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George Bush's new memoir... Anybody read it yet?


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I just finished it this weekend. Lot of stuff in their both for his supporters and the rest of us to latch onto.

I did not expect to be supprised during the reading of this book. There were a few supprises for me however. Perhaps the biggest suprise was evidently Bush told Obama on inauguration day that he would have to use the TARP funds to bail out GM. Bush said Obama was hesitant to do it; and bush said he understood why; but Bush told Obama he would have to bite the bullet and bail out GM.

That was very suprising to me. I think the GM bail out was one of the most unpopular Obama policies among Bush's base. It supprised me very much that Bush was the one who suggested it. It supprised me even more that he was taking full credit for that suggesting in his book.

After 8 years I didn't think Bush could suprise me anymore. Over all Bush's memoir was not all that bad a read. It was much better than Bill Clinton's for instance. While I wasn't a big fan of Bush's I think he did attempt to explain himself in this book and he did give a greater detail about his presidency and his thinking in this book.

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I bought the book for my dad for Christmas. He's supposed to send it to me to read after he's done because I'm too cheap to buy another one. Looking forward to it though. I've seen a couple of his interviews when he was publicizing his book and it they were pretty interesting.

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I bought the book for my dad for Christmas. He's supposed to send it to me to read after he's done because I'm too cheap to buy another one. Looking forward to it though. I've seen a couple of his interviews when he was publicizing his book and it they were pretty interesting.

Nice Daughter.... Good Job... you picked a pretty good christmas gift there...

I think I'm going to pick up Grant's autobiography next. Coarse I have the new Tom Clancy before I do anything else. Clancy has a co-author; which I don't really care for, but he's back to Jack Ryan and the old characters so I must check it out.

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i'm gonna wait for it on tape as read by Al Gore.

fify :D

But seriously, I went through HS and college hating the man and his policies. I am VERY interested in reading his book though. The Bush presidency defined my teen years and early adulthood.

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The timing of the GM revelation doesn't make sense. The original TARP loans were provided on December 19, 2008. Everyone knew that Obama would do it; the Democrats wanted to bail out the automakers. The question was whether the Republicans would do it. I don't want to get into the nitty gritty details because they make me so angry.

The loans to GM and Chrysler were patently illegal. I'll leave it at that.

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