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I hate the Eagles with a burning passion, but this is a must watch if you are an NFL fan (the locker room celebration from yesterdays thriller against the GMen)


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Nice video! I like Andy Reid.

Andy has been one of the greatest coaches in the NFL from Monday to Saturday. His teams are ALWAYS well-prepared, have an effective game-plan in place, and know how to attack opposing defenses. His abilities on Sundays however have left a lot to be desired . . . as I am sure Eagles fans will admit.

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I like the "young" part.

So your saying that'll give us a whole new generation to laugh at in the post season for many years to come?


well, I guess it's good to have something to do when the redskins get eliminated during the regular season again

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Yup, it sure is jimb0z man.

Memories of those World Championships, and relaxing watching the latest Philly January fail knowing you'll never have those are what warm our hearts as the year turns. :D.


If winning a championship means we follow it with 20+ years of failure, i'll just stick with what we have now, thanks. I don't want my kids ending up like you; sad fan of a sad team, still clinging to some ancient accomplishment that happened before they were born. lol

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Meh, I can appreciate that.

When you get to play the "who's been to more Conference Championship's" game with your long time rivals for the NFC East's poor relation's title the Cardinals; why would you want any memory's of those 3 silvery things we have in our lobby? (Silver's the color of those World Championship thingies they give you for being the best teasm in football BTW, for those that have never seen one.).


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Meh, I can appreciate that.

When you get to play the "who's been to more Conference Championship's" game with your long time rivals for the NFC East's poor relation's title the Cardinals; why would you want any memory's of those 3 silvery things we have in our lobby? (Silver's the color of those World Championship thingies they give you for being the best teasm in football BTW, for those that have never seen one.).


Whatever helps you sleep at night

I prefer to play the "we kicked your ass this season" game. Like, we gave the redskins a historic ass kicking in week 10.

But keep clinging to those trophies, my man. At least you must be an easy guy to christmas shop for. Subscription to NFL Classic and a 1980s throwback redskins jersey! So simple

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And you keep craving what every big franchise in the East has already experienced multiple times my friend.

You never know, when your kids reach your age, your team may finally get over that hill. But don't tempt them with the thought. Eagle let downs are a ***** as you well know.

Now alas, I'm beat and shall now retire, safe in the knowledge that as poor as the 2010 Washington Redskins are, the end result will be exactly the same as the 2010 Philadelphia Eagles. Another trophy-less season nobody will remember any time soon.

Thank's for playing on the big boys board. Come again soon, you guys help lift spirits.


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Andy has been one of the greatest coaches in the NFL from Monday to Saturday. His teams are ALWAYS well-prepared, have an effective game-plan in place, and know how to attack opposing defenses. His abilities on Sundays however have left a lot to be desired . . . as I am sure Eagles fans will admit.

Yes and no. :) I get irritated as hell sometimes because of his decisions on game days, but he has gotten better of late IMO. Case in point, the number of come from behind wins in the 4th quarter in the first 14 games. When they played the Cardinals in the NFCCG a few years ago, I thought he did a good job making adjustments in the second half.

I posted after the Super Bowl in which the Steelers won 2 years ago that I didn't think the Eagles, as they were made up then, would win a SB. Felt that with how defensive coordinators are very good at taking away a team's 1st and 2nd options when there is two weeks to prepare, that I didn't think AR & DM (especially) would be able to adapt. Also, after watching Rothlisberger march down the field for the winning TD, I didn't think McNabb had that in him in a huge game like that. The make up of the team has changed a lot, they've shown a lot of resiliency and I think AR has gotten to be a somewhat better game day coach, but there still are instances like Sunday's non-challenges and the 1st Redskins game.

---------- Post added December-21st-2010 at 07:57 AM ----------

Shawn Andrews...hahaha

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Nice video! I like Andy Reid.

Absolutely. I'm very happy for Andy Reid. I really wish him a Super Bowl victory. The tragedy would be for poor McNabb, who got shipped out but if Andy wins, he made a painful decision for the best.

I'm torn on Vick. On the one hand he's paid his debt to society and has found a way to be better than he ever was, and on the other he's inflicted a lot of pain on a lot of animals and I hate to see someone benefit from that in the long run. Because that's what's happening here. Without the dogfighting conviction he'd have never become the QB he is now. Weird how that all works.

Anyway I sure do like seeing Andy Reid happy. That guy's been through a lot.

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