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Worried the Eagles might win the big one...


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I am becoming increasingly worried that the Eagles are going to win the SB. I was hoping for some quality rebuttal, but so far haven't been able to find it. <br /><br />Why the concern? I live in heart of Eagle land, and quite frankly, might have to shoot myself if they manage it. <br /><br />I think the Bears (as where the Bucs) are the perfect matchup. McNabb returns home to light it up. <br /><br />And if the Eagles play the Rams in the conferance championship, I think they would have a shot, albeit remote. They played them to the wire in the season opener. I think the Eagles D can really slow the Rams (not sure about that in the dome though) and McNabb can hurt them with broken plays for big gains. <br /><br />Help me out here guys, I don't want to go through this!<br /> <br /> [ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: MikeB ]

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I feel your pain Mike. My dad is a diehard Eagles fan since they drafted Donovan McNabb. He's a huge Syracuse fan, which he and Donovan both attended, as well as me. I refuse to jump on their bandwagon just because of one player, albeit I loved Donny when he was at SU. But hey, he's an Eagle now.<br /><br />If the Eagles win the SB, He'll be shoving it down my throat for years.

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Guest fuji869

No kidding could you picture how ****y those Philly Fans would be if they one the Vince Lombardi Trophy!!!! I mean they are already bad enough. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="eek.gif" /> <br /><br />I just hope da Bears can knock them off in the Windy City this Saturday.<br /><br />Da Bears: seven hundred and eighty-tree<br />Da Eagles: tree<br />To quote the Saturday Night Live Super Fans! <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /><br /> <br /> [ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: fuji869 ]

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I do not want the Eagles to win the Super Bowl. But, I wouldn't mind them making it for the pride of the East. I think they'll hammer Chicago and give the Rams a game they can win. But, they don't stand a chance against the AFC <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />And, the benefit of this is, the fans will be ****y and we can tell them the story of the Giants and mock them for failing in the big one and trot our our victories all the better.

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Mike - You lend far too much credit to the birds from the City of Brotherly Love (what a crock THAT is.)<br /><br />They played well last weekend. Big deal. They haven't put together two good offensive games in a row that I can recall. They certainly won't put together four.<br /><br />I see the Chicago game as a pick'em. But even if they manage to get into the NFC Championship Game I believe they would lose quite handily to either St. Louis or Green Bay.<br /><br />Look back over their season. They haven't beaten many decent teams.<br /><br />Fear not, friend. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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Any thought of the Eagles being favorites at this point to go on and win the Super Bowl are based on the mistaken assumption that a large victory over an average at best team in Tampa is an indication of how strong the Philly boys are.<br /><br />The fact remains that the Bucs were the perfect opponent for the Eagles (who beat them last year by 17+ as well) because they don't have an offense that can score points in the red zone and don't have an offensive line or rushing attack that can put pressure on the Eagles smallish defensive front.<br /><br />I wouldn't be surprised if the Eagles eeked out a win over Chicago, although the odds are probably just 50/50. It is a toss-up game.<br /><br />But as others have noted, McNabb is not surrounded by superior talent in the backfield or at receiver and that shows in games against elite teams where the Eagles face good corners and linebackers with the speed to spy Donovan on the run.

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A Chart:<br /><br />Philly - Solid pass D, flowing LB's with Trotter leading. D-Line can have off days.<br />Offense - McNabb is 40% (slow or stop him and you eventually will make the defense tired).<br />ST - good and Mitchell's always Hungry<br />Difference Makers will be on the Pass defense, and ST's. The Bears have a better control on Staley and McNabb running the ball, thus forcing him to throw in a "made just for him" Bears pass coverage. The will take away deep patterns and use numerous disguises when he passes.<br /><br />Chicago - Solid D-line, flowing LB's also, but Urlacher is allowed to free lance more than Trotter. Pass defense is active can make big plays. ST-good, about the same as the Eagles.<br />Difference Makers in this game are on the Bears team: Urlacher, A-Train (Thomas), Miller, Terrell, Offensive Line<br /><br />I see the Eagles struggling in this game, but their D doing their best to keep it close. This one will be a defensive game and the kicks are on the house.<br /><br />Chicago 19 Eagles 12<br /><br />Rams - Offense period. got it. defense is improved and makes the plays when they have to. ST's spearheaded by Akim can do damage also.<br />No need for roll call. Just come to play.<br />Difference makers: Rams pass defense, D-Line, Faulk, Warner, Bruce, ST<br /><br />Green Bay - No doubt, if I could get a ticket to this game, I would have to chuck a large portion of my salary to see it up close! Favre and Warner present us a look into a type of Joe Namath vs. Bart Starr matchup. Other than that, the Pack must excert their best effort to date to match the onslaught of the high powered Rams. If anyone can do it and keep control of the ball, it's the Packers. The D-Line is playing solid, the LB's are quick and can bring it. However, Faulk will have these dogs gaspiing for air by the 4th. Favre could have a very bad game, if Martz crosses the Pack up with quick scores and then a deliberate grind it out style for a couple of series, maybe not even by design.<br /><br />That would spell doom for what is definitely the heir apparent to the NFC crown between them.<br />difference makers in this one: Favre, Green, Defense<br /><br />Unforseen - Packers 28 Rams 27<br /> <br /> [ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: indyskinsfan ]

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I wouldn't worry about this one guys. The fact remains that DMac is a terrible passer. Watching passes fall at the feet of running backs not ten yards away doesn't convince me that the eagles have a strong offense worthy of comparison to the rams. I'd put a lot more faith in the bears at this point.<br /><br />-DB

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Even if the Eagles beat the Bears, which I doubt, they cannot beat the Rams inside or the Pack outside, it just ain't gonna happen. Like others have said, their number of quality wins is small. And you really can't count on McNabb to win three straight wins against good Ds by himself.

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I don't know. If the Eagles can pull out a victory here, do you think it's terribly unlikely the Pack will pull off a victory against the Rams? In that senario, the Eagles could be playing at home for a chance to go to the Super Bowl.<br /><br />I hate to admit it, but I find myself hoping the Eagles make it to the big game. Think about it this way: everytime somebody says NFC least, we'd be able to ask where the last 2 NFC superbowl representatives have come from.<br /><br />The other team I find myself cheering for is the Ravens. <br /><br />It's not that I like the teams. Heck, I'll get heeps of grief from my family if the Eagles go anywhere, and my girlfriends a Ravens fan (silly Baltimore people), but I still like the ex-Redskins on those teams. I'd like to see Brian Mitchel get to a superbowl again. James THrash was a favorite of mine too. I also cann't stop cheering for Terry Allen. Everytime I think he's washed up, he comes back and has a productive year.

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You're probably worried just because you're getting a constant bombardment of bluster from the local fans. It must be horrible, like having Eagle_Lou and Eagletistic as roomates <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="eek.gif" /> . <br /><br />Though I favor Chicago, I wouldn't be shocked if they managed to squeak past the Bears. If they do, brace yourself, because the level of idiocy will go through the roof. After that though, they'll end up getting humiliated in St. Louis or losing a closer game at home against the Pack. Then you can get a big bag of salt and start pouring it into their wounds <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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Hey MikeB, how many times have you heard this E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles this week? How back that catchy little Fly Eagles Fly tune? Guess what, you'll hear both twice as many times this week. Your pain will quadruple.<br /><br />Body Bag II in St Louis next week. bye bye Curt, bye bye Jamie. <br />The fog has lifted, we owe the Rams one for Buddy and it's back to N.O. to get the Lombardi we left there in 81.<br /><br />Is this what you were talking about? <br />BTW, when that dope Spurrier puts in that redneck version of the chuck and duck you'll be lucky to get bye with 5 QBs a season. You can't run that nonsense in the NFL.

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Hey none, <br /><br />The Eagles won, your post was fun. <br /><br />And your insights stun ... like verbal runs.<br /><br />Now get along son, your quota's done.<br /><br />Sheesh. You'd think there'd be ONE evolved past cro-magnon. <br /><br />Just one.

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I'm happy the Eagles are where they are in the playoffs. It shows without a shadow of a doubt that the NFC Central was a weak division with a couple of winning teams because they got to beat up on weak sisters like Detroit and Minnesota. I just like when the NFC East does well <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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