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WPC: Vindicating Vinny


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The hate for Vinny is more symbolic then based on performance. People just want him gone because of his relationship with Danny Boy. Actually the last couple of drafts have not been bad. Given another good draft this year, and we're probably on to something.

This team is short of a strong coach with a strong presence.

Also, short of total putrid play this entire season, he's not going anywhere. The team has been competitive and if they win two out of the last three, which is possible, he stays. I think if they're competitive and put up points he will stay. The real problem with the team they just don't know how to win. They don't have swag.

Vinny has been "The Man" for two years. And, Jason is not his selection. I think where Vinny made his misstep is in selecting Zorn. He took a risk with the guy and it hasn't worked out. I think he thinks Zorn has made him look bad, and that this team should be performing better.

Ironically since Sherm came in as offensive coordinator he's getting the best out of the talent, something Zorn wasn't able to do.

Vinny to me, needs at least another year to fully judge him. The one thing the coaching staff finally seems to be doing is putting players in position to suit their strengths and not because they're compensating for over positions.

Moving Landry back to strong safety. Moving Rak back to DE. Moving M.Williams to guard. What happens, better production because those players are playing at their strenghts.

I also think at a deep level, Vinny and Danny know when they win -- all will be good. All bygones will be forgotten and -- you know what . . . they're right. Vinny was an apprentice under the Debartolo/Walsh/Seifert era and wants to bring that era to Washington with Danny. They dream it.

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That was one of the most well-written, well-thought out, and thorough rebuttals I've seen on this board in a long time.

And towards someone who has consistently beat the drum in favor of Snyder, Vinny, and the status quo as far back as I can remember.

Keep up the good work. It's important that fans see the situation for what it is and to not let blind loyalty as a fan (as hard as that may be) distort reality.


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Thanks so much for the compliment. You're too kind. However in all fairness, Longshot makes it so easy it's almost like shooting homers in a barrel. :)

I don't have much time these days so I figure that if I'm going to say something, it ought to be worth reading.

With that said, I'll be the first to sing Snyder's praises if/when he starts doing things the right way, even if it doesn't translate to wins on the field for a while. Just as we've made our displeasure known about the mismanagement, I think it's equally important, (perhaps more so) to make our approval and support known if Snyder gets the message and does the right thing.

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... I think it's equally important, (perhaps more so) to make our approval and support known if Snyder gets the message and does the right thing.

Approval will come in the form of increased ticket and merchandise sales.

Also, the press (both local and national) will take notice and report it in kind.

That is how Snyder will know.

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