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WP: Redskins Blog; Haynesworth wasn't ready to work out Thursday.


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At his regular Monday press conference, Mike Shanahan said his decision to hold Albert Haynesworth out of Sunday's game was partly based on mental considerations. Later in the day, during his regular weekly interview with Comcast SportsNet's Kelli Johnson, Shanahan got more specific.

While it's been widely reported that Haynesworth participated in the Redskins' Thursday practice, Shanahan said that session was essentially just a walk-through in the Dulles airport hangar due to rain, and that Haynesworth was not mentally prepared to do a conditioning workout on that day.

"Albert didn't work out for one week, then he came in and wasn't really ready to go on Thursday, at least according to him with our strength coach, getting a good workout in," Shanahan told Johnson. "Albert's like all players that have played: if you're not 100 percent really into it, especially missing one week of workouts, it's very hard to play at a high level, and you're probably gonna get hurt....

"Relative to working out with the strength coach, he just didn't feel like mentally that he was ready to do that at that time. He did something on Friday but didn't do it Thursday, so one week without conditioning, we didn't think it was very smart to put him in a situation like that."


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It will be night and day with this cat. I'll look for him to be moved after the season but until then, we'll just have to stick it out with him.

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So the practice was just a walk through, so what exactly wasn't Haynesworth mentally prepared for? Wind sprints? Weight lifting? Is this the spin as to why you didn't play him? :jerk:

Seriously, the only legit excuse for not letting him dress for the game where our defense got buttraped, is trading him before 4pm today.

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So the practice was just a walk through, so what exactly wasn't Haynesworth mentally prepared for? Wind sprints? Weight lifting? Is this the spin as to why you didn't play him? :jerk:

Seriously, the only legit excuse for not letting him dress for the game where our defense got buttraped, is trading him before 4pm today.

Why is that the only legit excuse? It's not plausible that Haynesworth wasn't of the right frame of mind to fully grasp the gameplan? That maybe since his brother had passed and he just got back to town a day after burying him football wasn't the first thing on his mind and his focus wasn't all there? Shouldn't he have a full understanding of the gameplan especially against a team and player as good as the Colts and Peyton Manning at exploiting weaknesses of a defense? We've seen how ineffective Haynesworth is when he just tries to go off and do his own thing regardless of gameplan, he may make a big play or two, but he'll also be the cause of a big play or two by not staying with his assignment and getting caught out of position.

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Why is that the only legit excuse? It's not plausible that Haynesworth wasn't of the right frame of mind to fully grasp the gameplan? That maybe since his brother had passed and he just got back to town a day after burying him football wasn't the first thing on his mind and his focus wasn't all there? Shouldn't he have a full understanding of the gameplan especially against a team and player as good as the Colts and Peyton Manning at exploiting weaknesses of a defense? We've seen how ineffective Haynesworth is when he just tries to go off and do his own thing regardless of gameplan, he may make a big play or two, but he'll also be the cause of a big play or two by not staying with his assignment and getting caught out of position.

What was the game plan? Let Peyton throw unimpeded and at the same time let the colts have the best rushing day all season?

He was there for the walk though on thursday. He was there friday. That was enough time to get their best defensive lineman up to speed.

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So the practice was just a walk through, so what exactly wasn't Haynesworth mentally prepared for? Wind sprints? Weight lifting? Is this the spin as to why you didn't play him? :jerk:

Seriously, the only legit excuse for not letting him dress for the game where our defense got buttraped, is trading him before 4pm today.

Let's say, hypothetically of course, that your boss asks you to come to work on Tuesday. However, you decide that you're going to take it easy until Thursday, despite being warned several times in the recent past about your questional commitment to the company.

Would you expect to be the Employee of the Month, upon your return?

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Let's say, hypothetically of course, that your boss asks you to come to work on Tuesday. However, you decide that you're going to take it easy until Thursday, despite being warned several times in the recent past about your questional commitment to the company.

Would you expect to be the Employee of the Month, upon your return?

His brother's funeral was on Wednesday.

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What was the game plan? Let Peyton throw unimpeded and at the same time let the colts have the best rushing day all season?

He was there for the walk though on thursday. He was there friday. That was enough time to get their best defensive lineman up to speed.

It was enough time, says who? You? Sorry if I don't really value your (un)professional opinion on that one. With all that's going through Al's head he had enough time? I could easily see him not being in the right mindset to buckle down and focus solely on what he needed to do vs. the Colts.

Also say what you want about the gameplan, but Peyton is one of the least sacked QBs in the league, not surprising we had a tough time getting to him and like Shanny said, had a few players caught balls that were right in their hands we'd be talking about how well the gameplan worked. I really don't think Haynesworth would have been a big difference maker as you seem to feel, because when his heart isn't fully there you see him put in some marginal efforts. We've seen it a few times this year, and we've seen it going back to last year ... only difference is he had an excuse to put in a marginal effort on Sunday.

I thought it was on Tuesday and he was supposed to be back by Wednesday, but he didn't come back until Thursday

That's what I heard as well.

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Exactly how difficult is it for AH to occupy two O linemen, and provide a push up the middle? Even if he got winded due to the no huddle they have these things called timeouts and Manning usually ran the clock down to 5 seconds before snapping the ball.

The scheme AH was in the 7 previous season in Tennessee when he faced the Colts twice a year must have been kindergarden like compared to the rocket science game plan for a D linemen here. :rolleyes:

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Exactly how difficult is it for AH to occupy two O linemen, and provide a push up the middle? Even if he got winded due to the no huddle they have these things called timeouts and Manning usually ran the clock down to 5 seconds before snapping the ball.

The scheme AH was in the 7 previous season in Tennessee when he faced the Colts twice a year must have been kindergarden like compared to the rocket science game plan for a D linemen here. :rolleyes:

Lorenzo Alexander said he wanted to "tap out" several times because of the pace of the Colts hurry-up offense, and he's probably in better shape than most guys on the team. Albert would have been gassed, and we NEEDED those timeouts down the stretch that we would have had to burn if Albert had played.

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I realize there was a death in his family. I'm sure our coaches have enough heart to take this into consideration. however, its obvious that SOMETHING didnt sit well with Shanahan. Putting the pieces together, its obvious that Albert took more time returning than others felt was necessary. Who knows what was said or done to make this apparent.. Do the math, though.. It's not as if Albert Haynesworth has shown no reason in the past for his character or judgement to be questioned.

Shanahan has consistently shown that hard work is rewarded with playing time. On the contrary, he also made it completely clear that if you are not commited to being a Washington Redskin, you will not see the field just because of your contract.

We all notice the changes taking place at Redskins Park. This is a more disciplined team than in years past. We're loving it, right? Afterall, we seem to be on the right track! Well then let Shanahan continue do his thing.. It's silly, imo, to reap the benefits while questioning and criticising the practice which has lead to such..

Quit being so wishy washy :P

Regardless, Hail!

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Wait, I've got it! I just figured this all out! Shanahan is actually trying to thwart his first season with the Skins, because he knows if he gets fired, he still gets paid by Snyder! THAT'S WHY HE'S NOT PLAYING ALBERT!!!!1!!!1! :silly:

Come on guys. The only coach in the league who's more tight-lipped than Shanny is Belichick. So odds are, you don't know everything, and you WON'T know everything. And Shanny wants it that way.

Shanny is not Jim Zorn, who would practically bring copies of injured players' x-rays to press conferences to show to the media.

Shanahan has a system. Not just a system of X's and O's, but a system of how to run a team. We hired him to implement his system, his approach. We were 4-12 with Albert last year. And I can guarantee you we'll have a better record this year with Shanny handling things his way. So unless you think Shanny is purposefully trying to sabotage the season, then you need to let it go and let him run his shop.

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Exactly how difficult is it for AH to occupy two O linemen, and provide a push up the middle? Even if he got winded due to the no huddle they have these things called timeouts and Manning usually ran the clock down to 5 seconds before snapping the ball.

The scheme AH was in the 7 previous season in Tennessee when he faced the Colts twice a year must have been kindergarden like compared to the rocket science game plan for a D linemen here. :rolleyes:

so, use timeouts so Haynesworth wouldn't be so winded? Yeah, makes sense too me!!! : rolling eyes:

Brillant idea!!!

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Why is that the only legit excuse? It's not plausible that Haynesworth wasn't of the right frame of mind to fully grasp the gameplan? That maybe since his brother had passed and he just got back to town a day after burying him football wasn't the first thing on his mind and his focus wasn't all there?

That was pretty much what I got from Shanahan's statement. It sounded more like AH and the coaches decided he wasn't ready to play because he wasn't mentally or emotionally ready to devote himself to a football game. I don't see what everyone is throwing their arms in the air for.

The guy's brother died, some people don't give a **** and could come to work the very next day, some people it takes weeks to get over. Not everyone is like that. People should ******* chill out. This has nothing to do with this summer, NOTHING. This is about a guy that basically raised his little brother and lost him suddenly.

The ******* funeral was like 2 hours before the game. How many *** holes here would be in a frame of mind to play a GAME or work when their brother was being burried, how about even a close friend?

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People around here think a player of Fat Al's caliber (scoff) only has to show up and dress to be a force.

Forget conditioning. Forget the scheme. Forget the game plan. Forget practice.

And Shannahan is suppoded to play AH instead of someone who knows what the hell is going on and has their head and heart in the game?

Get real! Freekin Madden players...


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I hope everyone is as resilient at actually dealing with the loss of a family member that you care about as some of you fellas are portraying yourselves behind a keyboard. Of course you view yourself as morally superior. After all, since it's Saint and Near-God Shanahan is who you're siding with. Since you view yourselves on "his side", that means that whatever your GUESSES about AH are are SELF-EVIDENTLY CORRECT.

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