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Advice from older guys about relationships/love life?


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I got with my sons Mom when I was 24 and every reason why we were together was cause sex appeal. Now Im am single for the 1st time in 8 years and 32. I am not ever going to look for love. I am going to live my life and have fun and if I am lucky then love will find me. You can not force love.

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1. Don't give into the fantasy of "getting married". You can lead a very happy and fulfilling life living by yourself.... if you are comfortable with yourself.

And if you aren't comfortable with yourself.... you shouldn't get married anyways.

People get into relationships and marriage because they think they know what they want... and they force the issue -- and get married as quickly as possible.

The most secure relationships happen when they happen... when you aren't looking for them.

2. Be honest with yourself. Take some time to sit down... and think about your life and what you actually truly want out of it. Not what you think you want. And then go out and do it.... and don't settle for anyone or anything.

Settling for things in life is what causes the biggest problems for you down the road.

I know you said 3.... but I think you can get by with just those 2 :-)

As I told my wife.... as I've gotten older... I know myself a helluva lot better than I ever did. I'm very comfortable with who I am, where I'm going and what I want. If we ever divorce... I won't be getting married again.

Because I'm not going to be compromising anything for anyone else again.

Sound advice. Listen to it.

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My best advice I can give is that communication is the most important part of healthy relationship. Men and Women have COMPLETELY different in the ways thing thinking, feeling, doing. Be able to listen well. Learn how to not get defensive. Learn how to express yourself with as little emotion as possible. Bad communication in a relationship will almost always lead to divorce.

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I got in a serious relationship with my wife that started when I was 22 (I am 26 now). We now have our first child due in November. Although I love my wife I wish I would have taken a few years out of college for myself. I see my buddies driving nice sports cars, getting drunk and having more than one lady in the last four years. My advice is don't rush into anything. If a long term relationship is what you want, that’s what you'll get eventually. You're young and *IF* you get in a relationship where you ain't happy GET OUT FAST!! Plenty of girls out there so if one makes you unhappy dump her. It's the right thing to do for you in the long run. Also make sure you don't date stupid chicks. Yes I know all girls are emotionally stupid but don’t get stuck with a common sense dumb girl, it's just asking for trouble. I believe that all men should be with women who they feel are as smart if not smarter than them (it keeps you grounded in reality). Just by asking for advice makes you smarter than most guys your age.

I don't understand this post at all. I had more money because I got married. If nothing else, you are only paying one rent.

I did more things socially after getting married (spent less time working).

If you have this level of regret and don't have a kids, I'd suggest you go talk to somebody. Things are going to get much harder in Nov. The gap between you and your friends is going to get much larger.

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