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NFL Network: Holmgren not signing with the Browns


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Holmgren was the studio analyser here in the UK on our weekly sunday night NFL live coverage. He was asked about the Redskins and would he be interested in coming here if Zorn was replaced and he said no. He also commented that he did not think Gruden or Shanahan would come as well and when Snyder was mentioned he had the look on his face of someone who had stood in a turd. This was a few weeks ago but he cleary hates Dan Snyder.

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Even if Holmgren liked DC, I think if he came in he'd have to deal with the fact that the most vocal Redskins fans dislike Zorn. Would he fire a former member of his staff? Afterall, Zorn would then just become an extension of Holmgren, which is what Holmgren would want, right?

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No, actually Im not. He came in to do a job and failed at it. This team has looked somewhat competent, and at times pretty good, ever since Zorn hasnt had anything to do besides throw the red flag. He'll will have had two years to show improvement, and it has not happened. I dont see how he's been treated poorly.

even if you think that the team's record means Zorn should be fired, and that is a valid position, the way Zorn has been treated is indefensible. like Holmgren said, FIRE HIM, don't publicly humiliate him and hope he quits. that's not alright.

Zorn may deserve to be fired, but he doesn't deserve to be treated the way he has been.

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