle the truth.

The military mission isn't about getting rid of Gaddafi, officially, and it can't be or the UN and NATO would not have gotten on board and nothing would have been done.

---------- Post added March-28th-2011 at 11:20 PM ----------

Nic Robertson says that whenever he and other reporters tried to film the devastation or gunfire going on in Misrata the crowd or the minders would try to block them or stop them.

Also the crowd of pro-Gaddafi supporters got back in their cars and followed them all out back to Tripoli, and obviously weren't from around Misrata at all. (just like I predicted way back they would do and did do in Zawiyah, lol)

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On Al Jazeera they explained that Gaddafi soldiers ambushed and tricked the opposition fighters in two areas along the road to Sirt and they fell back to consolidate their forces and didn't want to get caught in a deadly ambush like in Bin Jawad last time they went east.

On the way back to Nawfiliyah they saw Gaddafi forces in armor and trucks coming from a side road trying to outflank them and the opposition forces all began fleeing back to Bin Jawad (getting those who were still set up in Nawfiliyah to retreat as well.

Apparently they will try again tomorrow or today I suppose with more consolidation, but hope to get some support from coalition airstrikes on the armored vehicles and artillery first. Oh they also said they needed more supplies, food, and ammo, because a lot of their weapons and ammo are old, pieced together, unusable, or just don't go together.

On another topic, I wonder if Musa Kusa is trying to get help for Gaddafi from Tunisia.


Hmmmph. We'll see about this, Kusa is banned from even leaving his country by the UN.


#Libya foreign minister Mousa Kousa is in Tunisia and is talking to the Italians from Djerba reportedly neg #Gaddafi easy exit 5 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
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Thanks for the updates, Visionary -- they have been informative. It's strange to watch a conflict happen in hear real time. Don't know what to think of the whole predicament.

BTW, I found this interesting video from the VOA: "Benghazi Boy Scouts Fill Vacuum of Libyan Social Services."


---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 06:55 AM ----------

You know what, maybe I was wrong about this. And if Obama accomplishes something meaningful here and avoids that slippery slope and keeps us from being really sucked into it, then this is definitely one of his greater accomplishments (though I doubt it will be recognized as such).

The right-wing spin on this has been bizarre. Case in point, I watched Sean Hannity attack Obama as being too slow in action. And then, after trying to connect Obama's coalition building as being part of a radical agenda, Hannity suddenly said that he doesn't think we should be there at all.

Here it is:


BTW, Hannity is a terrible military analyzer. I wouldn't trust his advice in a card game of War.

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I just watched on Al Jazeera English where James Bays was in Bin Jawad after starting out in Ras Lanuf this morning. I was somewhat enthused to see that the opposition forces seemed to have moved forward. The front line was apparently somewhere between there and Nawfiliyah.

At the very front were the special forces/military veterans. Most of the rest I would assume were civilians who have picked up weapons for the first time in the last few days or weeks.

In Bin Jawad the fighters found some ammo in a couple of the houses. They also found a lot of rockets hidden among the rocks off to the side of the town and were checking them out and setting up a multiple rocket launching device (that they had found there as well) on one of their trucks.

Bays said that they were going to use them on the Gaddafi armor, but might need them to hold their ground. Then the anchor went to a guest analyst in the studio to talk about NATO involvement.

While he was talking, I saw a wave of cars and trucks speed up to the opposition position in Bin Jawad and in some cases head past. I also noted a bus, and had seen one the previous day as well. In the background the sound of mortars and other artillery could be heard going off to the west of them. So far there were no explosions nearby though.

The anchor quickly went back to Bays and he said that this was probably part of the back and forth that opposition and Gaddafi forces were going through. That said it looked as if the fighters would be pulling back from Bin Jawad except perhaps the more hardcore of them and he said he would probably retreat as well. Take note that when they retreat it isn't so much a strategic withdrawal as a disorganized rush back down the road as fast as everyone can.

I have to wonder just what the opposition military commanders who are supposedly in charge of this advance are doing. The other day one of them said that after the airstrikes and the recovered weapons and ammo, the opposition forces now had weapons equal to or better than what Gaddafi forces had. This was before everyone started retreating yesterday afternoon.

Oh, on a side note I heard on Al Jazeera earlier in the night that some of the independent newspapers in Benghazi have been criticizing the council a bit about being more accurate with reports and news.

Just to show how quickly democracy has already starting springing up over there in some ways.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 06:01 AM ----------


11:08am The US State Department will soon send diplomat Chris Stevens to Benghazi "to establish better ties" with the opposition Transitional National Council, the AP reports. Stevens' mission does not constitute formal recognition of the opposition as representatives of the Libyan people, and its unclear exactly when he will go.

Stevens is a career foreign service officer, having worked at the State Department since 1991 after graduating from Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, Calif, according to his LinkedIn profile. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California - Berkeley.

Stevens has already been in communication with the rebels. State Department spokesman Mark Toner mentioned his name in a March 21 press briefing, saying Stevens and Gene Cretz, the ambassador to Libya, had both been in touch with the opposition.

Stevens has previously worked at the US embassy in Tripoli, the Libyan capital; his name appears on many of the embassy's diplomatic cables, which were released by WikiLeaks.


#1054: Pro-Gaddafi forces have attacked rebel fighters with a hail of machinegun and rocket fire, prompting a panicked, chaotic retreat to the town of Bin Jawad, a Reuters witness has said. Rebels jumped behind sand dunes to fire back, but they gave up after a few minutes, jumped into their pick-up trucks and sped off down the road to Bin Jawad. Shells landed near the road as they retreated.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 06:11 AM ----------

Apparently Bays and some of the fighters are still in Bin Jawad, but it is only about a 3rd of what was there a couple of hours ago. Bays said that the youth and the experienced military are still ahead of them and may be engaging the enemy, but the 8km mortars have chased off most people off back down the road to Ras Lanuf. He says that people in the town will try to hold Bin Jawad, but the line seems to be pushing backwards and the town could fall to Gaddafi forces in an hour or two.

Bays also notes that there has been little basic strategy or military tactics being used by most of the fighters. They don't bother to guard their flank or their rear while advancing and generally just try to go as far forward as they can until they start being shelled or encounter heavy machine gun fire.

In other news, Al Jazeera has reported that Coalition Forces have fired on 3 ships near Misrata port that have been attacking merchant and aid ships in the port, as well as workers there.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 06:14 AM ----------


#1114: The BBC's John Simpson in Tripoli says he has spoken to a source close to Col Gaddafi and asked him if the Libyan leader would relinquish power easily: "He [that person] reinforced all these views that he [Col Gaddafi] isn't going to go anywhere unless he is absolutely forced out... To offer him a bolt-hole is something he would not be interested in - unless he was clear there was no alternative."

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 06:19 AM ----------

Bays has left Bin Jawad and says it seems that it has probably fallen already.

He says he hasn't seen any coalition jets in the last 24 hours....


The way things are going, opposition forces will probably be back in Benghazi by tomorrow night.

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#1146: The BBC's Carole Walker in London reports the UK Cabinet has discussed the latest developments concerning Libya and that UK PM David Cameron will meet Mahmoud Jabril, special envoy for Libya's Interim Transitional National Council, later on Tuesday.

The PM's spokesman said although members of the Libyan National Transitional Council were not taking part in today's conference, their views would be reflected at the meeting. He said: "We are not discussing a solution and how to impose it on the Libyan people, we are discussing how the international community can best support the process of transition."

1153: In London, the Libyam interim council has pledged free and fair elections after Gaddafi in a statement, Reuters reports.
#1155: The BBC's Nick Springate in Bin Jawad reports that the town has effectively become the front line. He can see the opposition on the eastern side of the town and Gaddafi forces on the western side. They are firing at each other, using Katyusha rockets and artillery. He says he can see about 500 men and at least 100 vehicles on the rebel side. He says no-one is in control of Bin Jawad at the moment.


Three #Libya navy boats sunk by allied forces aircraft after opening fire on merchant ship off #Misurata coast 2 minutes ago via TweetDeck


#1215: The US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice tells US TV network ABC that the US has not ruled out arming the Libyan rebels. She also says the US is looking for "actions" by those who surround Col Gaddafi. She adds there is no evidence Col Gaddafi is prepared to leave power.
#1217: Gaddafi forces sweep through Misrata, according to Libyan rebels, AFP reports.

I...don't even know what that means.

The opposition supposedly was in control of most of the city still.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 07:55 AM ----------


DIRECT from Misratah: Gaddafi’s vessels that were attacking Misratah have completely sunk after air strikes #libya - http://t.co/vJT4HUu 2 minutes ago via web
DIRECT from Misratah: city still witnessing attacks from eastern entrance. Tanks in Tripoli street & sniper fire #Libya http://t.co/vJT4HUu 1 minute ago via web
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#Libya foreign Minister Mousa Kousa spotted with family, luggages in #Tunisia 5 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Some good news maybe? Or just trying to get his family out before it gets really bloody?

Neutral #Sweden PM Reinfeldt has proposed to #Stockholm parliament to send 8 Gripen fighter jets to #Libya #NFZ ops 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Crazy coastal front! :ols:


#1257 : This just in from the BBC's Nick Springate in Bin Jawad, who says the rebels are now back in control of the key town, although fighting is continuing to its west.

Uh oh!


Al Jazeera: AFP: Libyan revolutionaries say that Gaddafi forces are heading towards Misurata, fear of massacre. #Libya 3 minutes ago via web

Wow! The Interim National Council released a statement of their vision for a post Gaddafi Libya.

check it out:


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#1338: The Ugandan government has seized control of Libya's majority stake in Uganda Telecom to comply with UN sanctions, technology minister Aggrey Awori tells Reuters..


The city of Misrata, Libya, is reported under seige with pro-Gadhafi forces moving in from several fronts. Coalition warplanes circling. 27 minutes ago via web
Libyan official sources charge the coalition jets are bombing Misrata, but eyewitnesses dispute that...charge Gadhafi forces "evicting" ppl. 21 minutes ago via web


Al Arabiya: Reuters: Eight civilians killed during last night's fighting in Misurata. #Libya 7 minutes ago via web
France will send an ambassador to Benghazi - AFP #Libya #Feb17 6 minutes ago via web


Zintan: K's troupes shelled north outskirts of the city . Reinforcement of K's east and south according to contacts In town 5:16 AM Mar 28th via Echofon
As K. reinforces again his forces east of Zintan (contacts there), population asks: why the international coalition is not striking here?? 6:02 AM Mar 28th via Echofon
Zintan: G's forces have been shelling the North side with Grad rockets and artillary since this morning 10 minutes ago via Echofon

Poor Zintan. It doesn't look good for them today.

What happened to those rockets and other towns full of friendly people who came to help them before?



#Khamis #Gaddafi was in #New York when #Libya uprisings started. He has returned to #Tripoli 5 minutes ago via TweetDeck
#Khamis #Gaddafi was not killed in any action but was visiting #Wall_Street as guest of a #US company and arranged by #State Department 4 minutes ago via TweetDeck
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4:03pm Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid reports from Ras Lanuf that the news from Bin Jawad is that the city has fallen to pro-Gaddafi forces, and opposition fighters are now retreating to Ras Lanuf.

She also says that the opposition's military commanders are complaining that their fighters "do not want to be" disciplined or act in a structured way.

Furthermore, the rebels' supply lines are stretched.

4:43pm A German refinery owned by Tamoil, a Libyan government owned and operated oil company, continues operations, while similar plants in Switzerland and Italy have closed down.

Tamoil says it will be taking the two firms operating its refineries in those countries to court. A spokesperson for Tamoil Deutschland, a petrol station group, said that the company was working to ensure that no person or institution affected by international sanctions was receiving profits from operations, and that the company was cooperating with authorities in this regard.

Said the spokesperson:

It is business as usual. There also has not been any negative customer feedback."
4:50pm The Associated Press reports that some opposition fighters who are fleeing Bin Jawad are shouting "Sarkozy, where are you?" as they head down the road back to Ras Lanuf.
5:23pm Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid reports from a road outside of Ras Lanuf that pro-Gaddafi forces are pushing the opposition's fighters into another "wave of retreat", and that they are now targetting Ras Lanuf itself.
5:35pm Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid reports from about 20km east of Ras Lanuf that pro-Gaddafi forces have begun shelling the city, forcing opposition fighters to retreat east once again.

Well, we had to evacuate Ras Lanuf about half an hour ago. We are about 20km away from there, that's because we starting hearing all of a sudden the 'crump' of explosions getting closer and closer, and again there was a wave of retreat. Hundreds of cars of the opposition fighters down this road, they've just gone by, probably you might see some more come by as we talk.

"So certainly what we can say at this stage is that Bin Jawad is not any more in the hands of the rebels, actually the Gaddafi forces now are managing to pound Ras Lanuf and are getting closer and closer to them, pushing the opposition fighters eastwards more and more. I think this is an exact repeat of what happened about three weeks ago."

She said that pro-Gaddafi forces were not using tanks or airstrikes in this offensive, indicating that they were more reliant on artillery and mortars.

They're probably back in Brega by now or even Ajdabiya!

It seems like it's getting worse and worse.

No one seems to want to help them out and stop the artillery.


5:41pm Three explosions have been heard in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, AFP and Reuters correspondents report. It is unclear what the nature or exact location of the explosions are.
5:55pm Earlier today, US forces attacked three Libyan ships earlier today, barring them from firing at commercial vessels docked at Misurata's port. The US Sixth Fleet says that a Libyan Coast Guard ship was damaged. One of two other small ships was destroyed, and the other abandoned.

The attack was launched by a destroyer and fighter aircraft.


#1659: Following the rebels' apparent retreat from Bin Jawad, the BBC's Ben Brown in Ajdabiya points out that the Pentagon had warned that rebels were too ill-equipped and poorly trained to make substantial military advances.

I guess the US and others don't want the opposition to try to win.

It seems the coalition and NATO have mostly given up on Zintan, Misrata, and the central eastern oil port towns :(

#1742: Mr Hague says: "We have certainly widened and deepened the coalition, with a new pledge of support to Nato operations from Sweden, a growing number of countries committed to implementing the UN resolutions on Libya, and agreement on a new Contact Group on Libya."
#1744: He adds: "Second, Libya's Interim Transitional National Council have launched here in London their vision for a future Libya that is free, democratic and unified. We have said throughout that we want the Libyan people to be in the lead in determining their future, and today was a significant milestone in that process."
#1745: "This comes at a time as when the forces of the Gaddafi regime continue to shell Libyan civilians in Misrata, Zintan and Rejban in an indiscriminate and brutal manner, underlining why are efforts to protect Libyan citizens must and will continue."
#1753: He adds: "Participants here today have reaffirmed that very clear conditions must be met under the UN Security Council resolution, including the establishment of an immediate ceasefire, a halt to all attacks on civilians and full humanitarian access to those in need. We agreed to continue their efforts until all those conditions are fulfilled. The Libyan regime will be judged by its actions and not its words."
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#1822: France's Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe, has meanwhile said it is ready to discuss arming the Libyan rebels. "I remind you it is not part of the UN resolution, which France sticks too, but we are ready to discuss it with our partners," he told reporters in London.
#1824: Mr Juppe said there was no future for Col Gaddafi in Libya, but that it was for the Libyan people to decide his fate.
#1834: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested during her news conference in London that it would be legal to arm the Libyan rebels. "It is our interpretation that [uN Security Council resolution] 1973 amended or overrode the absolute prohibition on arms to anyone in Libya, so that there could be a legitimate transfer of arms if a country should choose to do that," she said, according to the Press Association.
#1836: Mrs Clinton also said that everything the United States had learned so far about the rebel Transitional National Council seemed positive. "Their commitment to democracy and to a very robust engagement with people from across the spectrum of Libyans is, I think, appropriate," she added. "We do not have any specific information about specific individuals from any organisation who are part of this, but of course we're still getting to know those who are leading the transitional national council and that will be a process that continues."


7:18pm Clinton says that those at the summit discussed the need to deliver humanitarian assistance, to pressure and isolate the Gaddafi government, and the need to support efforts by Libyans who are working to achieve the political changes they seek.


#1854: Back to the situation on the ground in Libya: Two explosions have rocked the area close to Col Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli, an AFP news agency correspondent says. Meanwhile, seven explosions have also shaken the eastern suburb of Tajoura. A resident told AFP that planes fired missiles at a military radar installation, while another reported seeing flames and a column of smoke afterwards.

Some more good news:

#1908: The UK Chief of Defence Staff's Strategic Communication Officer, Maj-Gen John Lorimer, says: "Earlier this morning, as part of our ongoing support to protecting the civilians of Libya in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution 1973, two Tornado GR4 aircraft operating out of Gioia del Colle conducted armed reconnaissance and combat air patrols over Libya.

During the mission near Misrata, one Libyan armoured fighting vehicle and two artillery pieces were engaged with Brimstone missiles. Initial reports indicate that the engagements were successful. Two Typhoon missions have been flown providing combat air patrols. The aircraft returned to Gioia del Colle without expending munitions."

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 02:32 PM ----------

Al Jazeera English just said that opposition forces have been pushed back east from Ras Lanuf AND Brega. Ugh.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 02:45 PM ----------


DIRECT from Misratah: Insurance building in city centre cleared from all snipers! Revolutionaries kill 26 of them #libya http://t.co/vJT4HUu 1 minute ago via web

I hope so. Although there were reports of hundreds of snipers in Misrata and more Gaddafi forces heading for the city.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 02:59 PM ----------

Additional good news:


Qatar has offered to send ships to evacuate all of the ~6,000 Egyptians stuck in Misrata, to prevent a humanitarian crisis. #libya #feb17 5 minutes ago via web


Guess the Egyptian junta is too busy running virginity tests on demonstrators to pick up stranded Egyptians in Misrata; Qatar sending ships. 8 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 03:20 PM ----------


#2010: UK Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt has told the BBC he doubts that arming the rebels would be legal. "There is an arms embargo in place which states are observing," he said. "We want to ensure that everything that is done in relation to this intervention is legal. That is why we are sticking so closely to the terms of the UN resolution."
The US and French seem to disagree, at least the diplomats.


#2020: Salwinder tweets: "Can someone please give the rebels some radio communications to allow at least some basic command and control?"

An interesting request. The opposition is supposedly very much without electronic ways to communicate when they are moving along the coast. (from watching AL Jazeera English this morning)

I hope that the Coalition does not allow Gaddafi's forces to reach Ajdabiya again.

I can't imagine the devastation they would unleash this time.

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The day after Gadhafi's regime tried to convince journalists that it was in control of Misrata by taking them on a trip to part of the city -- but not allowing them into the city center -- his troops were killing and wounding civilians and evicting thousands of people from their homes, the witness told CNN.

"The carnage and the destruction and the human suffering from both the evictions and ... terrorizing the city -- it's beyond imagination," said the witness, an opposition councilman in Misrata, in western Libya. "It's incredible."

Gadhafi forces did not even allow people to take belongings with them from their homes, he added. "They tell them, 'Run for your lives,' and fire bullets just above them."

Troops are looting the homes, he said.


#Gadafi Militias advance towards #Zintan, it is reported militias are in an area 1km north of the city shelling city since morning #Libya 11 minutes ago via web

I hope this isn't true:


Clock ticking - told current coalition military op in #Libya may only have "3 or 4 more days" to run "as is". Pressure to "wind down" focus. 12 minutes ago via Echofon from Westminster, London
Am told victory "not declared on battlefied" but about looking for opportunity to say "mission accompished". 12 minutes ago via Echofon from Westminster, London
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@alihashem #AJA reporter speaking from #Brega says Libya Freedom Forces are demorlaized after retreating east towards #Benghazi #Libya 36 minutes ago via web


#Misurata caller to #AJA, there were attempts of incursions by Militias from different sections on city today, met with fierce resistance 34 minutes ago via web
#Misurata caller #AJA: no reports of death among city resistance forces #Gadafi militias are centered in two areas around #Misurata #Libya 33 minutes ago via web
Upon arrival of #UN allied jets #Gadafi militias, hide & stop engines. Snipers are still positioned on top of many high rises in city #Libya 31 minutes ago via web
Stavridis says our intell indicates no Qaeda members fighting in #Libya. Freedom fighters in #Libya, respectable people looking for freedom 28 minutes ago via web


#Zintan Caller #AJA: #Gadafi Militias positioned in valleys, at night attack residential areas, loot and use civilians as shields #Libya 27 minutes ago via web
#Zintan is totally free, but is surrounded from north and south. #Gadafi militias 5km north of the city, we are ready to fight them. #Libya 25 minutes ago via web
#Zintan caller to #AJA, we are running out of fuel, food and medical supplies. #libya 24 minutes ago via web


@Liberty4Libya 40 Tanks + 4-8 rocket launcher 5km away from Zintan 17 minutes ago via web in reply to Liberty4Libya

Damn it! NATO/the Coalition needs to do something!

It would be nice if Egypt and Tunisia got off their asses too!


#2145: Adel Darwish, political editor of Middle East Magazine, tells the BBC that Egypt could legally arm the Libyan rebels to prevent a failing state on its border. But, he adds, Egypt was conspicuous by its absence at the London conference.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 04:57 PM ----------


10:27pm Carl Levin, a US Senator, says he may approach the US Congress seeking full congressional approval for US military action in Libya.

Levin, a Democrat, says he will speak to Harry Reid, the Senate Majority leader, about the prospects for a vote on the military action, which so far, while hotly debated, has not faced any test of approval amongst US lawmakers.

Levin says Barack Obama, the US president, has said that he would "welcome" a vote.


DIRECT from Misratah: Fierce battle between Gaddafi forces & revolutionaries in Az-Zawaabi district right now - #Libya - http://t.co/vJT4HUu 3 minutes ago via web

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 05:22 PM ----------


#2210: Two explosions have shaken the Aziziyah Gate area of the Libyan capital Tripoli, Al-Arabiya reports.
#2222: The BBC's John Simpson in Tripoli has talked to someone close to Col Gaddafi who says the Libyan leader could live with political and military stalemate that leaves him in control of half the country.

Yeah, until he takes back the other half.

Although when people talk about splitting the country they generally don't take into account the south or the fact that the eastern area is much smaller than the rest. Or that much of the west hates Gaddafi, probably more now that his forces have massacred many cities and towns there. Zintan, Zawiyah, Misrata, Zwara...and most others.

That said, a partition would be better than letting Gaddafi take Ajdabiya and Benghazi and the entire East as well. Not sure how it would be enforced though or where. (I don't know why the coalition is letting his forces take back towns along the central eastern coast.)

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 05:36 PM ----------

Wesley Clark on CNN just said that the weather and cloud cover may be hindering Coalition planes from attacking Gaddafi forces at lower altitudes in some places.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 05:41 PM ----------


Misratah: Comprehensive update on how Gaddafi’s forces survive inside the city

Posted on March 29, 2011 by admin

The spokesman for the 17th February revolutionary youth in Misratah conducted a live interview with Al Jazeera Arabic earlier this evening in which he explained how Gaddafi’s forces are managing to survive inside the city. He said:

There were attempts to enter Misratah from a number of directions today but were blocked by the revolutionaries. There are however forces and tanks positioned at a number of locations across the city

They are employing the “Scorched Earth Policy”. Strikes are continuous. To the extent it reached Qasr Ahmed, houses heavily damaged. There were no martyrs today, neither were there any serious injuries.

Gaddafi’s forces attack in the morning and hide at night, namely in the College of Medical Technology and the Infectious Diseases Hospital

Past 2 days there were fighter jets flying over the city. Tanks would destroy shops and buildings, park inside and switch engines to hide. When the fighter jets leave, they come out again to resume their bombardment.

Snipers are still present in some areas, namely Tripoli street. They wanted snipers to be their winning strategy, but it hasn’t worked. Now the snipers are just firing at anything in their line of fire. We have worked so hard of defeat them, but the protection they receive from tanks and artillery in the neighbouring streets makes it difficult for us to completely remove them.

We are in constant communication with revolutionaries in other cities. We know that our equipment is no match for theirs. But we fight them with our belief. We believe that we will be victorious despite the sacrifices.

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23:55 DIRECT from Misratah Update from the ongoing battle in Az-Zawaabi district. So far 6 revolutionaries have been martyred and 5 injured by Gaddafi’s forces.

Wow! From the pictures and sattelite images from Misrata on CNN, I had no idea the city was so big. (I knew it had around 500,000 residents compared to Sirt which has about 130,000 only but is also very sprawling and large)


12:27am Anti-Gaddafi fighters in Misurata have come under attack, a spokesman named Mohamed tells Reuters by satellite phone:

Gaddafi's forces are launching intensive and vicious military campaigns against us in Misurata. They are determined to capture the city. Today was tough for the rebels.

A second told the agency:

The humanitarian situation is catastrophic. There is a shortage of food and medicine. The hospital is no longer able to deal with the situation ...

Gaddafi's forces went into houses in Zawabi, which is near Tripoli street, and killed four brothers and two of their neighbours. We are sure they have positioned snipers on the rooftops of these houses.


DIRECT UPDATE from Misratah: Number of martyrs in Az-Zawaabi battle rises to 9 among them 4 brothers & 2 brothers #Libya http://t.co/vJT4HUu 24 minutes ago via web
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Channel 4 News

Libya: staying sane in insane situations

Tuesday 29 March 2011 9:58 am

We drove fast through the town of Zuwarah, but not too fast for me not to notice the gaping holes in buildings caused by tank or artillery shelling. Or the anti-Gaddafi graffiti which had been whitewashed over in almost every settlement we passed. Or the fact that every Gaddafi poster by the roadside, stretching for miles, had been ripped down and not replaced. A reminder that there was a rebellion in the West a month or so ago, and though it was crushed, it may re-ignite if rebel gains in the East provide any kind of inspiration.

Libyan rebels claim the town of Zintan was hit by government grade rockets on Monday morning, and the “Zs” are the towns in the West to watch: Zintan, Zuwarah, Zawiyah, all potential powder kegs of revolt.

Yet I saw just one tank in a journey of well over two hours. That tank, dug in and beneath a tree, besides an anti-aircraft gun. On the same road, a few weeks before, I saw scores of tanks, mostly old Soviet T72s, which had me wondering whether their commanders were now hiding them from possible NATO air attacks.

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The American Who Died for the Libyan Revolution

Muhannad Bensadik didn't have to be here.

He could have been in Virginia, with his family.

He could have been going to school, leading his scout team and living with his mother and his four siblings, all younger and all but one born in the United States.

But Bensadik, 21, decided to stay in Benghazi, Libya -- where he had recently moved -- as the revolution exploded throughout this country and millions of people who've lived under fear and tyranny for 42 years suddenly tasted freedom.

He protested the regime on Feb. 15 and braved walls of bullets during the initial crackdown. He lived to celebrate the expulsion of Col. Moammar Gadhafi's government in eastern Libya. And, then, as Gadhafi's troops advanced, he grabbed a gun and joined the fight.

"Dad, we're not cowards," he told his father, Libya-born Osama Bensadik. "I can go to the States and can have everything. But how about the kids here? They don't have the opportunity to do that.

"Libya is as much my country as the United States is. And we'd like to make sure that this revolution goes through. If everyone leaves, who's going to lead the revolution?"

"The American revolutionary Patrick Henry, he said, 'Give me my freedom or give me my death,'" Bensadik said, crying over the phone. "And that's how my son lived."

Life under Gadhafi, Bensadik said, was "inhuman," and the whole family opposed him. Muhannad Bensadik's younger brother, Yuosef, is still in Benghazi, working with the struggling opposition government.

Like Son, Like Father

It's a fight that Osama will continue, even as he tries to send his son's body back to his wife in Virginia.

"Gadhafi will never return. His rule will never happen again. I promise you myself. Even," he says, pausing, "if I have to die like my son."

An interview with Muhannad Bensadik:


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4:25am In this photo taken yesterday afternoon, a sheep joins other supplies in the back of an anti-Gaddafi fighter's truck, outside Bin Jawad.


WHAT? I...I'm not sure what to say to this. Totally confounding.

4:43am Former Nicaraguan foreign minister Miguel D'Escoto will be the new official representative of Libya's Muammar Gaddafi to the United Nations, Nicaragua's first lady - former Sandanista revolutionary and wife of Daniel Ortega - Rosario Murillo has told the AFP news agency.
5:27am As many as 25,000 people have fled the violence in Ajdabiya, the United Nations said in a situation report on Libya released on Tuesday.

Since the conflict began, at least 376,485 people have left the country for Egypt, Tunisia, Niger, Algeria, Chad and Sudan.

And there's thousands more in Misrata that are waiting to go home.

Also I wonder how many actual residents of Zawiya and Zuwara are left.

Also some of those coast towns that have been fought over.

They mostly seem abandoned other than Gaddafi or opposition fighters.

And let's not forget that the front line seems to be moving BACK to Ajdabiya.

I hope Gaddafi forces aren't allowed to besiege it again.

---------- Post added March-30th-2011 at 12:59 AM ----------


Is this the blog of the wife of Libyan spokesman Musa Ibrahim? http://t.co/feVqUp5 10 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac




Anglo-Libyan said...

are you serious? or are you blind to reality? wake up, being just another mouth piece for Gaddafi can only mean you are being paid to do it. SHAME ON YOU

25 March 2011 09:32

Julia said...

Clearly you are writing from outside Libya... I'm writing what I see here in Tripoli. If you have to resort to name-calling, oh well.

It's like the minority that try to assert themselves over the majority and know they can't do it without weapons.

Just goes to show...

28 March 2011 21:19

Julia said...

And just to point out - I never praised Gaddhafi, I praised the resilience of a people under attack.

28 March 2011 21:21

Anglo-Libyan said...

then how come you have internet while everyone there dont?? and dont say you have satellite internet because even those can not access internet in Tripoli and I know that as a fact.

stop watching Libyan TV, they are spreading lies, Libyans are united against Gaddafi and his criminal regime, get real please

29 March 2011 08:52

sgiurani29 said...

really are u for real???? your blog is pathetic almost as bad as your husbands tv bluppers!

30 March 2011 00:40

sgiurani29 said...

and please al-Qaeda!!! really???? where's your proof!!!! show me!!!! and quoting the dog Gadaffi who is a repulsive compulsive liar in capable of telling the truth is no source!

30 March 2011 00:44

742f7496-5a60-11e0-85c6-000bcdcb2996 said...

Since we can't agree on facts, lets ask these questions independent of what either of us believe is actually happening:

Should Libyans have the right to peacefully protest?

Should Libyans be albe to freely select their leaders?

Under what circumstances can innocent civilians be gunned down in the street for demanding these rights?

P.S. I was in Tripoli up until 4 days ago. So I know what exactly what is going on, please avoid attempts to muddle the issue.

30 March 2011 00:58

The Dictator said...

You're an awful, awful person.

And to clarify, I don't base my comment on this ridiculous post alone. Please refrain from referring to Libya using possessive pronouns, you surely do not deserve it.

30 March 2011 02:11

Esra said...

please remember while you're lying and aiding those who are murdering and slaughtering innocent people, you're time will come. I, for one, cannot WAIT for that day to come for all the hypocritical scumbugs (i.e your dirty husband and his bosses). so please enjoy your blog, your husband, your little boy (whose mind is probably going to be just as polluted as his parents) and your status in Libya as of now. when the time comes (inshallah) for a free libya you will become a widow, your child an orphan. your husband is not above anyone else, our deen clearly states that. i suggest you brush up on Islam and STOP LYING. i cant wait for that day to come.

30 March 2011 02:33

Esra said...

oh its me again. just wanted to remind you that your dear husband, the one you love oh so much, has been targeted personally and by name by the ICC for crimes against humanity. This is a fact, one that cannot and will not be changed. I hope you are deeply concerned for his personal future, if my husband had wronged someone I would do my duty and try to help him. Maternity wards have been bombed, there is footage of this. I hope you think of your dear son, the one you love so much, when you read this. Imagine someone doing to you what your husband is doing to these innocent victims.

30 March 2011 02:45

Ausama said...

you aught to be ashamed of yourself Julia!!! Just because your married to an idiot doesn't make you think you have the credibility to talk about Libya in this view. You are very wrong on what is going on in Libya...The People are for change and we no longer want scumbags like your husband and the people he is defending in our land. They can all go to hell for slaughtering innocent civilians just because they wanted to protest.

30 March 2011 02:53

sorin said...

Are you for real? If you really believe what you are saying than it's just sad and can only blame you for being naive but if are lying for your husband (and I know your husband know hes lying) than you deserve what you going to get. I know your husband is going to get what he deserves. Believe me Gaddafi and your husband will fall sooner or latter and then he will answer to the Libyan people

30 March 2011 03:08

Amina1 said...

You know dam well nothing last forever. If there is no justice there is no peace. You build a happy home in Libya while the rest of Libyan suffering. No one may build their happiness on another's pain. which is why things didn't work out for Anna.( Tolstoy). Don't be deaf and blind. Try to use your eyes and ears how the rest of world use them rather than your master Mo.Gaddaf

30 March 2011 04:45


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From watching Al Jazeera English just now upon waking up, Hoda Abdel-hamid and the opposition fighters with her are still between Ras Lanuf and Brega. Apparently there's been some airstrikes around Ras Lanuf, but there is still fighting and falling back going on as well. There is also apparently some kind of navel bombardment, but it's hard to tell who is doing it. I could also see footage of a truck shooting off small rockets ahead, but It wasn't clear to me when that took place or if they were even aiming at anything in particular.

Now for some older news to catch folks and myself up:


11:11am The AFP news agency says Gaddafi's forces have taken Ras Lanuf, but Reuters says rebels are still withdrawing and the fighting is ongoing. The regime troops are reportedly bombarding the rebels, but they could be doing so from a distance, since Grad rockets have a range of up to 40 kilometres.
11:18am The question now is why the international coalition has yet to launch air strikes on Gaddafi's troops as they advance from Nawfaliya to Bin Jawad to Ras Lanuf. Are they obeying the letter of resolution 1973, as Christian Science Monitor writer Dan Murphy suggests on Twitter, or is there something else going on?
11:24am Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters on Wednesday that UN Security Council resolution 1973 doesn't give foreign powers the right to arm Libya's rebels.

France, on the other hand, has said it is prepared to discuss such a move with its allies, and the United States has left the door open, saying the resolution doesn't outlaw it.

Russia, of course, abstained from the Security Council vote authorising the resolution and has called for a ceasefire. Lavrov did reiterate Russia's position that Gaddafi should step down.

11:41am The AP reports that fighter jets "buzzed" over the fighting near Ras Lanuf today but didn't fire on the Gaddafi troops.
11:52am The Sky News crawl says one of their correspondents has witnessed air strikes near Ugayla, a village between Ras Lanuf and Brega.
12:04pm Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel Hamid, reporting from near Ras Lanuf, notes there was a sandstorm yesterday, which could account for the lull in air strikes. She said she expects a "renewed intensity" from the coalition effort today.
12:15pm James Bays, outside Ajdabiya, also notes that it might be difficult for coalition pilots to discern Gaddafi's irregular fighters and mobile mortar teams riding in jeeps and the backs of trucks from the rebels fighting with them.
12:10pm Bays also describes the tactics being used by Gaddafi's forces. They send mobile mortar teams several kilometres off the main road, flank the disorganised rebel columns, and begin shelling them from a distance. Almost without fail, the mortar fire - possibly combined with long-range Grad rocket attacks - has forced rebels to retreat.

Perhaps more ominously, Bays says he thinks there could be plainclothed regime spies traveling on the main road with the rebels, feeding information back to Gaddafi's troops.


#0932: The latest from Libya is that rebels have been trying to hold their front line after pro-Gaddafi forces recaptured several coastal towns including the eastern oil port of Ras Lanuf. The BBC's Ben Brown in Ajdabiya says he has seen the rebels sending reinforcements to the front line, including four Katyusha rocket systems. Reports from the western city of Misrata say rebels there are still coming under intense attack.

Hoda is now saying that over the last half hour there has been a massive retreat from Ras Lanuf. Al Jazeera English reported moments ago that Ras Lanuf has been taken by Gaddafi forces. Opposition fighters have confirmed this to Hoda. They did say that some of their fighters may be ahead of Ras Lanuf at Bishar. It was unclear whether these were scouts or why they were so far ahead of the rest.

James Bays is now between Ajdabiya and Brega on the main highway.

He also says that Gaddafi forces are using spotters and maybe spies to outmaneuver the opposition. He adds that opposition leaders are sending a new commander to the front.

This man was mentioned recently as a military commander who fought in the 80's for Libya against Chad. Remember though that Libya lost that invasion.

12:41pm A Facebook group that calls itself the "Intifada of February 17, 2011," after the day Libyans' anti-regime protests were met with deadly violence, has posted this video that allegedly shows rebels uncovering landmines in the desert on the road to Sirte. Rebels had been advancing to Sirte on Monday before meeting stiff resistence and retreating. There is no way for Al Jazeera to verify the authenticity of this video.


12:57pm Regarding that Facebook video that purports to show landmines outside Sirte, here's a report from CNN quoting Human Rights Watch saying they believe Gaddafi's troops planted "several dozen" mines outside Ajdabiya when they occupied the town.
1:01pm One more post on the landmines issue: Human Rights Watch has issued a report, just today, that confirms the use of anti-personnel and anti-vehicle by Gaddafi's forces.


#1227: Pro-Gaddafi forces are pounding the western city of Misrata with heavy artillery, rebels are quoted as saying by the AFP news agency.
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Britain expels five #Libya diplomats, citing security threat and "grave concern" about regime's behaviour. http://aje.me/e2AwMF 11 minutes ago via HootSuite
#1300: Libya's Col Gaddafi is welcome to live in Uganda, the spokesman for Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is quoted as saying by the Associated Press.

I still have fears that he and his family and allies could influence or command his forces from another country. Might even be able to get more mercenaries. Also there needs to be some way to ensure that he and his family never return to Libya. Unless it's as a prisoner.


#1331: The Libyan government says it will sue any international company which concludes any energy deals with the rebels, Reuters is quoting a report on Libya's official news agency.

---------- Post added March-30th-2011 at 08:56 AM ----------


#1347: The BBC's Ben Brown in the eastern town of Ajdabiya says that Libyan rebels "are pretty much in full retreat now". Our correspondent adds: "The rebels don't have the firepower to match Gaddafi's forces. The rebels don't have a great will to fight. Gaddafi's forces seem to be more resilient when it comes to fighting pitch battles."

---------- Post added March-30th-2011 at 08:58 AM ----------


DIRECT from Misratah: Aid ship from Malta has just arrived at Misratah's Port

---------- Post added March-30th-2011 at 09:10 AM ----------


#1405: Rebel-controlled Voice of Free Libya radio has admitted an error in reporting the capture of Sirte, BBC Monitoring reports. A rebel colonel also said his forces had conducted a "tactical withdrawal" from Bin Jawad to Ras Lanuf because of the absence of coalition air cover. The radio also aired an appeal for anyone who could drive a T-55 tank to report for duty.
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Both Al Jazeera English reporters are in Ajdabiya now. James Bays is outside the city watching tons of people gathering around and determined to hold the city. He doesn't really see anyone taking defensive positions though. He said there are planes flying overhead but no bombs dropping anywhere. Hoda is in the city itself and says that she was ahead of Ras Lanuf earlier and witnessed the most chaotic retreat she had ever seen. Everyone was shooting wildly trying to hit Gaddafi forces and artillery that were attacking them from some distance and people reported that they were even being bombarded by naval ships. She couldn't confirm that herself though, but there were lots of loud explosions and everyone retreated for fear of being wiped out.

---------- Post added March-30th-2011 at 09:30 AM ----------


#1416: The BBC's Ben Brown near the Libyan front line says rebel fighters and families in cars are streaming away from Brega and heading towards Ajdabiya as pro-Gaddafi forces continue their advance. He says the rebels were ambushed by government troops in Ras Lanuf and retreated very quickly.
#1434: Libyan rebels fleeing east towards Ajdabiya under pressure from pro-Gaddafi troops say they hope to return to Brega later today. Correspondents say rebel forces appear to be completely disorganised.

---------- Post added March-30th-2011 at 10:16 AM ----------


#1440: Following on from those reports of heavy shelling in the rebel-held city of Misrata on Tuesday, a rebel spokesman tells Reuters that 18 civilians were killed in the attacks. The claim cannot be independently verified.
#1445: More on Misrata: The same rebel spokesman tells Reuters that the government blockade on the port has ended and ships are delivering aid and evacuating the wounded.
#1450: Libyan state TV is showing what it says is the aftermath of coalition air strikes on Misrata and footage of towns along the coast it says have been cleared of rebel forces, BBC Monitoring reports. In one location, armed men draped with the Libyan green flag appear, with one saying: "There are no rats from Al-Harawah to Bin-Jawad."
#1500: French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet has hailed the "essential" role of Qatari warplanes in the Libya operation, during a visit to the military base of Souda on the island of Crete.


Any country willing to step up and use the mandate of "all means necessary to protect civilians&civilian areas" to stop Gaddafi's attacks? half a minute ago via web

On Al Jazeera English James Bays says that mortar explosions have quieted outside Ajdabiya which may mean Gaddafi forces are moving them forward along the flanks. He says that planes have flown overhead, but he has no idea what they are doing or if they are trying to decide to intervene at some point.

Right now tons of cars and people are flooding out of Ajdabiya towards Benghazi.

There are fears that some people and cars heading into and through Ajdabiya are Gaddafi supporters in disguise. People on the front line are getting worried about who they can trust.

#1507: French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe says the first defections of those close to Col Gaddafi in Tripoli had been reported. Addressing the French National Assembly - broadcast live on TV - Mr Juppe said: "As you said, the situation on the ground remains undecided. At the political level - and this is perhaps a sign of positive developments - the first defections around Gaddafi in Tripoli are being reported."

Um...what? Who? Odd time for them to defect.

#1516: Spanish Foreign Minister Trinidad Jimenez says Col Gaddafi and senior Libyan officials have tried to establish contact with the government in Madrid, ABC newspaper reported. However, the government has rejected the possibility of dialogue, she adds.
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3:35pm Al Jazeera has learnt from sources on the ground that Gaddafi troops are on their way to Brega.

Reuters is reporting that pro-Gaddafi forces are pressing further east with an artillery offensive against rebel fighters. A rebel fighter, Mohamed al-Abreigi, told Reuters:

We are going to Ajdabiyah. We will gather there and, God willing, we will head back to Brega today.
4:13pm Oil shipments from Africa's third-largest producer have been blocked for weeks due to heavy fighting and international sanctions. Shipping sources say shipments remain at a standstill, with no one hiring oil tankers.

A shipping source told Reuters:

There has been no crude oil, no fuel oil and no clean products out of Libya for about 10 or 12 days. There is no Libya enquiry at the moment from anywhere.

4:40pm Libyan families are fleeing the eastern town of Ajdabiya towards the rebel stronghold of Benghazi on Wednesday as counter-attacks by pro-Gaddafi forces prompt a panic retreat of rebel fighters


5:13pm Uganda has offered asylum to Gaddafi, the same as it would consider an application from anyone seeking refuge in the east African country, a minister said on Wednesday.

Al Arabiya TV reported that Uganda would welcome Gaddafi following a suggestion by coalition forces that he go into exile to end the conflict.

Henry Okello Oryem, a junior Ugandan foreign affairs minister, told Reuters:

Those are rumours. I have just been in a cabinet meeting with all the ministers and yes we discussed Libya but there was nothing on asylum that we discussed. However, if Gaddafi does apply for asylum in Uganda, we'll consider his application like we do for all those who seek refuge in Uganda


1548: Reuters says Libyan officials have expelled one of its correspondents in Tripoli. The news agency says no reason was given for ordering out Michael Georgy, who had been in Tripoli since 28 February. A small group of foreign journalists are working under tight government restrictions in the capital.
1609: The BBC's Ben Brown in Ajdabiya says the town is a place of panic and people there fear pro-Gaddafi troops could be at the gates soon. The rebels have been stopped in their tracks, he says. They have lost Bin Jawad and Ras Lanuf and have been rolled back through Brega. The rebels are in disarray, he adds, and what started as an advance has become a rout.
1615: The BBC's Kevin Connolly in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi says the mood has darkened in the city as news of the government's advances comes through. He says there is widespread questioning about Nato's mandate and people are asking why coalition planes cannot take out Col Gaddafi's tanks and armoured cars.
1621: It seems fighting is hotting up in Libya this evening: Coalition fighter planes have carried out an air strike on pro-Gaddafi forces near Ajdabiya, where rebels have gathered after retreating from Brega and Ras Lanuf, an AFP reporter says.
1654: A Libyan from Misrata, writes: "If the US doesn't trust the rebel forces, then how will the coalition end this? Or will it continue with no end in sight? The crisis in Libya must end soon, we need to get the opposition forces ready to take on the west of Libya, Sirte and Tripoli and defend Misrata from further attacks - that means arming them, also training them, and getting some coalition country to provide ground support, intelligence, communications etc, all in one, not arms only but a more robust support to the opposition."

---------- Post added March-30th-2011 at 12:29 PM ----------

from the opposition Interim National Council press conference:


#Libya #MilC we ask the #UN : what are you doing to stop mercenaries and official Chadian foces coming from Chad to support #Gaddafi ?

29 minutes ago via web

#MilC Isa Taher(Same Tribe as Chadian President) the Chadian the deputy director of intelligence from chad is comanding the troops in#Libya 27 minutes ago via web
#Libya #MilC we're still in need for more advanced equipment to keep communication lines open

12 minutes ago via web

#Libya #MilC Chadian Garrison foces is from the republican guard rnaging between 3200 and 3600 soldiers, highly trained and euipped 6 minutes ago via web

Honestly this seems hard for me to believe.

I know Gaddafi has lots of connections and influence in Africa, and he has forced migrants and others to fight for him and hired some mercenaries from other countries.

This seems like a bit much though.

The Council and their military command seem to beleive it though.

Not sure how the opposition can win if thousands of African mercenaries and troops are fighting for Gaddafi.

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5:49pm The first coalition air strike in two days against Gaddafi's forces was carried out near the eastern city of Ajdabiya, where rebels have sought shelter after being pushed back from the frontlines.

The AFP said huge plumes of smoke rose into the sky amid cries of jubilation among the rebels, who had called for air support earlier.

Justifying their lack of fight, the rebels pointed out they were poorly armed with vintage or looted weapons, some of which jammed or had no more ammunition. They called it a fight of "the people" against an army.

A rebel fighter, Yunes Abdelghaim, 27, told AFP:

We want two things: that the planes drop bombs on Kadhafi's tanks and heavy artillery, and that they [the West] give us weapons so we can fight.
6:14pm The Netherlands announced on Wednesday it has frozen more than €3bn ($4bn) of assets as part of EU sanctions against Gaddafi's government, targetting both prominent figures and entities.

A spokesman for the Dutch finance minister, Niels Redeker, told AFP:

We informed the parliament that €3.1bn fo Libyan assets have been frozen since March 2.

The government provided no further details in its letter to Dutch legislators last week.


#Libya #MilC We’re still arming th official army which will be led by #KhalifaHefter 31 minutes ago via web
@shorestone #KhalifaHefter is the former Genral and leader of Libyan army, he defected and escaped to the USA back and 1988, 18 minutes ago via web in reply to shorestone

I guess they're still setting the army up then. Although they do have some vets and organized youth fighters on the front lines and a handful of lower officers maybe.


1740: Guma el-Gamaty, UK co-ordinator for the Libyan rebels' Transitional National Council, tells the BBC that Wednesday's retreats did not spell victory for Col Gaddafi. "The military situation is very fluid," he said. "It is open terrain and difficult to protect and retain. Things can change in hours."

They've been retreating for three days now.

1805: Correspondents on the Libyan front line say some rebels believe a large force of pro-Gaddafi troops is coming from the south to form a pincer movement on Ajdabiya and Benghazi.
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If the USA foolishly arm the rebels that does have Al qaeda and Hezbollah among them, I wonder how many US and allied casualties in the future will be related to that weaponry?

All Libyan freedom fighters are no more terrorists than all US soldiers in Afghanistan are civilian murdering sadists. Let's cut the crap.

---------- Post added March-30th-2011 at 01:24 PM ----------


AJA: Revolutionaries were able to destroy some of Gaddafi's artillery and the soldiers have been pushed away from Brega #libya #feb17 11 minutes ago via web
AJA: The revolutionaries have started their counterattack - trying to recapture some of the lost towns. #libya #feb17 11 minutes ago via web
AJA: We haven't seen as many revolutionaries as we did yesterday, but we suspect this was part of the tatctics. #libya #feb17 11 minutes ago via web
AJA: The free Libyan commandos were able to ambush Gaddafi's forces and rumours that these forces suffered heavy defeats #libya #feb17 10 minutes ago via web
AJA: The fighting will probably continue over the night, now that the Free Libyan Army is doing the heavy work, not civilian rebels. #libya 9 minutes ago via web
AJA: I think what we've recently seen is the Free Libyan Army trying to control the civilian revolutionaries and organize them #libya #feb17 7 minutes ago via web
AJA: The Free Libyan Army and elite Commandos are therefore leading the front lines now, NOT the untrained revolutionaries. #libya #feb17 7 minutes ago via web
AJA: We are now in Ajdabiya (crew) and the city is heavily fortified but we suspect the revolutionaries can push west again tonight #libya 6 minutes ago via web

---------- Post added March-30th-2011 at 01:41 PM ----------


1825: RANsquawk tweets: "Libya rebel military spokesman says fighting under way in Brega. Ajdabiya will be new line of defence."


1833: Following on from that last tweet, rebel spokesman Ahmad Bani tells Reuters that civilians are under threat from the advancing Libyan army and he called on coalition planes to "take out" Gaddafi's forces. He added: "We are seeking weapons that will be able to destroy the heavy weapons they are using against us such as tanks and artillery."
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