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AP - Senate GOP leader says budget impasse to end soon

The Evil Genius

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There were 2,000 federal transportation workers furloughed without pay on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

The result of the furlough was major capital projects not being worked on for two days. While 2 days doesn't sound like a lot -it could majorly increase project costs.

And for what - so a Senator could grandstand?

That had nothing to do with this Vote. In fact, that shouldn't even be a part of this vote. The bill was to extend Unemployment benefits. It should not have been to pay salaries for Federal Employees. That is part of the Budget, which is controlled by Congress. If these workers were out of work, it's because pork was added to the bill instead of appropriated as it should have been. Thats kind of the problem right?

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That had nothing to do with this Vote. In fact, that shouldn't even be a part of this vote. The bill was to extend Unemployment benefits. It should not have been to pay salaries for Federal Employees. That is part of the Budget, which is controlled by Congress. If these workers were out of work, it's because pork was added to the bill instead of appropriated as it should have been. Thats kind of the problem right?

Wrong. Epically wrong at that.

The bill did many things. One of them was extend funding for highway projects. 40+ capital projects were stopped for 2 days. Other things the bill did (other than extend unemployment payments and extend highway funding for capital projects) was:

  • Provide unemployed people subsidies to help pay health premiums through the COBRA program.

  • Spared doctors a 20+ % cut in Medicare payments.

  • Extended a small business loan program

  • Extended the National Flood Insurance Program

  • Extended the copyright license used by satellite television providers.

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From the above post: Spared doctors a 20+ % cut in Medicare payments.

Holy crap.. they put the doctor fix bill in the unemployment bennies?

But its not good enough to put in the Healthcare bill?

The House on Thursday approved the so-called "doc fix," a $210 billion plan to keep doctors who treat Medicare patients from experiencing severe cuts in their annual federal reimbursements.

its not a tiny bill.

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Wrong. Epically wrong at that.

The bill did many things. One of them was extend funding for highway projects. 40+ capital projects were stopped for 2 days. Other things the bill did (other than extend unemployment payments and extend highway funding for capital projects) was:

  • Provide unemployed people subsidies to help pay health premiums through the COBRA program.

  • Spared doctors a 20+ % cut in Medicare payments.

  • Extended a small business loan program

  • Extended the National Flood Insurance Program

  • Extended the copyright license used by satellite television providers.

I am not wrong. The fact of the matter is that all of this external stuff should have been a part of the Budget or seperate Bills. This is precisely why Bunning did what he did. All of this should not just be deficit spending. The idea that it should be tagged onto this bill is what is wrong with our Government. Had this been done correctly, those people would not have been out of work at all.

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The Paygo Fraud

By Jay Ambrose

When a White House statement refers to a "bedrock principle," it means something slushy and soft and not really a principle at all, but a gimmick, still one more fraud to fool the public, a joke of the kind that must keep presidential aides rolling on the floor in laughter at all the fools who cheer them on.

The "principle" referred to was what would bind Congress if it passed a pay-as-you go law: It could then "only spend a dollar if it saves a dollar elsewhere." But when the legislation actually became law and Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky tried to have Congress observe its provisions, the Democrats were outraged and Vice President Joe Biden portrayed the Republican in one reported interview as inhumane.

At a cost of $10 billion, the legislation extended unemployment and Cobra health benefits. Fine, said Bunning. Let's do this thing. But first, under this new law, we either have to cut some equivalent cost or raise taxes to pay for it, he said. At this point came the deluge: Biden, Democratic members of Congress and lefty commentators all over the lot carried on about how he was going to make families suffer for the sake of, well, in so many words, his ideological idiocy and lack of compassion.

He was doing no such thing, of course, and it wasn't his fault either when the government said it would find the money for these new benefits by furloughing federal workers with no compensation and would stop reimbursing state highway projects. This move was a despicable ploy to put pressure on Bunning instead of admitting the truth that those standing in the way of the benefits were those reneging on a promise to abide by the White House-enunciated, "bedrock" paygo principle......

Click Link for rest of Article.


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