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It's Dallas Week! Isn't It Time For Someone To Start Trash Talking?


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Come on guys. Who's going to lead the parade? With all of the 'boys threads started in this forum showing the weaknesses of the 'boys, the 'skins should roll over the 'boys.

I think I know who should be the Grand Marshall since this individual knows the Cowboys better then most Cowboys fans. So come on! Lead the way!

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Whats to say.,....two teams battling for last place??? One team was expected (by in large from the retarded media) and has failed miserably.....and has a young new coach trying to just string enough together to keep a job, the other team calls its self a "rebuilding team"...yet are one of the oldest rosters in the league and doesn't really have a roster to build on. oh joy, this just screams of EXCITEMENT.......

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... the other team calls its self a "rebuilding team"...yet are one of the oldest rosters in the league and doesn't really have a roster to build on. oh joy, this just screams of EXCITEMENT.......

I'd suggest you read this: http://cowboysblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2010/12/bob-sturms-morning-after-defen-1.html

You're going to be in 're-building' mode...because YOU TOO have several holes to fill. Your o-line and d-line are as bad as ours...yet, until this article, no one, except a few of us, had pointed this out.

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I'd suggest you read this: http://cowboysblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2010/12/bob-sturms-morning-after-defen-1.html

You're going to be in 're-building' mode...because YOU TOO have several holes to fill. Your o-line and d-line are as bad as ours...yet, until this article, no one, except a few of us, had pointed this out.

LOL...I dont have anything to rebuild........The Dallas Cowboys indeed have some holes, no one is arguing that. Albeit less then the Skins and they have and a better/younger roster. However, this is the age of the NFL where there really isn't a thing called "rebuilding".....if it was, then the Skins would not have brought in Mcnabb.......

Face it, this is a year to year league. Skins fans keep telling me that they are "rebuilding" and trying to recover from the "Zorn/Vinny" days, but thats simply false. They did everything they could to be a contender this year, same as every other team in the NFL.

PS: What does that blog have to do with what you quoted?

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Face it, this is a year to year league. Skins fans keep telling me that they are "rebuilding" and trying to recover from the "Zorn/Vinny" days, but thats simply false. They did everything they could to be a contender this year, same as every other team in the NFL.

And, with this statement, I know that you aren't paying any kind of attention. :rolleyes:

Shanny said at the beginning of the year that becoming competitive would take time. And, anyone who even casually follows the Skins knew that the o-line was a disaster last year, with the only significant change this year of adding a high draft picked rookie.

Your team is in that dangerous zone we were in for a long time: Win a few games with flash, then lose badly...just doing well enough that you think you only need to tweak a few positions.

Look at Jerruh, on the sidelines. If he were getting a new coach next year, he wouldn't have been out there. He still thinks he has enough talent to win with just a few changes.

Ain't gonna happen.

You need at least three new bodies on o-line, and it looks like Ratliff was a flash-in-the-pan at NT.

Now, tell me, do you really think Jerruh is going to pick o-line with his #1? :rotflmao:

I suspect he picks to replace Barber.

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And, with this statement, I know that you aren't paying any kind of attention. :rolleyes:

Shanny said at the beginning of the year that becoming competitive would take time. And, anyone who even casually follows the Skins knew that the o-line was a disaster last year, with the only significant change this year of adding a high draft picked rookie.

Your team is in that dangerous zone we were in for a long time: Win a few games with flash, then lose badly...just doing well enough that you think you only need to tweak a few positions.

Look at Jerruh, on the sidelines. If he were getting a new coach next year, he wouldn't have been out there. He still thinks he has enough talent to win with just a few changes.

Ain't gonna happen.

You need at least three new bodies on o-line, and it looks like Ratliff was a flash-in-the-pan at NT.

Now, tell me, do you really think Jerruh is going to pick o-line with his #1? :rotflmao:

I suspect he picks to replace Barber.

coaching 101.....never EVER over state your talent or make statements that will come back an haunt ya......You really think Shanny was gonna come out and say "we are a playoff team"......HAHA, only fools, like Wade Phillips do that..... Shanny has way too much HC knowledge to do that......but come on TR1, you cant honestly think they would have brought in Mcnabb just to go 6-10

Last night was not a bad loss, no one can possibly think winning a 4th in a row VS the Eagles was a gimmie, nor an Eagles team that is one of the top 3 teams in the NFC..... but again, they played hard, they just don't have the talent to beat good teams. Defensively, they have gone from one of the best last year, to one of if not THE WORST this year.

I do think they will be looking to replace MB3...I like the kid, he plays with heart and his a silent leader, but the other two backs are "better" then he is.

Ratliff is hardly a "flash in the pan"....but i expect as much from you.

I have no idea who JJ is gonna draft but its about 60/40 that he will be a bust....unfortunately.....

I do know, that moving forward, they have a better and younger "roster" (moving forward) then the Skins, but they are both SIGNIFICANTLY behind the Giants and Eagles.

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And, anyone who even casually follows the Skins knew that the o-line was a disaster last year, with the only significant change this year of adding a high draft picked rookie.

Well I guess you fall in the category of "casual' 'skins fan. Because in case you didn't know the 'skins have added a new LG, RG and RT to the mix. I would think that qualifies for more then a "significant change.":ols:

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Well I guess you fall in the category of "casual' 'skins fan. Because in case you didn't know the 'skins have added a new LG, RG and RT to the mix. I would think that qualifies for more then a "significant change.":ols:


I don't consider re-treads as SIGNIFICANT change.

Please, go bother someone else...I'm trying to discuss football.


---------- Post added December-13th-2010 at 12:24 PM ----------

coaching 101.....never EVER over state your talent or make statements that will come back an haunt ya......You really think Shanny was gonna come out and say "we are a playoff team"......HAHA, only fools, like Wade Phillips do that..... Shanny has way too much HC knowledge to do that......but come on TR1, you cant honestly think they would have brought in Mcnabb just to go 6-10

For what they ended up/offered paying him? Yes.

Last night was not a bad loss, no one can possibly think winning a 4th in a row VS the Eagles was a gimmie, nor an Eagles team that is one of the top 3 teams in the NFC..... but again, they played hard, they just don't have the talent to beat good teams


This is rich! That's the first time I've heard anyone, other than me, say that the pukes are talent deficient! :rotflmao:

Defensively, they have gone from one of the best last year, to one of if not THE WORST this year.

So, aren't you curious as to why? I'd be glad to tell you.

I do think they will be looking to replace MB3...I like the kid, he plays with heart and his a silent leader, but the other two backs are "better" then he is.

That's really not saying much.

Ratliff is hardly a "flash in the pan"....but i expect as much from you.

I've always thought Ratliff was a good player, but this year he really wasn't consistent. Didn't he just sign a new contract?

I have no idea who JJ is gonna draft but its about 60/40 that he will be a bust....unfortunately.....


I do know, that moving forward, they have a better and younger "roster" (moving forward) then the Skins, but they are both SIGNIFICANTLY behind the Giants and Eagles.

Torain, Banks, Trent, Armstrong are better pieces than any young talent you have on your roster. Your dbs are just bad. And, Dez is a head case.

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I don't consider re-treads as SIGNIFICANT change.

Please, go bother someone else...I'm trying to discuss football.


:ols: What a weak ass response. Lichtensteiger and Montgomerty are young and replaced two guys that were starters and we traded a draft pick for a RT. They are Redskins. Why are you bashing them?

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I don't consider re-treads as SIGNIFICANT change.

Please, go bother someone else...I'm trying to discuss football.


---------- Post added December-13th-2010 at 12:24 PM ----------

For what they ended up/offered paying him? Yes.


This is rich! That's the first time I've heard anyone, other than me, say that the pukes are talent deficient! :rotflmao:

So, aren't you curious as to why? I'd be glad to tell you.

That's really not saying much.

I've always thought Ratliff was a good player, but this year he really wasn't consistent. Didn't he just sign a new contract?


Torain, Banks, Trent, Armstrong are better pieces than any young talent you have on your roster. Your dbs are just bad. And, Dez is a head case.

no way Torian stays healthy...no chance....he is a beast tho...I will give you that. And Shanny always can find em and make em good....I like Torain, but can he stay healthy, looks like a great big NO to me. Banks isn't even a kid you can build with. He is a one-trick pony, and isn't even as good as Dez at that...Dez > Banks in Punt Returns, and Banks isn't a WR to even speak of......your joking right? I love players like Armstrong. He reminds me of Austin......hard worker, gets more out of what he has then most....lets just wait n see if he is a start WR or not, cause he isn't Dez Bryant....not even close (yet)

Trent is better then all 5 of Dallas's OL combined.

Dallas DB's are horrible, but still young.....Carlos Rogers sucks, and LMAO at D.Hall........talk about a head case, and on top of it he sucks.......i loved the way Benn (coached against that cat in H.S) burned his butt and D.Hall wasted 15 yards tryin to strip him.

Landry can hit but cant cover a lick........and has a Achilles injury (ut oh those things can be tricky.....

The best thing the Skins have is my man Rakpo..........but the rest of the Defense.....HAHA......

PS: I make it a rule of mine to just ignore people that call Dez Bryant "Hype" and or compare him to Banks or Armstrong......no way the rest of Skins nation can subscribe to that....not the ones i talk to anyway.

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Yea we are gonna beat you cowfags, we are playing for LAST place! :cool:

is there some kind of "man-hood" issue or problem with Skins fans sexuality??? No matter what the topic it all comes down to something "gay".........kinda weird, but not that there is anything wrong with it...........to EACH HIS OWN I GUESS....

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is there some kind of "man-hood" issue or problem with Skins fans sexuality??? No matter what the topic it all comes down to something "gay".........kinda weird, but not that there is anything wrong with it...........to EACH HIS OWN I GUESS....

It has something to do with the Brokeback Mountain movie, kinda lame I guess but like you said, to each his own.

I for one prefer to label you all as "turds"

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okay......even I laughed at that...very funny.

Not sure what Brokeback Mountain is and what it has to do with Football or the Cowboys, but thanks!

Brokeback Mountain is a movie about two gay cowboys, (not the football team). It's actually a pretty good movie save the graphic sex scenes.

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Brokeback Mountain is a movie about two gay cowboys, (not the football team). It's actually a pretty good movie save the graphic sex scenes.

oh...never seen it. Thanks. Makes sense then for you guys to call Cowboys gay and stuff.......

as far as football is concerned. This should actually be a very entertaining game. Dallas has a bigger and more aggressive front 7 then Tampa, but a much WORSE back half........Mcnabb and Moss should put up some good numbers on the Boys secondary...and Torain, if healthy could have another 100 yd game...Dallas should get some god yards in the air as well. Even without Dez, they should be able to scare that secondary and back them off the line, giving lots of running room. my prediction....31-27 Dallas. but its gonna be a good one either way.........

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The last three games are "who cares" games for me. We're done. It doesn't really matter anymore this year. We'll be in the basement as usual. We have now become the Arizona Cardinals of the NFC East. Crist, only the Redskins could actually score the tying TD on 4th down "AND" flub the extra point. My team is Lucy and I'm Charlie Brown trying to kick the football. This team will literally be the death of me. I'm getting too old for this weekly load of bull****. Enjoy your victory next week Cowboy fans. We're ready to take our place- 4th place in the NFC East.

---------- Post added December-13th-2010 at 12:36 PM ----------

...Dallas should get some god yards in the air as well. Even without Dez, they should be able to scare that secondary and back them off the line, giving lots of running room. my prediction....31-27 Dallas. but its gonna be a good one either way.........

Wow, you gave us 27 points? Thank You. We never score over 20. More like 31-14 Dallass.

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The last three games are "who cares" games for me. We're done. It doesn't really matter anymore this year. We'll be in the basement as usual. We have now become the Arizona Cardinals of the NFC East. Crist, only the Redskins could actually score the tying TD on 4th down "AND" flub the extra point. My team is Lucy and I'm Charlie Brown trying to kick the football. This team will literally be the death of me. I'm getting too old for this weekly load of bull****. Enjoy your victory next week Cowboy fans. We're ready to take our place- 4th place in the NFC East.

---------- Post added December-13th-2010 at 12:36 PM ----------

Wow, you gave us 27 points? Thank You. We never score over 20. More like 31-14 Dallass.

you have seen the Dallas '2010' Defense in action right? 27 may not be right, they may pout up 37.

EDIT: Dallas gives up on average 28.2 per game...the Skins score on average 18.3........Which of the two is more likely to be above average? The Dallas Defense.

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oh...never seen it. Thanks. Makes sense then for you guys to call Cowboys gay and stuff.......

as far as football is concerned. This should actually be a very entertaining game. Dallas has a bigger and more aggressive front 7 then Tampa, but a much WORSE back half........Mcnabb and Moss should put up some good numbers on the Boys secondary...and Torain, if healthy could have another 100 yd game...Dallas should get some god yards in the air as well. Even without Dez, they should be able to scare that secondary and back them off the line, giving lots of running room. my prediction....31-27 Dallas. but its gonna be a good one either way.........

naw, we can't score field goals or extra points. 27 is way to generous.

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Brokeback Mountain is a movie about two gay cowboys, (not the football team). It's actually a pretty good movie save the graphic sex scenes.

Nice to know that you, and other Skins fans, spend your time watching movies about gay men. The honest truth is that I don't care what you watch in your free time.

Back to the thread topic.

I will bet any Skins fans here that the Cowboys beat the Skins by MORE than 1 point this weekend. The bet being that I buy you a four-pack of tacos from the best taco joint in town (Tippy's Taco - Springfield/Backlick Rd). Anyone want to take that bet? IF you lose, you buy for me.

I'll be in town to collect/pay-for my reward 22-26 December.


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