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PFT - Obama applauds Eagles for giving Vick second chance


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Every time I hear that asshats name my stomach turns in knots. I like to think I'm a fair person but I can't find a way in which he deserves a second chance. I have friends that have done some jail time and they can't get a job at a freakin McDonald's. They paid their dues and did their time same as Vick, why don't they get the same second chances?? The legal and moral system in this country just baffles me sometimes.

Because he has a skill that's worth a few million dollars. It's the way the world works for all of us.


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No problem with Vick getting a "second chance" although I really don't see how this is a second chance. Second chance would seem to be him given another chance to responsibly own a dog. And I hardly applaud the Eagles for taking a low risk flier on someone that was a 3rd QB when they picked him up. There are plenty of examples of talent trumping everything else. Donte got a second chance. Ray got a second chance. Plax will get a second chance if he can still run when he gets out.

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I know he is still in jail but it seems like he played or maybe he was just on the sidelines walking around. The injury was minor I believe.

EDIT: He was indeed out for the rest of the season. My apologies. I still think I remember him on the sidelines for the late Redskins game.

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Going to jail for just 2 years for what he did is not "paying your dues"

Why not? The judge sentenced him, if you have a problem with the sentence then your problem is not with Vick so much as it is with the Federal Prosecutor and the judge on the case.

---------- Post added December-27th-2010 at 10:44 PM ----------

He isn't. He is saying that if you pay the debt that society charges you then you have paid your debt. Regardless of what you did to earn the debt

Ahh, but the propensity for continuation of sex offenses has been well established. I don't think that there has been a similar link made to those involved in dog fighting.

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Why not? The judge sentenced him, if you have a problem with the sentence then your problem is not with Vick so much as it is with the Federal Prosecutor and the judge on the case.

---------- Post added December-27th-2010 at 10:44 PM ----------

Ahh, but the propensity for continuation of sex offenses has been well established. I don't think that there has been a similar link made to those involved in dog fighting.

You are right. Those involved in abusing animals usually don't continue that....they usually morph into mass murderers

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Why not? The judge sentenced him, if you have a problem with the sentence then your problem is not with Vick so much as it is with the Federal Prosecutor and the judge on the case.

You're right. I don't have a problem with Vick. How can you fault a guy for walking out of an open jailhouse door, or accepting a million dollar paycheck handed to him ? I have a problem with the system, the NFL, and a U.S. president who makes out an NFL team to be heroic, for such a poor excuse for "heroism"

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You're right. I don't have a problem with Vick. How can you fault a guy for walking out of an open jailhouse door, or accepting a million dollar paycheck ? I have a problem with the system, the NFL, and a U.S. president who makes out an NFL team to be heroic, for such a poor excuse for "heroism"

I'm not sure he made anyone out to be heroic. At least not in the article quoted. And he is pretty naive if he thinks that a ex-con with Mike Vick's skill set is comparable to the normal ex-con. Pretty foolish to think the Eagles did a service to society by giving this guy a job. And foolish to think that it is indicative of what other criminals should expect. Pretty stupid statements by our President...but harmless

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Someone called Vick a "hero" ? Is that in the article ? I didn't click the link, sorry.
No, but if Bush had done this...well......

You guys having fun nit-picking with semantics, and putting words in my mouth ?

Obama applauded the Eagles move. Almost as dumb as calling them "heroes"

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That is your definition of a hero Mick ?

It's not semantics. It is dumb to even get himself into these conversations. And it is silly of you to try to twist it into him calling the Eagles organization heroes.

The tradition of the Cowboys playing on Thanksgiving is pretty stupid too.

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You are not stating a point. You are throwing out lobs seeing if someone catches on to what you are saying.

Make a point if you want to discuss this seriously, otherwise you are just pissing into the wind.

I most certainly did. You just chose to ignore the point, and instead chose to latch onto one word

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You would have had a problem with it? Thought he should have been lowering the price of gas instead of commenting. Come on man...you know what would have happened if Bush had done this. The "openminded" people that support Obama would have hated it.

No I wouldn't have cared then either. He did the time to which he was sentenced by a Federal Judge as he was convicted by the Federal Prosecutors, he didn't cut a deal, and those legal moves that his defense team tried to pull off in order to reduce his sentence were rejected, he got the time and did the time. He still can't own dogs until his probation is over.

I guess Vick should never work again, and nor should any convicted felon.

You're still missing the point.

No, you called them heroic, that was your word, but that wasn't what was said by Obama, in the end it was YOU putting words in his mouth.

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No, you called them heroic, that was your word, but that wasn't what was said by Obama, in the end it was YOU putting words in his mouth.

Wrong. I said he "he made them out to be heroic". Hardly the same thing as "quoting" him or putting words in his mouth.

And your Bush comment was putting words in my mouth.

Just another attempt to dodge the point.

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