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So no Betts/Watson

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Who do we like on Saturday? The Sultan? "I can outrun a cheetah" Morton?

Spurrier said that the Redskins will be without Ladell Betts (sprained elbow) and perhaps fellow tailback Kenny Watson (sprained knee) in Saturday's preseason opener at Carolina. That would leave Chad Morton, Robert Gillespie and Sultan McCullough playing after starter Trung Canidate. The injuries to Betts and Watson have put the Redskins' tailback competition on hold, but Spurrier said he hopes that both players will practice next week and play in the second exhibition game on Aug. 16 against the New England Patriots at FedEx Field . . .

I'm looking forward to getting a firsthand looksi at McCullough, myself.

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Trung Canidate/Chad Morton is what I cant wait to see in live action!!

Mainly I would like to see good protection, and run blocking out of the O-Line!! How about a disruptive D-Line... That would be nice also!!


Skin 4 Life

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Well that isn't too bad. I mean we have seen Watson & Betts in REAL GAMES already, so we have a basic idea of what they bring to the RB position and no one has said anything about them being drastically different. Trung/Morton/Rooks, sounds good to me.

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Yah, I am mostly making the trip to the sportsbar because I want to see Ramsey. I know he won't be in the game long enough to put up these huge impressive numbers, but I am eager to see him on the field as a leader of the team. I want to see what kind of presence he is leading the team in the huddle. Stuff like that.

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Since there hasn't been a whole lot of work done on the running game yet, I don't expect much in the way of results against Carolina. It may be a defensive-type game with a lot of 3-and-outs until they can get used to game-speed timing. I would expect to see more draws, toss plays and screens or swing passes to Trung and Chad instead of up-the-gut running.

If the O-Line gets off to a slow start and Ramsey gets rushed, I would only expect to see him for 2-3 series. If he has time to throw but is a little off on his timing, I would expect at least a quarter and maybe just a little more. If he looks good and we score on consecutive possessions, he's out of there. I really think Steve-O is gonna play it by ear instead of sticking to a schedule where Ramsey is concerned.

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