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A New Scam from the Salahis?

Dan T.

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This Virginia wine-making blog is putting out the word to other Virginia wineries that the Salahi's (White House gate crashers, "Real Housewives" participants, thieves of services) have a new scam - selling scam wine tour tickets.

Are the Salahis at It Again?

I have gotten reports from several wineries that large groups are showing up, unannounced, to the winery and expecting a tasting and tour. In each case the "tour" was arranged by Tareq and Michaele Salahi.

I am still chasing down details and will post more as soon I have additional information. In the meantime, it appears they are operating under the auspices of the now defunct Oasis Wine Tours. If you are thinking about plunking down $600.00 for a tour with them please know you will get ripped off.

And Tareq and Michaele, please please please stop being ****s. I know it is difficult, but you are hurting the Virginia wine industry and it needs to stop.


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My GF watches that crap show with all the other house wives shows. I don't get the draw but she'd prolly say the same thing when it comes to me watching "the Deadliest Catch" or "Mantracker". I wasn't really put off when this people sneaked (snuck?) into the White House, security should have been doing there job (sounds like something the guys off of MTV's "Buried Life" would do) but if the are ripping people off $600 a pop they need to be stopped and they are POS's.

BTW who spend $600 to look at grapes and taste wine?

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My GF watches that crap show with all the other house wives shows. I don't get the draw but she'd prolly say the same thing when it comes to me watching "the Deadliest Catch" or "Mantracker". I wasn't really put off when this people sneaked (snuck?) into the White House, security should have been doing there job (sounds like something the guys off of MTV's "Buried Life" would do) but if the are ripping people off $600 a pop they need to be stopped and they are POS's.

BTW who spend $600 to look at grapes and taste wine?

The difference is that you are watching shows about people doing a job or achieving a goal or practicing a hobby. She's watching shows about spoiled, rich leaches lounging in their cushy lives with no plot, no talent, no artistic value, and most of all- no benefit to the viewer whatsoever. The Salahis make me only slightly less nauseated than the combined idiocy of all the housewives shows.

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The Salahis have left a long trail of service people and contractors they have stiffed, not paying for work they had done. That bothers me more than their attention whoring. The attention whoring is shallow; cheating working people is immoral and criminal.

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The Salahis have left a long trail of service people and contractors they have stiffed.

It's so f'ed up when people do that crap too. Last year my mother hired a contractor to install hard wood floor and replace the sheet rock in the ceiling after she had a leak fixed. The "contractor" needed so much up front for materials then a huge percentage after he started. He tore out the ceiling and ripped up the floor in 3 rooms (Dinning, Living, and Den) then disappeared never to be seen again leaving a hole in the ceiling and exposed sub-flooring to walk on. I came over once while he was working so i know what he looks like, I pray I run into him at 7-11 or Foodlion one day.

If indeed these attention whores as you put are doing this, I hope the CJ system nails them to a wall and throws the book at them. They have burnt through their own fortune so now they are stealing from others, "F" that, hope they get everything they deserve.

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