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ESPN: Source: Santana Moss to be Free Agent


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Don't Kings usually have jewelry and riches to show for their crusades? I mean really I hope he stays but don't crown him king, if he wants to gather a kings ransom let him go, he is not that valuable.

Just asking, you do know that used to be a charity event between Sean, Clinton and Santana and it was called 3 kings right?

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Anyone who thinks Anthony Armstrong can step into that role and do what Santana does is misguided.

I love me some AA, but he does not have the polish as a receiver as Moss is. Santana is best used in the slot, as was shown this year by Kyle Shanahan. Santana Moss was able to run a variety of routes against opposing teams' lesser corners, and although he isn't as fast as he used to be, he still runs excellent routes and can get separation.

Armstrong resembles Moss when he was a member of the Jets and has a decent amount of room for improvement, enough that he can be a more than adequate replacement. Don't forget that Moss' speed is slowly declining and his effort over the last few seasons has been extremely questionable at times. AA may never be what Santana once was but he can hold his own just fine.

The real problem here is who do we get to replace Armstrong as the #2 guy.

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This is the best news I've heard all day. Kudos to the Redskins. Now get Clinton out of here, too!

You know, I'm going to miss 26. Forget about his controversial remarks off the field and focus on his play. He was everything I would want in a football player for my team.

When asked to put on weight and change his play (might have been what killed his career)

- He did it to the best of his ability with no hanky panky

When asked to loose weight

- He did it to the best of his ability with no hanky panky

Don't get me started about his play. The man gave us everything he had left. However, its time to move on. Running backs can't avoid contact in this game baby. Clinton deserves to be a backup on a contender. Good luck CP

In my 23 years of cheering there has only been two probowl backs come through DC. 1.Stephen Davis and 2. Clinton "Southeast Jerome" Portis


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Moss was our most productive player on our most product unit.

Compared to other positions the WRs as a unit have played above replacement level.

Not re-signing Moss just creates a hole at a place where there doesn't need to be one.

We have true needs at: QB, Center, 3-4 DE, depending on what happens w/ Jamaal Brown RT, NT, OG, LOLB

Realistically we're not going to be able to add more then 2-3 impact players to address the above needs.

Why add WR to the need list by not re-signing Moss?

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Armstrong resembles Moss when he was a member of the Jets and has a decent amount of room for improvement, enough that he can be a more than adequate replacement. Don't forget that Moss' speed is slowly declining and his effort over the last few seasons has been extremely questionable at times. AA may never be what Santana once was but he can hold his own just fine.

The real problem here is who do we get to replace Armstrong as the #2 guy.

I'm more concerned with who our #1 guy is.

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Vincent Jackson: Yes.

Julio Jones: Probably.

Malcom Kelly: I have no reason to think that he'll ever be a #1. Heck, he only has 28 career receptions.

James Jones: I haven't seen anything from him that screams #1 wr.

But they're all better options than Terrence Austin or AA

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With Tana having familiarity with the offense now he would be a plus to have, but only at a reasonable price. With that said it would be wise to bring him back.

---------- Post added February-7th-2011 at 01:18 AM ----------

And btw Julio Jones couldn't stay healthy in college do we really want another 'Malcomb' conundrum on our hands?

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With Tana having familiarity with the offense now he would be a plus to have, but only at a reasonable price. With that said it would be wise to bring him back.

---------- Post added February-7th-2011 at 01:18 AM ----------

And btw Julio Jones couldn't stay healthy in college do we really want another 'Malcomb' conundrum on our hands?

It's not the same. There is not one scout who would compare The Comb's injury history and concerns of career longevity to Julio Jones.

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