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SBNation: Navy Fighter Pilot Becomes 'Romo's *****' After Outing Himself As Cowboys Fan


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Truism: Dallas Cowboys and Fans are Ghey.

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Crowston’s fellow pilots in Strike Fighter Squadron 136 first suggested "[censored]" and "Gay Boy" as potential call signs for Crowston, who was clearly not well-liked within the squadron. Worried those call signs might be too offensive (you think?) they settled on "Romo sits to pee’s *****," referring to Tony Romo sits to pee, the quarterback of Crowston’s favorite NFL team, the Dallas Cowboys.

Steers and queers, I'm telling you. But Dc knows this. This is old but worth bumping: Gay Adult Film Actor Barrett Long Claims Sex with Dallas Cowboy. Even the Urban Dictionary knows what's up: Brokeback Mountain: The Dallas Cowboys: Two of them which are named Tony Romo sits to pee and Jason Witten.

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Truism: Dallas Cowboys and Fans are Ghey.

mossomo, a bit of advice. We tend to ignore race, creed, religion or sexual orientation when it comes to posting in the ATN.

Instead, we like to dwell on puke fans' inability to deal with reality, especially when it comes to the weaknesses of their team.

That is ALWAYS fair game.

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mossomo, a bit of advice. We tend to ignore race, creed, religion or sexual orientation when it comes to posting in the ATN.

Instead, we like to dwell on puke fans' inability to deal with reality, especially when it comes to the weaknesses of their team.

That is ALWAYS fair game.

I thought it was cute light-hearted fun. Especially with UD outing them. And a gay cowboys forum, man that's classic.

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Not even gonna ask how you know this.


It's a reasonably well known thing.

Redskins fans make fun of the Cowboys for being gay, but were one of the first teams with a known gay man. They also make fun of Irvin's drug use, when one of their all time greats http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_Manley was banned from the NFL for cocaine usage.

it's just one of those things.

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The harassment began in August 2009, says Crowston, 36, when his fellow officers called him into a room for a review of call signs, a military moniker that easily identifies a service member. He says his name was written on a whiteboard with a list of call sign recommendations: “Cowboy,” “Gay Boy,” “Fagmeister,” “Cowgirl,” “Romo sits to pee’s *****,” “TO,” “Terrell Owens” and “Redskins.”


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