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nflfanhouse.com - Tucker Carlson: (Fox News) Michael Vick 'Should Have Been Executed'


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I would of approved of his not being reinstated by the league.

Hey, the guy can have a second chance, but why does he get a second chance at the high life? The NFL is what it is because of fan approval, I see no fault in saying he doesn't get another chance in the NFL, and the same goes for a bunch of players in the league.


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I would of approved of his not being reinstated by the league.

Hey, the guy can have a second chance, but why does he get a second chance at the high life? The NFL is what it is because of fan approval, I see no fault in saying he doesn't get another chance in the NFL, and the same goes for a bunch of players in the league.

The reason Vick is playing is because it pays. Are you crazy? How do you condemn a man for dogs. I am sure a number of us ram over a few squirrels in our life. The real question is are animals and humans equal. Are you willing to suppport that idea.

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Not executed....just stripped down to milkbone underwear covered in steak sauce, and thrown into the ring with some very angry pitbulls..then we'd see if he's really all that fast. I think he deserves a 2nd chance in society, but not in the NFL. He and Leonard Little both should've benn banned for life.
What is so sacred about the NFL?
FWIW - The Vikings tortured Eagles and executed Vick last night.... dude was getting smashed
The NFL is probably the closest thing we have to dogfighting for humans. Maybe MMA. But more athletes probably sustain serious crippling injuries in the NFL than in any other major sport.
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Yeah, I never got the idea that the NFL is some sort of special life that is reserved to those of high character.

If a cab driver kills dogs, he serves his time and goes back to driving the cab. If a brain surgeon kills dogs, he serves his time and goes back to brain surgery.

If a football player does something awful, he serves his time and comes back to football. The proper response is to boo him, not to ban him. At least Mike Vick admits what he did and says the right things when asked. Every time I see Ben Rothlesberger on the football field, I want to see his ugly rapist face smashed into the turf. But I don't want him banned from the game for non-football related wrongdoing.

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You are too old to think like this. Leonard Little and Dante Stallworth killed some one. The NFL gave them a number of chances to straighten up (which baffles me), and in the end they committed vehicular homocide. Vick killed dogs. His actions led to the killing of dogs. Pitbulls at that. I am a child of God, and all things deserve a level of dignity. But to condemn a man for life, to take away his livelyhood because offense committed against animals is ridiculous.

oh man, this guy again?

The reason Vick is playing is because it pays. Are you crazy? How do you condemn a man for dogs. I am sure a number of us ram over a few squirrels in our life. The real question is are animals and humans equal. Are you willing to suppport that idea.

why is that the only question? I'm pretty sure that only equates if you believe that leonard little, ray lewis, and donte stallworth should still be playing, while vick shouldn't. Why can't all of them just not play? Why should any of them be allowed back into the lap of luxury? Why can't Leroy Jenkins, the short-order cook for Silver Diner, get his job back to make $7.00 an hour after he got out of jail, but Vick can? Why?

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 01:45 PM ----------

Yeah, I never got the idea that the NFL is some sort of special life that is reserved to those of high character.

If a cab driver kills dogs, he serves his time and goes back to driving the cab. If a brain surgeon kills dogs, he serves his time and goes back to brain surgery.

If a football player does something awful, he serves his time and comes back to football. The proper response is to boo him, not to ban him. At least Mike Vick admits what he did and says the right things when asked. Every time I see Ben Rothlesberger on the football field, I want to see his ugly rapist face smashed into the turf. But I don't want him banned from the game for non-football related wrongdoing.

I do, he's a terrible person, even fans of the Steelers would like to see him gone.

EDIT: BTW if a cab driver, or a brain sugeon committed such acts and tried to come back to work they would get denied. It's not like they just waltz back into work, there are background checks, and having dogfighting and jailtime on your record is severly frowned upon. I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to get my job back if that was on my record.

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What a moron.

"Im a christian.. but clearly I don't get the part about turning the other cheek, forgiveness, and the fact that the lord reserves the right to be the arbiter of vengeance."


Don't many christian religions believe that animals don't even have souls? I know I've been told by a catholic priest that they don't. And how the heck can a Christian be for the death penalty? "I'm a christian, and I say we should kill him!" That doesn't sound right.

Also, when has it been proven that Vick killed dogs? All I've heard is the stories of what happened at his residence. I never heard a story of Vick being involved.

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Don't many christian religions believe that animals don't even have souls? I know I've been told by a catholic priest that they don't. And how the heck can a Christian be for the death penalty? "I'm a christian, and I say we should kill him!" That doesn't sound right.

Also, when has it been proven that Vick killed dogs? All I've heard is the stories of what happened at his residence. I never heard a story of Vick being involved.

Wow, I don't even wanna go into the first paragraph, but to hit on the 2nd paragraph, Vick definitely testified to killing dogs. He lied about it at first, then when the evidence was provided he fessed up.

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Yeah, I never got the idea that the NFL is some sort of special life that is reserved to those of high character.

If a cab driver kills dogs, he serves his time and goes back to driving the cab. If a brain surgeon kills dogs, he serves his time and goes back to brain surgery.

If a football player does something awful, he serves his time and comes back to football. The proper response is to boo him, not to ban him. At least Mike Vick admits what he did and says the right things when asked. Every time I see Ben Rothlesberger on the football field, I want to see his ugly rapist face smashed into the turf. But I don't want him banned from the game for non-football related wrongdoing.

I disagree.

If an average joe blow gets a felony, he or she will be hard pressed to find a job after they are released.

I know a person who used her moms credit card to buy some when she was 13 years old. Her mom was pissed and pressed charges, thus the daughter was hit with all kind of crimes, many of which were felonies. She has been working temp jobs her whole life, becuase any time she goes to apply FT they ask if she has any felonies and as soon as she says yes they say 'Thanks but no thanks". FTR she is far from a doctor or lawyer, and if someone seriously offered her a job driving a cab I bet she would freak out and jump on it in a milasecond.

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oh man, this guy again?

why is that the only question? I'm pretty sure that only equates if you believe that leonard little, ray lewis, and donte stallworth should still be playing, while vick shouldn't. Why can't all of them just not play? Why should any of them be allowed back into the lap of luxury? Why can't Leroy Jenkins, the short-order cook for Silver Diner, get his job back to make $7.00 an hour after he got out of jail, but Vick can? Why?

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 01:45 PM ----------

I am not sure why it has to be Leroy Jenkins as the short order cook but I will play along with you.

You believe that playing in the NFL is a luxury. Sure NFL players get paid a lot of money, because their talents warrant such compensation. Leroy Jenkins is a short order cook because his talent warrants that position. If Leroy went to jail, I am sure he can look for another job as a short order cook. I know a few guys that did a bid in jail, but can cook a mean steak. Society will give Leroy Jenkins a second chance if he deserves it. He can go and try to find another job as a short order cook, no problem. If the person has talent, and he qualifies for the job, then he should get it despite his past indecretions because he paid his debt to society. Vick did 19 months. That was the peramiter of his punishment. He is an amazing athlete. The Eagle took a chance. They paid him compensation for his talents, and felt comfortable to invest resources to maximize their investment. They took the chance that others wouldn't...over dogs. It was their perogative, and they won in the end. The same is said about employers in general. If an employers thinks I can be a benefit to his organiztion, he assumes the risk. I don't understand this pound of flesh menatlity. There is no rule that forbids employers from hiring ex-cons. Its a choice of the employer.

Querstion: How can any one equate the killing of dogs with killing a person. Again my qeustion to the yahoos is simple; are people and animals eqaul. Should the law see offense commited against animals the same as ones committed against people?

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I disagree.

If an average joe blow gets a felony, he or she will be hard pressed to find a job after they are released.

I know a person who used her moms credit card to buy some when she was 13 years old. Her mom was pissed and pressed charges, thus the daughter was hit with all kind of crimes, many of which were felonies. She has been working temp jobs her whole life, becuase any time she goes to apply FT they ask if she has any felonies and as soon as she says yes they say 'Thanks but no thanks". FTR she is far from a doctor or lawyer, and if someone seriously offered her a job driving a cab I bet she would freak out and jump on it in a milasecond.

And that is not the way it should be, which is what Obama was saying.

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 01:24 PM ----------

5 years in prison seems about right, but how does physically killing dogs with your bare hands compare to eating a steak dinner?

Umm... the animal is dead? :whoknows:

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I disagree.

If an average joe blow gets a felony, he or she will be hard pressed to find a job after they are released.

I know a person who used her moms credit card to buy some when she was 13 years old. Her mom was pissed and pressed charges, thus the daughter was hit with all kind of crimes, many of which were felonies. She has been working temp jobs her whole life, becuase any time she goes to apply FT they ask if she has any felonies and as soon as she says yes they say 'Thanks but no thanks". FTR she is far from a doctor or lawyer, and if someone seriously offered her a job driving a cab I bet she would freak out and jump on it in a milasecond.

How in the hell are you a felon at 13? Has anyone ever hear of Accelerated Rehabilitation? What offense did the courts charge her witha t the age of 13? How is this following her when she was a youthful offender? Those records are sealed.

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How in the hell are you a felon at 13? Has anyone ever hear of Accelerated Rehabilitation? What offense did the courts charge her witha t the age of 13? How is this following her when she was a youthful offender? Those records are sealed.

I suspect that there is more to this woman's story than adam knows. :whoknows:

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And that is not the way it should be, which is what Obama was saying.

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 01:24 PM ----------

Umm... the animal is dead? :whoknows:

Depends on the crime.

But yeah, in general I agree with you

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 02:33 PM ----------

I suspect that there is more to this woman's story than adam knows. :whoknows:

For obvious reasons some things are just better left unsaid (see other threads in 'The Tailgate from this week for example)

I will say that was not her first time in trouble, though it was close to her last. Sadly, that felony has impacted her life and will for the rest of her life. I may be off on her age (maybe she was 14 or 15, but I dont think so) but IMO age does not matter.

FWIW, I remember one thing that got her in trouble was she did some purchasing off of the TV or internet, so something about state lines really got her in trouble.

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---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 01:45 PM ----------

I am not sure why it has to be Leroy Jenkins as the short order cook but I will play along with you.

You believe that playing in the NFL is a luxury. Sure NFL players get paid a lot of money, because their talents warrant such compensation. Leroy Jenkins is a short order cook because his talent warrants that position. If Leroy went to jail, I am sure he can look for another job as a short order cook. I know a few guys that did a bid in jail, but can cook a mean steak. Society will give Leroy Jenkins a second chance if he deserves it. He can go and try to find another job as a short order cook, no problem. If the person has talent, and he qualifies for the job, then he should get it despite his past indecretions because he paid his debt to society. Vick did 19 months. That was the peramiter of his punishment. He is an amazing athlete. The Eagle took a chance. They paid him compensation for his talents, and felt comfortable to invest resources to maximize their investment. They took the chance that others wouldn't...over dogs. It was their perogative, and they won in the end. The same is said about employers in general. If an employers thinks I can be a benefit to his organiztion, he assumes the risk. I don't understand this pound of flesh menatlity. There is no rule that forbids employers from hiring ex-cons. Its a choice of the employer.

Querstion: How can any one equate the killing of dogs with killing a person. Again my qeustion to the yahoos is simple; are people and animals eqaul. Should the law see offense commited against animals the same as ones committed against people?

-Not here to argue... just clearing some things up.... I highlighted the key parts to this. 'Leroy Jenkins', SHOULD get a second chance depending on the circumstances of his crimes, the keyword being SHOULD. It is highly doubtful in todays society being that he was a short order cook and you can hire one without a criminal record over this guy..

-Vick is getting paid for his talents, but only because he is an amazing athlete, and 'amazing athletes' tends to ring the ears of a billion dollar industry like the NFL more than 'ex-con' in todays society as well, which is sad but true

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That's a little ridiculous. I'm sure after that rant, Tucker ate a nice steak dinner and didn't think twice.

Killing an animal for food is different than killing an animal because it can't win fights with other animals.

Tucker Carlson is (as usual) a ****ing retard.

What Vick did was inexcusable, but he got caught, got the book thrown at him and served his time. He got a second chance and is making the most of it. I'm a dog owner and a dog lover and I've found it in my heart to forgive Michael Vick because I truly believe that he's a different man than he was 4-5 years ago. Losing everything will do that to you.

However, even though I've forgiven him and am glad to see someone make the most of a second opportunity...I still hate him because he's a Philadelphia Eagle.

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Depends on the crime.

But yeah, in general I agree with you

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 02:33 PM ----------

For obvious reasons some things are just better left unsaid (see other threads in 'The Tailgate from this week for example)

I will say that was not her first time in trouble, though it was close to her last. Sadly, that felony has impacted her life and will for the rest of her life. I may be off on her age (maybe she was 14 or 15, but I dont think so) but IMO age does not matter.

FWIW, I remember one thing that got her in trouble was she did some purchasing off of the TV or internet, so something about state lines really got her in trouble.

Are you serious? I am not going to beat you up over this, but you better talk to her. You are a youthful ioffender until age 18. You can use accellearted rehabilitation any time. Everybody has this "get out of jail free card" for minor offenses. She stole a TV? Where was she going to put it? Age matters, and the crime matters. She shouldn't be condemned for using her moms credit card to buy stuff. This is not grand theft. Did the amount total over $20,000.00? If not, then is not a class A offense. It's minor offense. She is a youthful offender, this shouldn't be a problem. Age, and the degree of the offense always matter, always.

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Are you serious? I am not going to beat you up over this, but you better talk to her. You are a youthful ioffender until age 18. You can use accellearted rehabilitation any time. Everybody has this "get out of jail free card" for minor offenses. She stole a TV? Where was she going to put it? Age matters, and the crime matters. She shouldn't be condemned for using her moms credit card to buy stuff. This is not grand theft. Did the amount total over $20,000.00? If not, then is not a class A offense. It's minor offense. She is a youthful offender, this shouldn't be a problem. Age, and the degree of the offense always matter, always.

Yup I committed a felony at the age of 14 I was young and stupid but it was erased once I turned 18 and no employer can know about it

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 02:48 PM ----------

Should be a zero tolerance rule in the NFL, that applies to all players, coaches, personnel, no second chances.... whether its a DUI or murder

I disagree 100% NFL players are humans they will make mistakes

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