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NPR: Muggers give wallet back to reservist


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Thought this was a funny story on Veterans Day, heard it on NPR on the drive to work this morning. I guess there still are some honorable thieves. :D

Four men stopped a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student at gunpoint Tuesday and grabbed his wallet. When one of them took a moment to look through the wallet, he found a military ID. The student was an Army reservist. The muggers apologized, and thanked the reservist for his service. They returned the wallet and gave the man a fist bump.


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What wonders of compartmentalization the human mind is capable of---how is it robbing a likely poor college student is A-OK but when you found out that person is a reservist in the military, not only do you decide not to rob him but you thank him for his service!?

How about thanking other people for being alive and trying to improve themselves and not robbing them? If you're desperate for cash in these "tough economic times" might I suggest stealing from organizations that might be able to afford it more. Robbery of the average citizen just doesn't pay like it used to, so why risk heavy prison sentences when there's shoplifting that could be done? Not that it would be right but at least you would be showing some sense and a smidge of honor.

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What wonders of compartmentalization the human mind is capable of---how is it robbing a likely poor college student is A-OK but when you found out that person is a reservist in the military, not only do you decide not to rob him but you thank him for his service!?

How about thanking other people for being alive and trying to improve themselves and not robbing them? If you're desperate for cash in these "tough economic times" might I suggest stealing from organizations that might be able to afford it more. Robbery of the average citizen just doesn't pay like it used to, so why risk heavy prison sentences when there's shoplifting that could be done? Not that it would be right but at least you would be showing some sense and a smidge of honor.

I'm not sure which is more true, your comment or your sig quote. :D

The thing that struck me about this story is the complexity of the human mind. That someone capable of doing such wrong could also do something so right. We are a strange species.

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What wonders of compartmentalization the human mind is capable of---how is it robbing a likely poor college student is A-OK but when you found out that person is a reservist in the military, not only do you decide not to rob him but you thank him for his service!?

I found myself wondering something a bit different: what would these thieves have done had the victim been, say, a modern-day Edward Jenner -- the man whose smallpox vaccine has prevented blindness, disfigurement, and death in literally hundreds of millions of people (and perhaps more than that)? They probably would have had zero chance of recognizing him in the first place.

Renown and worthiness don't really line up too well in our culture.

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