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Jerrah pic, add your comments, jokes, gasps,etc....


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What happened to Jerry Jones? It looks like he went in search of the Holy Grail with Indiana Jones but drank from the wrong cup.
Is that Fire Marshall Bill's dad?

LMAO I thought about both of these almost immediately too esp firemarshall bill



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``He’s not a compassionate person, not a compassionate person at all from what I understand. And that makes me just want to pummel somebody. You know, you hate to see pride, wearing itself on his forehead and his chest. And to me, arrogance sticks out like a sore thumb when you talk about him. And the lack of compassion for others is a problem. Because it's not that hard to be compassionate; you just choose to.''

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This is Redskins related how?

Belongs in ATN.

uh no, as it's been pointed out several times to you, and a few posters who want to try and make something out of nothing.....

All joke threads with rivals as the intended target, is very much Redskin fan related. Just as the Drunk Eli, or weekly opponent look a like threads. Look and you will see a thread about Emmit Smith busted trying to steal the SB 44 coin.

It is not a news article, nor a topic related directly to another team. It is purely for entertaining redskins fan.

This has been a time honored ES tradition, and this constant nitpicking is neither warranted, nor appreciated.

Being a staff member I know the rules, but if you must try and correct me, pm a mod about the thread as the correct board procedure, just click the little white triangle with an exclamation point inside icon on the left.

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