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I am amazed


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It's not what I believe it is a fact. I can't stop you from being inaccurate and slamming fans that want an improved organization, so by all means continue.

Too bad we already have one of your fellow so called fans saying screw the players in another thread

See I remember the off season when Dan was getting kudos for sticking with the coach even after we missed the playoffs, if he had fired him and things were going this way people would have ****ed and moaned about lack of stability. I alos remember when he was looking for a coach and people thought they needed their voice heard and we got Zorn how is that working for us?

So excuse me if I trust Snyder more than I trust a group of retards whose lively hood is not tied to the success of the team.

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Too bad we already have one of your fellow so called fans saying screw the players in another thread

See I remember the off season when Dan was getting kudos for sticking with the coach even after we missed the playoffs, if he had fired him and things were going this way people would have ****ed and moaned about lack of stability. I alos remember when he was looking for a coach and people thought they needed their voice heard and we got Zorn how is that working for us?

So excuse me if I trust Snyder more than I trust a group of retards whose lively hood is not tied to the success of the team.

You need to find more appropriate nouns with which to address your fellow members.

Idea: Instead of plodding blindly along, throwing infinite funds at a clearly dysfunctional organization, why not consider the possibility that we're not the first ones that have been stuck in a rut created by an ignorant, arrogant, egotistical owner - and that we are the ones that can bring change.

Shmessy says:

Look, Lindsay, you seem like a good kid, but you are in denial.

The entire problem comes down to the owner. You can throw up your hands and claim “There’s nothing we can do about it”, but there is.

You can refuse to park in his lots. You can refuse to buy concessions at the game. You can refuse to buy his licensed merchandise.

I’m a Patriots fan from Boston. We boycotted Victor Kiam and John Orthwein – - we hit them in the pocketbook.

Now, we have a decent human being as an owner, a man who greets the fans in the parking lots and respects his customers. A man who made mistakes early on with being too meddlesome and had the SENSITIVITY to learn from it and change his style.

If you don’t take some personal responsibility, then you deserve the mistreatment you are receiving under the little turd’s foot. And you will suffer it for 40+ years.

It’s up to you.


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Actually the belief that any fan besides Kraft had anything to do with the sale to Kraft is at best a pipe dream.

The man who sold the Pats to Kraft was the one that brought in Parcells and helped their forutnes, he got it from Kiam because Kiam owned him millions.

John Orthwein did not want the team in NE he wanted to move it St Louis but Kraft owned the staduim and the lease the Pats had.

See Kraft like Dan was a fan first

The owner before him wanted the team to fail so he could move them he was not a fan

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I confess I don't know the intimate details of what went on in New England.

But I can assure you I'm not going to stand idly and watch what happened the last ten years continue into the next ten years.

I also remember articles from two years ago that basically said Vinny and Zorn were given two years

You think things will remain the same if we miss the playoff two years in a row?

No one was complaining when he brought Joe back and no one was complaining when we were 6-2 last year

No one seemed to mind when we land Haynesworth here

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Originally Posted by DRSmith

So excuse me if I trust Snyder more than I trust a group of ******'s whose lively hood is not tied to the success of the team.

DrSmith, please join me in eradicating this terrible slur.

As some of you know I have a special needs child and I'm sure you don't mean any harm to him or others like him. That is why I feel that I can make this request. Thanks. Not really calling anyone out here, just trying to be a good daddy! :point2sky

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