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Quick: What are you thankful for?


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I'm thankful for my beautiful wife, my 2 sons and my daughter plus one granddaughter, not to mention my entire related family and friends.

I'm especially thankful for my 18 year old son Chad to still be here with us after a tragic car accident 2 years ago. Some older gentleman turned in front of him and the girl that was in my son's car with him was killed. A complete tragedy that we struggle with daily. Chad was in a coma for 6 days with a traumatic brain injury. After 2 long years he is doing pretty well and only family can really notice the difference from the accident. He is definitely the biggest miracle I have seen in my life. He's had to deal with so much and it hasn't been easy for him that's for sure. To many answered prayers to even begin to count.

We are truly blessed to live in this blessed country. Hope everyone on ES had a great Thanksgiving!

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That was a beautiful post, AzSkins.

And keeastman, from one turkey to another, Happy Holidays. I just read how your night went, and mine was similar only I got to be a guest and not the host for a change.

And congrats on the new job. I'm entering some different territory in work, so just when I think I need to kick back and feel my age, things come up that push me forward. :)

Best of luck to ya!

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Semi-funny story:

For those who don't know, neither my wife nor I am religious, but my daughter knows God. I am often jealous of her faith, and there is nothing my or I would ever knowingly do to undermine hers. Yesterday, as we sat around the Thanksgiving dinner table, getting ready to eat, my 5 year old daughter said "Can we go around saying what we are thankful for?" There was nobody religious around the table, but Grandparents, an uncle, a great uncle, and all of our family went around the table saying what we arethankful started off my by daughter. A part of me was really happy when she put forth a variation of what I say every night when we do prayers followed by what we are thankful for. Her thanks: "Thank you God for all of my family including Laura, for our friends and all that binds us together." She added in Laura who is a family friend who recently was down for a week helping us after my wife's surgery. The rest is usually what I say I am thankful for. I was proud of her for saying it and recognizing the appropriateness of saying it at a Thanksgiving dinner...and shamefully there was a part of me which said "Crud, now I have 2 people before I have to think of something else to say because she stole mine."

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