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Asking some car advice


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OK I have a 2004 Tahoe that is killing me on gas mileage, so I have found an option and wanted some thoughts.

The Tahoe has almost every "bell and whistle" (Heated seats, Bose Sound, DVD etc. etc.) It has right under 90k in miles. I do security business with a local used car dealer that has a high end lot. He is offering me 12 k for my Tahoe, to trade on a 2006 Lexus ES 330 (same milage)and is charging me 900 bucks to him for the ride. I test drove it today and it is real nice.

I have been in Pick-ups from '98 until '07, had the Tahoe since then. Money isn't the issue. Question is, has anyone had trouble with the transition to a car from a truck/SUV? I know that in the past, when I owned my trucks, I had to rent an SUV when traveling just b/c it felt weird to drive a car. Low to the ground, less visibility.

The test drive went great, for that ten minutes, but overall? Input is appreciated

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A few years ago I went from a Wrangler to a dodge caliber. It was weird for the first week. Then that became normal. I do hate having to get up/shrink down to get in or out.

I had driven nothing but wranglers from 94-2008.

Being in a car does allow for more aggressiveness behind the wheel.

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Crap; I'm looking for a Tahoe to augment my car. I need it when I'm picking up supplies, materials & heading to jobs that are too much for my car. Saw this too late though; oh well. Haven't been able to find anything that sounds that clean around here.

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Vehicles depreciate. Only buy a car if you can pay cash and get only what you need. Automobiles are the biggest rip-off in American History. If money is not an issue .... still get what you need over what you "want."

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has anyone had trouble with the transition to a car from a truck/SUV?

I miss my old ford F150 straight 6 got 30mpg, Got rid of it 10yrs ago and I have missed it ever since. i could carry all the stuff I now have to have delivered or have my neighbor pick up for me.

I am looking for a used PU now, going to give my car to one of the kids when i find one

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Vehicles depreciate. Only buy a car if you can pay cash and get only what you need. Automobiles are the biggest rip-off in American History. If money is not an issue .... still get what you need over what you "want."

It depends on who you are. For someone like me, sure, my current cars all cost $1500 or less and I keep them going myself. For the average, non mechanically inclined it gets real expensive keeping an older car going. Especially nowadays that cars are purposely designed to start falling apart after 5 or so years and be in the junk yard by the time they're 10-12 years old and they're so loaded with complicated and expensive electronics you can't fix them without tons of special equipment. They've really got this planned obsolesence thing down to a science in the automotive world. Looking at it from the standpoint of someone who fixes cars for a living I am constantly blown away by how much it costs the average person to keep a car on the road, I don't know how people afford it. There's something to be said for the piece of mind that comes with a new car warranty.

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I love my Tahoe, but I also really love driving my other cars . You will get used to it. It's just a different feel for it. Same as when I first bought an Explorer. It took me a good 2 weeks before I truly felt comfortable driving it at higher speeds and understanding the balance and feel of the ride only other times I really had driven a truck was one of my Dads Hot Rods, his Cherokee, and my Grandfathers old Chevy...That was only 4 times in a 4 year period. It was probably 10 years later before I bought a truck.

Same as other cars. My brother does just fine in his Altima, but taking out my Mom's 7 series was a little intimidating for him. I can drive a Mercedes and feel completely comfortable, sitting behind the wheel of a 911 is completely different.

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I'm not a big Toyota fan but if you are set on a Toyota product you should just get a Camry instead of the ES 330. They are basically the same car. The ES 330 might have alittle bit more wood in it. Besides as someone mentioned earlier it is a chick car or more accurately a kept woman's car.

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