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Lou Spanos as DC?


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I know our Linebackers have not been performing as well as they should be and that can be partially blamed on Spanos, partially on Haslett, and partially on the 3-4 defense that doesn't fit out players' skill sets.

Regardless, this man was an absolute genius in Pittsburgh taking players such as James Harrison, LaMarr Woodley (who we should sign in F/A just as a side note), and Lawrence Timmons into incredible players. He has a great grasp on the 3-4 defense from his time in Pittsburgh and in my honest opinion would be a much better coach going forward. He is young, hungry, and yesterday during the game you could see him flanking Haslett screaming out to players on the field. You can tell he has the passion to take this defense back to the Top 10.

Any thoughts?

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until we get a good D-line and some safety help...our defense will suck no matter who is in charge of it.

I agree that the lines must be rebuilt but with someone with much more 3-4 knowledge than Haslett, I feel that Spanos could make this defense better. Haslett has had opportunities as a head coach and defensive coordinator and has shown that he has not been above average.

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Dude...our 3-4 will not show improvement until we get 3-4 DE and a NT. How are our LBs going to excel if we have NO defensive line!!?? We need guys to push the offensive line back instead of getting pushed back into the second level. It's very simple. Without the D-line, we will struggle. Hopefully we fix this through draft and free agency instead of pulling a Vinny and trading the future for an over rated Luck.

Haslett will succeed here. Just give him time. I thought us fans were tired of switching up coordinators and coaches. consistency and continuity. Just be patient.

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I agree that the lines must be rebuilt but with someone with much more 3-4 knowledge than Haslett, I feel that Spanos could make this defense better. Haslett has had opportunities as a head coach and defensive coordinator and has shown that he has not been above average.

I actually think Haslett taught Spanos a lot of his 3-4 knowledge during their time together in Blitzburgh.

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Dude...our 3-4 will not show improvement until we get 3-4 DE and a NT. How are our LBs going to excel if we have NO defensive line!!?? We need guys to push the offensive line back instead of getting pushed back into the second level. It's very simple. Without the D-line, we will struggle. Hopefully we fix this through draft and free agency instead of pulling a Vinny and trading the future for an over rated Luck.

Haslett will succeed here. Just give him time. I thought us fans were tired of switching up coordinators and coaches. consistency and continuity. Just be patient.

You must have missed my last point. I agree that a nose tackle is one of the highest priorities of the offseason. I'm just saying, Spanos wouldn't have a different system or anything, it would just be the same defense ran by a younger, hungrier coach with more 3-4 knowledge.

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You must have missed my last point. I agree that a nose tackle is one of the highest priorities of the offseason. I'm just saying, Spanos wouldn't have a different system or anything, it would just be the same defense ran by a younger, hungrier coach with more 3-4 knowledge.

Oh alright.....but with a franchise with so much inconsistency and change...we need to give him at least one more year. If he doesn't get us to a middle of the pack defensive ranking at least, then maybe we can do an in-house coaching change. Just can't give a man a square peg and expect him to put it through a round hole though. See how he does with the correct pieces around him. If he fails to perform with correct pieces, I would love to see a Pittsburgh mind run our defense.

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Oh alright.....but with a franchise with so much inconsistency and change...we need to give him at least one more year. If he doesn't get us to a middle of the pack defensive ranking at least, then maybe we can do an in-house coaching change. Just can't give a man a square peg and expect him to put it through a round hole though. See how he does with the correct pieces around him. If he fails to perform with correct pieces, I would love to see a Pittsburgh mind run our defense.

I can see this happening. I'm just not 100% sold on Haslett running any defense. I was very skeptical about the hiring in the first place.

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Can we just stop with the Dallas leftovers. Makes me sick to my stomach to just think about it. Have you learned nothing from the likes of Suisham and Norv? Born losers

agreed/ However talented he is as a DC, he's now been infected with the Dallas.

Kirk Olivadotti?

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My vote for a new DC would be Mike Singletary when SF fires him. Then return to the 4-3, acquire a real free safety and pray that Haynesworth finds God and decides to rededicate himself to football.

Defensive Line: Carriker, Bryant, Haynesworth, Orakpo

Linebackers: McIntosh, Fletcher, Riley

D Backs: Hall, Landry, Rogers, and the ghost of Sean Taylor

I'm damn sure that line-up wouldn't be 32nd in the NFL.

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until we get a good D-line and some safety help...our defense will suck no matter who is in charge of it.

Yep, a good NT would keep at least one of the inside backers from being blocked. If your inside backers can tackle consistently and don't make a real bad initial step, no one will be able to run inside the tackles on a consistent basis.

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It's hard to really judge Haslett after one year, especially with the terrible lack of players here that actually fit a 3-4 defense. I mean, of the starting front seven, how many actually fit our style of defense? Three? Four, maybe?

We need a nose tackle, another defensive end, maybe an ILB, definitely an OLB, and a FS. This defense, personnel-wise, is in absolutely no position to compete as a 3-4.

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I want us to let go of Haslett and go for Marvin Lewis or Mike Singletary (Lewis would be my preference). Those two guys hitting the market is way too good of an opportunity to pass up. However, if Shanny wants to give Haslett another year to get more players that fit the system and he still fails, I'd be very interested to see Lou Spanos get the opportunity to show what he can do.

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Isn't this his first year being a LB coach on his own? Wasn't he the quality control coach for the Steelers who assisted with the LBs. I don't think he's earned a DC job yet.

I don't think the word "earned" here is accurate. He's earned a shot as a defensive coordinator after years of hard work and dedication.

However, he probably shouldn't be given the role of defensive coordinator quite yet, due to inexperience. But then again, the guy knows the 3-4.

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