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WP: Judge sentences Tom DeLay to 3 years in prison


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They wouldn't. If anything, term limits give even more power to lobbyists, because the new congresspeople have to spend so much time getting up to speed on one of the most difficult jobs in the world. They naturally defer to lobbyists and staff, and haven't seen all of the pitfalls of doing that. We have seen that in California, where term limits in our state legislature have led to a bunch of clueless newbies trying to run things.

But people love term limits as an easy solution to a complicated problem, so expect to hear more about them.

Agreed. Term limits is a sound-bite "solution" whose real effect would be a parade of people elected for their name recognition (Football coaches, actors, people like that) who will serve as sock puppets for career staffers, Party officials, and lobbyists.

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An old wives tale. Washington himself said he didn't run for a third term because he was old and wanted to retire, not because he was establishing a term limit.

Washington himself said that when his officers tried to appoint him as king. He put on his bifocals and addressed the assemble, urging them to respect congress while proclaiming unsuited to lead them; and that was years before he was first appointed to the Presidency. Between George Washington and FDR no president ever ran for a third term in office, much less served a third term. You would have us believe that's just an odd occurence of randum chance? WRONG, this is directly attributed to George Washington and the precident he set, having left office at the peak of his power after two terms in office..

When Thomas Jefferson stepped aside in 1809 at the age of 66, he sited George Washingtn's example; even though he lived for another 20 years his Presidency was over.

Even Teddy Roosevelt had Washington in mind when he declined to seek re-election in 1908.

Roosevelt served almost 3 1/2 years after McKinley was killed and although he agreed to run in 1904 for another term, he declared that he would not run in 1908 since that would be like a third term.There was a strong precedent set by Washington that a president should serve only two terms and it would have made him look presumptuous if people thought he planned to go for a third term. My guess is that he thought at the time that one more term would be enough for him to accomplish his goals as president and that it would help his election chances and be good for his party if he made it clear that he would not run in 1908. (As you know, he later changed his mind.)


As for the 65 year old Washington being too old and infirm to run for office in 1797 that's a joke. President Adams re-commissioned Washington in 1798 to be lieutenant general and Commander-in-chief of the armies raised or to be raised for service in a prospective war with France. So he was firm enough to be on active duty with the army! He served as the senior officer of the United States Army between July 13, 1798, and December 14, 1799. He participated in the planning for a Provisional Army to meet any emergency that might arise,

Washington's entire model of service was the Roman Emporor Cincinatus. The farmer emporor who was called to serve in time of emergency; then set aside power to return to his field. Washington took that very seriously. To this day the organization for the colonial officer and their desendants is known as the Cincinatus society and Cincinatus is fretured prominently if you visit mount vernon.

Washington did die in 1799; but he died of a feaver after riding his property line in the rain. Not of old age.

In his farewell address, he said he almost retired after his first term. If that had happened, would you then say George Washington established a 4 year term limit? Of course not. Washington's choice to retire at 8 years has nothing to do with term limits.

Just about every two term president has sited George Washington in his decision not to run for a third term of office. All of them. When FDR decided he would not take his name out of the running for a third term; the political cartoons of the day were again invoking Washington.

from 1940


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