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These new suspension rules, Laron Landry'd better be careful


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I think that if the nfl can pay millions on top of millions of dollars to pay players, they have money to create/improve the helmets that players have now. If they are serious about limiting head injuries, this is just one way that could help

They do a lot of research on it, but I think this new focus will get some more funding and advancement on the topic. Often the players pick their own helmets (Cooley and Sellers for example), so the players themselves can have a more active role in head protection.

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Wow. Get off the soap box. Nobody is saying tackle at 75%. Nobody is saying don't let the defense tackle. Just do it within the flow of the game responsibly. The way Robinson tackled Jackson might be legal, but what good does a tackle where both players are knocked out do to serve the NFL?

There's more than one way to tackle, otherwise you'd see every corner back in the league destroying receivers on crossing routes underneath. I mean you ever see Deion Sanders or Champ Bailey knocking somebody unconscious? They obviously know how to tackle don't they?

There is a reason why a guy like Ronnie Lott is in the hall of fame despite hitting people hard (including defenseless receivers) and a guy like Chuck Cecil was pretty much run out of the league as a player. Lott hit people hard within the flow of the game. He made big hits when it was the right play. Cecil would go out of his way looking for big hits (which seems like what alot of young players are looking to do now to make their names in the league).

I get what you are saying, but this will change HOW a player is to be tackled, much less the intensity of the "tackle".

If a receiver goes across no mans land, he is expected to be hit, thats common knowledge; BUT, a receiver, or at least one with half a brain, can move or duck in order to draw the penalty since the would-be tackler is already within a step of him.

It will happen; there will be very questionable calls by refs due to receivers intentionally trying to position himself to draw the hit, and thats where it becomes a judgement call by the refs, and more likely favoring home teams more if the crowd gets into it, or the receiver lowers his head at the last minute to draw the helmet to helmet hit. So, will the refs have to go to the replay booth to view the hits or will it be a monday/tuesday review type situation?

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There is significant research and simulations that indicate that increased protective technology actually leads to greater carelessness. Also, the pads used to be stiffer and bulkier which slowed your play down. Of course, you may remember all those guys who were special teams demons for a year or two and then fell off a cliff into oblivion.

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