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You 5 Favorite Movies Of All Time


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Not in any order (and subject to change - every hour or so):



Forrest Gump


Saving Private Ryan

Since no one has mentioned a cartoon/comp animated feature in their top 5.....I'm going to add Shrek as 5b

Others (some not necessarily potential top 5 or top 10, just some I thought worth mentioning):

Star Wars tril

Indiana Jones tril


Robin Hood Men in Tights

Dude, HUUUGE props for putting Unbreakable on there. Although I would not put it in my personal top five, I loved the movie. I couldn't believe so many people hated it.

:cheers: I don't understand it either...The Truman Show also...it wasn't that bad.

Jurrasic Park I and II

Rat Race


The Star Trek series

James Bond series

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Only 5???? I'm not a movie goer and I can't stop at 5....

I'd almost have t break it down by catagory... Westerns, war, sci-fi....

I agree with some on the lists; Glory, The untouchables, The Thing, Matrix, LOTR, Braveheart, Blade Runner, Rob Roy, Mister Roberts. etc. [i wish the Mister Roberts sequel (ensign Pulver) was available on dvd.....]

Here's a few not listed (on not observed):

Operation Petticoat (old Cary Grant comedy)

Father Goose (old Cary Grant comedy)

The Devils Brigade

Stargate (I'm a sci-fi/fantasy buff....)

El dorado (John Wayne western)

The Fugitive (harrison ford)

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OK, not including all the movies already listed above, here are some of my favorites:

West Side Story

It's a Wonderful Life

Usual Suspects

Shawshank Redemption


A Few Good Men

The Green Mile

The Sting


(No way I can pick just 5!)

I really love Princess Bride... glad to see it on so many lists!

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5 - Jaws

4 - Saving Private Ryan

3 - Cool Hand Luke

2 - The Godfather

1 - The Godfather Part II

Honorable mentions: Pulp Fiction, Usual Suspects, Gladiator, Braveheart, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Bull Durham

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Damn a lot of good movies and I could probably make a Top 5 for every catagory of film. Here are 5 movies I just love in no real particular order:

Rushmore - I just love Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson movies, all 3, and this one has got to be my favourite.

Unforgiven - My dad was a Clint fan and seeing all his films made me one and this movie was Clint on top of his game.

Ocean's Eleven (2001) - I don't know what it is about this film but I can just watch it over and over, no problem.

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels - Snatch is good but this is the film that makes you wonder why a talented guy like Guy Ritchie married Madonna.

Lord of the Rings - I can't believe the masterpeice Peter Jackson is making in New Zealand. Bring a book I love to life on the screen.

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In no particular order:

1. Ronin

2. O Brother, Where Art Thou?

3. The Matrix

4. Christmas Vacation (though I only watch it between Thanksgiving and New Years

5. Payback

As with most other people, this is just an approximation, leaving out the series (Star Wars, Bond, Austin Powers, etc)

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Top 5 movies (in no particular order):

Star Wars-hey, Lucas defined my childhood.

Lord of the Rings- going to be the greatest trilogy EVER.

The Breakfast Club- I can watch, and quote, this film forever.

BlackHawk Down-

The Usual Suspects- AWESOME movie..end of story.

Actually, I wouldn't say those are my five top films, but they are the ones I think of off the top of my head.

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1) The Godfather - The apex of American filmmaking. Absolute perfection.

2) The Godfather II - Almost as good as I, but not as compact and a bit too wordy and jumbled at parts.

3) Requiem for a Dream - The most disturbing flick I've ever seen. This had me up for weeks. Should be shown in every high school. It'll keep kids off drugs, without a doubt.

4) American Beauty - Powerful and brilliantly acted. Sticks with you long after you leave the theater.

5) Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - Gorgeous scenery and wonderful intertwining of action and romance.

Honorable mention: The Matrix - Incredible action and fantastic plot; the sci-fi cheese got to me a little bit, though. The scenes inside the Matrix totally outshine the "real world" scenes.

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Avoiding the whole godfather/star wars/schindlers/shawshank thing.... let's give some love to a couple of black and white flicks. I couldnt remotely pare down to a top 5 list, so here are some random "great" flicks.

12 Angry Men (the original, obviously)


And finish off with three quirky ones (Although two of them have already gotten much love from extremeskins)

Princess Bride


Office Space

..and on only a slight tangent, has anyone here seen Donnie Darko? What a great, effed up movie.

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How the hell did I neglect to put the Lord of the Rings on there? It's maybe the only movie I saw 5 times in the theater. Sheesh.

But lots of people have made some great additions. I can't really say what my FAVORITES are, some are great comedies while others reach deep into my emotional wellspring. Others are great fun, with a little heart as well.

Golgo-13, thanks for the props. Honestly, I LOVED that movie*Unbreakable* and I can't believe the negative reactions I get from people either. It is THE best superhero origin story, it takes its time(Night takes a little too much time, but it works in this film) and you care about everyone involved. The way it touches on the choices we make, finding a purpose(if it weren't for the choice he resented, choosing love over football, David never would have found his greater purpose) and the way most of us perceive our fathers--as superheroes.

Having the man who mentored him and revealed his place in the world be the man who was also the "villain" was a brilliant stroke. It really is MUCH better than Sixth Sense or Signs, and better than the other superhero movies that have been out, if different.

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Originally posted by CrankyTodd

..and on only a slight tangent, has anyone here seen Donnie Darko? What a great, effed up movie.

Oh yea, I have watched that one a couple of times. Just when you think you have it figured out you think a little more and feel yourself starting to go crosseyed again. Cool movie though.

Originally posted by GhostofWoodsonReturns

Golgo-13, thanks for the props. Honestly, I LOVED that movie*Unbreakable* and I can't believe the negative reactions I get from people either. It is THE best superhero origin story, it takes its time(Night takes a little too much time, but it works in this film) and you care about everyone involved. The way it touches on the choices we make, finding a purpose(if it weren't for the choice he resented, choosing love over football, David never would have found his greater purpose) and the way most of us perceive our fathers--as superheroes.

Having the man who mentored him and revealed his place in the world be the man who was also the "villain" was a brilliant stroke. It really is MUCH better than Sixth Sense or Signs, and better than the other superhero movies that have been out, if different.

Mos def, I love the symbolism in that movie. The movie is all about sublties, which I really appreciate but I think the general public may not. The little facial expressions of Sam Jackson, etc. just made it awesome. I don't buy lots of movies but I picked that one up right when it first came out.

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scarface-3 pgs and no one mentioned it????

pulp fiction-tarantino at his finest


braveheart-good for the man ego

the serpent & the rainbow-twisted suspense voodoo thriller/true story?


silence of the lambs



good fellas

full metal jacket


saving pr.ryan

spinal tap

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Originally posted by fezzik

Rushmore - I just love Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson movies, all 3, and this one has got to be my favourite.

i just didn't enjoy that movie....i was really surprised as I expected to love it. Probably set my expectations too high.

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Tough call, but I'll go with

1. Pulp Fiction - Like no film before or after it

2. Rounders - Don't mess with KGB

3. Meet the Parents - Gets funnier every time(Zoolander gets special consideration because Ben Stiller is really, really, ridiculously good looking:) )

4. Snatch - great acting, story, and cinematography.

5. The Matrix - broke new ground in the SE category

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Originally posted by skinsanity56

scarface-3 pgs and no one mentioned it????

pulp fiction-tarantino at his finest


braveheart-good for the man ego

the serpent & the rainbow-twisted suspense voodoo thriller/true story?

Oh yeah!!! how can I left out Scareface??


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