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A Movie that Sucked: Dear John


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I happened to be on a plane today and saw this movie. Fortunately for me I have my own things I listen to so I just paid attention to the video; wise move. Even without the audio it was painfully obvious this movie sucked and was full of cliche. Was the plot written by a 15-year old who has no understanding of how things work in the "real world"? Dude, you're in the Army; dude, you're not even *married* to the girl; dude, you know that girl would have 1034583 other guys after her and one of them would eventually offer something you don't, by the way you played your character stiff and emotionless, oh another reason for her to dump you, especially with your psychotic anger management issues. Oh and if girls acted as slutty as she did, I think it must've been like the fifth date or something. And really, there are people who surf in South Carolina like it's California? Why didn't you freakin' just leave the Army, I'm pretty sure you have that choice.. it must be like what; 4 years or something and you can choose to get out and re-up. You chose to stay in, so you could further avoid the hot-chick?

And then everything works out magically in the end, except for the dead father and husband; oh but we didn't really care about them after all... lame...

(Okay, I read the plot online to fit all the pieces of the movie together... who writes this crud?)

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It's not really fair to over-analyze a chick flick, let alone one based on a Nicholas Sparks' novel and screenplay (who himself believes that Cormac McCarthy is a pretentious, overrated author). I mean, he's basically the Stephanie Meyer of romance stories, so you're working with crap to begin with.

I saw Dear John in theaters a few months ago with my (at the time ) girlfriend. For a sappy chick flick/date movie it's not that horrible.

Channing Tatum is pretty bad, because he plays everything so flat and he mumbles so many of his lines. The whole thing doesn't really turn south until the last act though, but my girlfriend told me that the book makes more sense, they just changed a lot for the movie.

That's a rough movie to play on a flight.

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