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CNN: Israeli police raze mosque amid protests


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so umm yeah if the USFG was still confiscating Native American lands, bulldozing the homes of Indians, taking their water, humiliating them on a daily basis, allowing American mobs to riot through their neighborhoods, shoot their kids, bomb their houses, destroying their holy sites, torturing their family members etc... then yeah I'd be pissed at the USFG for doing that.

the US stopped Israel hasn't

that's the obvious ****ing difference

Obvious Reasoning 101, thanks for playing

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Ah a Ryman post... cute.

Let's just ignore all suffering and illegal actions because our ancestors engaged in it. Why worry about slavery, women's rights, war, murder? It all happened before and thus we have no right to talk about it. Why worry about the genocide in Sudan, we did it to the native americans? You know what, why worry about improving the world at all, bad things happened before so it wouldn't be right to try and stop illegal actions happening now.

How are the people showing Israel's hypocrisy regarding land grabs being hypocritical? It's just ironic to see a nation that actively steals land they don't have a "permit" for punish their citizens for doing the same.

quite often I forget that some of you are not intellectually swift enough to understand when someone is being subtle. Let me explain to you exactly how your ANCESTORS (read YOUR GRANDPARENTS AND GREAT GRANDPARENTS BECAUSE IT WAS NOT THAT LONG AGO.) actions are not only analgous to the situation in the middle east but how it is HYPOCRITICAL for someone who benefited from those actions to attack Israel for actually performing far less egregious actions.

Funny you mention the genocide in africa, how many UN resolutions have come condemning human rights violations in africa during this sad period? during that same period how many UN resolutions condemning Israel?

This has less to do with " well it happened before so its ok now" and more to do with " I shouldnt mouth off because I directly benefitted from THE EXACT SAME TYPE OF ACTION."

You live on land either swindled or flat out stolen from native americans, your government had an open policy of actual genocide (ever hear the quote "kill the buffalo and you destroy the indian"?) yet you would actually have the temerity to say that Israelis should give back their land because it was stolen from the arabs by the british and given to Israel?

Israel has never been hypocritical about their land grabs, as a matter of fact they are usually pretty open about their tendency to benefit from expanding their borders AFTER being attacked.

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so umm yeah if the USFG was still confiscating Native American lands, bulldozing the homes of Indians, taking their water, humiliating them on a daily basis, allowing American mobs to riot through their neighborhoods, shoot their kids, bomb their houses, destroying their holy sites, torturing their family members etc... then yeah I'd be pissed at the USFG for doing that.

the US stopped Israel hasn't

that's the obvious ****ing difference

Obvious Reasoning 101, thanks for playing

Your reasoning was flawed, as recently as the 1940's Indians were treated very very poorly in the US and in Canada. You should read up on the nine eagles reservation incidents as well as how Native americans who fought for your country and mine were treated when they came home. and what happened in the late 1800's is exactly as relevant as whats happening now, its pretty hard to take anyone seriously who directly benefitted from the treatment of the american indian when they get on their soap box and say " um oh yeah my grandparents did that so im not responsible, but dont you do that because im more enlightened and can criticise you." when you start giving back land, honouring treaties and keeping your word as a government, then you can attack Israel and their policies.

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They did this in India a few years ago where they razed a mosque because it was built in one of the holy cities. That place is still the epicenter of one of the most ginormous **** storms between Hindus and Muslims.

Places of worship are better just left alone.

I have a good friend in India , she tells me that the disputes there between Muslims and Hindus are beginning to get pretty violent which is sad because Hindus are generally pretty peaceful people, now if the muslims start picking fights with the sikhs, that could get really ugly. the problem with avoiding places of worship is that the muslims had a tendency to build on tope of other religions holy sites and coopt them for their own, the dome of the rock is better known as the Temple of solomon.

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I have a good friend in India , she tells me that the disputes there between Muslims and Hindus are beginning to get pretty violent which is sad because Hindus are generally pretty peaceful people, now if the muslims start picking fights with the sikhs, that could get really ugly. the problem with avoiding places of worship is that the muslims had a tendency to build on tope of other religions holy sites and coopt them for their own, the dome of the rock is better known as the Temple of solomon.

I agree that no one group should attempt to take over another Holy place of worship. The Dome of the Rock is a very complicated matter that won't be resolved without conflict IMO. But, when speaking in general terms about places of worship, if someone builds a church/mosque/etc especially on uninhabited land, there should be some sort of compromise involved instead of demolishing that site.

Let's face it. In North America, there was plenty of land to go around for everyone, Indians and European settlers, and there was really no need for the removal and slaughtering of Native Americans just b/c of land/trade agreements. At that time there were plenty of resources to go around and the only reason for the removal of Natives was, IMO, greed. The same is, IMO, true of Israel and their treatment of Palestinians as referred to in the OP and in other instances as well.

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Your reasoning was flawed, as recently as the 1940's Indians were treated very very poorly in the US and in Canada. You should read up on the nine eagles reservation incidents as well as how Native americans who fought for your country and mine were treated when they came home. and what happened in the late 1800's is exactly as relevant as whats happening now, its pretty hard to take anyone seriously who directly benefitted from the treatment of the american indian when they get on their soap box and say " um oh yeah my grandparents did that so im not responsible, but dont you do that because im more enlightened and can criticise you." when you start giving back land, honouring treaties and keeping your word as a government, then you can attack Israel and their policies.

oh as "recently" as 70 years ago?

I was talking about as recently as 5 minutes ago in Israel, but nice of you to miss the point entirely

lastly, and probably most obvious, no one here who's pissed at Israel wants Israelis to just pack up their **** and jump into the ocean like you are apparently saying Americans should do. Most people want them to just dismantle the settlements they've built in the last couple decades, or at the bare minimum just treat the Palestinians like human beings. We treat native Americans like human beings. Israel does not treat Palestinians today the way we treat Native Americans... not even close.

But yeah hide behind semantics, and artificial categories... it's not persuasive, but whatever floats your boat

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so umm yeah if the USFG was still confiscating Native American lands, bulldozing the homes of Indians, taking their water, humiliating them on a daily basis, allowing American mobs to riot through their neighborhoods, shoot their kids, bomb their houses, destroying their holy sites, torturing their family members etc... then yeah I'd be pissed at the USFG for doing that.

the US stopped Israel hasn't

that's the obvious ****ing difference

Obvious Reasoning 101, thanks for playing

Pretty much the exact post I was going to make. The difference between Israel and the United States is we are still watching Israel do it. So if you are going to say stealing the Native Americans land is wrong then you absolutely have to be against the expansion of settlements, the treatment of Arab Israeli's inside Israels borders and the destruction of Palestinian homes and livelihoods because settlers wanted to expand.

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Pretty much the exact post I was going to make. The difference between Israel and the United States is we are still watching Israel do it. So if you are going to say stealing the Native Americans land is wrong then you absolutely have to be against the expansion of settlements, the treatment of Arab Israeli's inside Israels borders and the destruction of Palestinian homes and livelihoods because settlers wanted to expand.

no the difference between Israel and the US is that the US simply took the land and took all of it, Israel is a very small part of the middle east and most of the land was uninhabited or sparseley inhabited. and I love how im supposed to be against the israelis but you arent supposed to be against the US? the truth is I support Israel because they not only were dealt a bad hand but they took that hand and built a country out of garbage land and a piss poor situation to become a regional superpower.

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oh as "recently" as 70 years ago?

I was talking about as recently as 5 minutes ago in Israel, but nice of you to miss the point entirely

lastly, and probably most obvious, no one here who's pissed at Israel wants Israelis to just pack up their **** and jump into the ocean like you are apparently saying Americans should do. Most people want them to just dismantle the settlements they've built in the last couple decades, or at the bare minimum just treat the Palestinians like human beings. We treat native Americans like human beings. Israel does not treat Palestinians today the way we treat Native Americans... not even close.

But yeah hide behind semantics, and artificial categories... it's not persuasive, but whatever floats your boat

I guess you missed what Helen Thomas said a few months ago. The left want's Israel gone, period. They may try to hide their intentions but there is only one way to solve the crisis in ISrael, and that is warfare, accompanied by a healthy dose of genocide I'm afraid :( And no that doesn't make me happy, but scripture seems to be pretty clear in indicating that in the end certain countries that are prominent in the Mid East now, are not even mentioned anymore. THere can be only reason why... Conquest and destruction in some massive war that predates the end.

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Why does the Atheist have to invade a topic to tell Christians you Don't raze another mans church.

It will cause undue bloodshed and Hate for 100+ years.

IF that building is truly a blight upon the land...Helping someone build it in another location and moving them is by far the better option.. WWJD.

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I guess you missed what Helen Thomas said a few months ago. The left want's Israel gone, period. They may try to hide their intentions but there is only one way to solve the crisis in ISrael, and that is warfare, accompanied by a healthy dose of genocide I'm afraid :( And no that doesn't make me happy, but scripture seems to be pretty clear in indicating that in the end certain countries that are prominent in the Mid East now, are not even mentioned anymore. THere can be only reason why... Conquest and destruction in some massive war that predates the end.

Bull... First, Helen Thomas never posted in this thread. Two, no one here wants genocide. Three, I don't care about scripture, especially if it's solutions involve genocide of all things. Four, the world is not going to end because of the Israeli and Palestinian douchebags.

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Not being a squishy lefty myself: Are you seriously saying the left wants to kill all jews.

Or should you bring this back to reality in saying Israel in acting as if they want peace and not doing stupid things could go further in getting it?

With the left pointing out the hypocrisy at every turn while not pointing out the Palestinians.

With the right pointing out the Syria/Egypt/Pal/Iran hypocrisy at every turn while not pointing out Israels.

or you sticking with everyone left of you is a mass murdering wannabee?

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Why does the Atheist have to invade a topic to tell Christians you Don't raze another mans church.

It will cause undue bloodshed and Hate for 100+ years.

IF that building is truly a blight upon the land...Helping someone build it in another location and moving them is by far the better option.. WWJD.

Why does the atheist not realize you don't build w/o govt ok?

Especially a group that opposes that govt.....blight is not the issue

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Not being a squishy lefty myself: Are you seriously saying the left wants to kill all jews.

Or should you bring this back to reality in saying Israel in acting as if they want peace and not doing stupid things could go further in getting it?

With the left pointing out the hypocrisy at every turn while not pointing out the Palestinians.

With the right pointing out the Syria/Egypt/Pal/Iran hypocrisy at every turn while not pointing out Israels.

or you sticking with everyone left of you is a mass murdering wannabee?

No the left just supports them for the most part. the only left leaning Liberal whose opinion on the middle east and islam I even listen to is chris hitchens. im not an atheist but he is at least an engaging speaker who is willing to debate rather than simply shout down everyone.

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