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Online Poker Player...is that even a job?!


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I had friends over tonight for a game of poker, and one of them said he's thinking about quiting his job because he thinks he can make more money playing online poker...

I thought he was nuts...I admit he plays a lot of the free poker tournaments at local bars, and he does pretty well, but giving up your job is a huge risk! Plus, a computer is dealing out cards...how do you know the cards are truly random?

We had a huge discussion around the table, but I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with online poker?

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I played for a while. Not for a living but made some good $. I couldn't handle the swings though, there is no way I could play for a living. I don't know if your friend can either. It's one thing to do well when you're playing in freerolls or just playing with friends but when your LIVELIHOOD is on the line, it's bound to affect your play.

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Bankroll management is a ***** when it's your income, it will probably start to affect your play to unless you are really really patient. I thought about doing it at one point, but I just have a hard time sticking to my levels with my bankroll size.

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If you are just starting out it is very much a job.

If you listen to the top players in the world i.e. negreanu, ivey, etc. they will tell you that when they first started playing poker for a living they were playing 80 hours a week and they were truly grinding it out. It takes a long time to really master the nuances of poker. And to be perfectly honest, there is no substitute for experience. If you wanna be a poker pro you are gonna have to take your lumps in climbing the ladder. Not to mention those days or weeks where luck is completely against you. Poker will drive you mad, I could never do it professionally unless it was a last resort.

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Amazingly, yes :ols:

I have read stories of people who have quit college or played poker to support college bills

Some people are in grad school and pay the bills via online poker

A lot of people have also used online poker as a stepping stone to the big jackpot WSOP

So yes, it can be considered a job, believe it or not

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Probably not a good idea unless he's really good, really patient, and can afford to take big hits. But yes, very good poker players can make a comfortable living online. Myself, I play 1 or 2 tournaments online per month, low limit stuff, and I play as conservatively as can be, I fold a lot. I'm also usually doing something else at the same time, like schoolwork, because I'd go nuts if all I did was watch myself fold. I don't have the patience to just sit there for hours on end if I don't keep myself occupied.

That being said, I do want to go to AC at least once and get into a live tournament.

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Yes, it can be a job. But if you already have a job you should be playing online to the point that you are winning enough money [Consistently].

If so, phase the one in as the other phases out. Do you reasearch and math and reading at work, do the work at home.

Eveyone knows what level they are at... if you are good enough at that point, go for it.

I want to hit Charlestown 4 times this year and see how i do.

I'm the aggressive player trying to see what others will do and i don't give up hands that i should. I couldnt imagine doing something esle at the same time :). And my public skool math skiis are insufficient.

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Yes. My co-workers roommate is a professional online poker player. He also play in person, and flies to casinos all over the world for tournaments. He just won a World Series of Online Poker bracelet (which I did not know existed, but I guess does).

Last month he won like $30,000 in a tournament. ONE tournament. I think he came in like 5th. I don't know how much he looses, but he wins a lot.

There is an article about him on Poker Stars (I think that is the website) - I will see if I can find him but I need to ask my co-worker for his name again.

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I looked at a few places online, and I hadn't realized how extensive online poker has become...I mean I've heard of it...but WOW...billions of dollars!

I even started thinking maybe "I" could do it...haha...but after an hour of a free game, and never winning a single pot, I realized I should keep my day job :)

As for my friend, he's pretty serious, I just hope he knows what he's doing...

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