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Twitter accounts?

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Nothing at all, I just don't see the importance of it, or need for it. It seems like what I said earlier in this thread.

Get Twitter to follow noted celebrities such as the Sklar Brothers, Andrew Siciliano. There is no need for me to follow the common man on Twitter, only celebrities to see what comical things they will say.

Pete Carroll used to tweet all the time but since he went to the NFL his twitter has been pretty much inactive...I know Seth Greenberg tweets a lot, during the offseason he was tweeting about the Yankees and baseball :ols:

Twitter has played an important role in today's modern society, as evidenced by the couple who Conan refered to on his Twitter account. "Sarah blah blah blah your life is about to change", then she gets all this money and funding for her wedding from anonymous strangers she's never met.

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So since I started this farce, I guess I need to ask, how do you respond to someone's tweet? Is it simply putting RT and the @ + their username? Like I said, I'm a noob....:D:D:D

just @username with no spaces anywhere in your tweet will let them see it with their search

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Man this is awesome... Thanks everyone for responding, I'll make sure I add you ALL!!!

Now all RIM needs to do is get the Twitter app for BlackBerry going so I have INSTANT updates....

Any way to get this thread stickied?!?!?!?! ;)

There are plenty of twitter apps for blackberry.

Try these-



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